Counterintuitive way to deal with difficult people in your life

Hello beautiful friends, today I will talk about a counterintuitive way to deal with difficult people in your life, but first…

Tomorrow is my favorite holiday: a day specifically dedicated to being thankful, isn’t that amazing? While research shows that gratitude improves our health, changes our life outlook and makes us happier – I often find that it is difficult to practice daily gratitude. Whatever your plans are for tomorrow, find few minutes to write the things you are grateful for.

I am personally grateful for all of you. Knowing that you appreciate these messages inspires me to do this work and I feel so blessed and utterly grateful to have you all as part of my community. Thank you of being here, for wanting to make this world a better place and for inspiring me daily.

Now, I have a super juicy video for all of you. In case you have to deal with any difficult people this holiday season or any other time in your life, I am sharing a trick that has served me well for years. Here is a video explaining an unusual way to deal with those annoying people in your life:)

Click on the video below and watch.

Please share if you know of anyone who would appreciate the message.

Much love to you all,


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