How to turn misfortune into a blessing

How to turn misfortune into a blessing

by | Oct 7, 2015 | YouTube Video

I want to share with you some of my tips on how to turn misfortune into a blessing, an opportunity to grow, learn and turn into something good.

No matter who you are, where you are and what you do – you will run into some kind of misfortune. It may affect you directly or indirectly and sometimes, it may completely shake our beliefs in ourselves and others. Often, however, these misfortunes may hide gifts in it and I would like to give you some examples of how you may turn something unfortunate into something you can learn from and grow from.

And, you never know – it just may the thing you needed to turn your life around. I say this because all of the misfortunes in my life taught me about myself and forced me to become more authentic, more honest and more grateful. I think that’s a great outcome and I want the same for you!

Click on the video below and watch.

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Much love to you all,


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