Financial Planning with Whitney Emmanuel

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Jasna Burza
Well, I’m so excited. Whitney, welcome to Business Spotlight.

Whitney Emmanuel
Thank you.

Jasna Burza
I’m just so excited to have these.

Whitney Emmanuel
I’m excited to be here.

Jasna Burza
And interestingly, you and I just hopped on, I told you who I talked to I talked to Ben earlier, like, Oh, I know, Ben, I’m like, What a small world.

Whitney Emmanuel
Minneapolis is small. It’s true.

Jasna Burza
And yet it sometimes doesn’t feel like it. Sometimes it feels like we are in silos and feel like, actually, a lot of the business owners feel like we’re on our own behind our zoom trying to make it all work. Yeah, you’re

Whitney Emmanuel
right. And this is what we’re

Jasna Burza
trying to do here to connect us. So people are going to be very excited to hear from you. So you’re you were a lot of different hats. And I’m excited about this conversation, because it’s been one of my favorite topics, which is money. But you’re an investment advisor to high net worth individuals, companies, CEOs, and you really spend a significant amount of time helping people really, you know, talk about their money stories and their values is not just what you mentioned earlier, money is just the tool. Correct, which is a great statement. But for most people like What do you mean money is a tool money is like this emotional

Whitney Emmanuel

Jasna Burza
So tell me how you got started and why works specifically in the been in the business sector.

Whitney Emmanuel
Sure. So I got into it by accident. It was straight out of college that I started in the industry. So that was 11 years ago. And so I got recruited by Ameriprise, I checked the box on Monster financial advisor, I didn’t really know what it meant. I thought maybe it was a money coach. You know, I thought I was good with my money. I could teach people how to budget and I had no idea. All the different tests that I would have to do selling investments insurance you I had hadn’t a clue. But I had I’ve worked since I was 14 years old. And I did a lot of customer facing service jobs, phone sales, I had done all of that before I really start graduated college. So here’s my cat in the background, and my co worker. And so that is how I got started. But like I said totally by accident, not something that I had planned on or went to school for. Ameriprise actually does on the job training and licensing. So they that was a really good place to start because you got paid very little. But you got paid to study and pass your tests and make phone calls for other advisors. And so it was a really great place to start. You worked with a book of business of clients that were actually dumped by their previous advisors. And so it was actually kind of good because we had to overcome a lot of objections, and really build relationships with people. And I still have clients I’ve moved investment platforms twice and I still have many of my best clients are with me from when I started at Ameriprise. Are you

Jasna Burza
serious in this beautiful, like continuity Arad? Yes. I just saw incredible. Well, you You named your company, Whitney wealthy group. This is true. I really I love the sound of it because it is just it feels very exclusive. It feels very, like I want to be part of the group. Can I please come on in? What is what does it look like to work with you because you do specialize working with executives, CEOs, mid level entrepreneurs, you know what, what does it look like? Why do people come to you in the first place? And then, you know, what is the journey that you’ve taken through?

Whitney Emmanuel
Yeah, so it’s interesting, because a lot of the people that I come that come to me, you know, they make good money about they make, let’s just call it a over 150,000 of income, or they have over 200,000 of assets typically is who works with me. But even so those are wealthy people, you know, if we look at the world, right? Those are wealth. Yep. So I look like globally, right? I don’t look at just America. I don’t want to work with the top 1% in America. Honestly, I really don’t. I want to work with the massive, fluent, right, the people who have enough money to make a good life for themselves, but are still humble. And so they come to me and they’ve oftentimes worked with financial planners or financial advisors before and the issue that they’ve had is that the financial advisor doesn’t really hear them, right. So they just say come to them. Oh, here’s how you should allocate your money. Oh, you want to retire at 65? That’s just the conversation, and they don’t really talk to them. I’m about what are your money fears? What are you really? What’s your purpose? Why are you here? What how was money discussed when you were a child? How did you get to where you are. So we really want to go on a journey with people. And this is something that I’m personally really proud of a lot of my clients, both wealthy, you know, the top client all the way to the bottom tier of clients, they’ve said, you know, I don’t feel judged. You know, there’s such a stigma and shame around money, and we really want to remove that shame and fear that people have, and that’s pretty unique to us.

Jasna Burza
It really is, why do you think that we have such money stigma or money issues? It seems like they’re all stem from childhood Money doesn’t grow on trees at your church? Right? So is it that thing that has been passed down? Or do you think that it’s, we’re still being conditioned by society?

Whitney Emmanuel
Yes. And yes, um, you know, it doesn’t have to be exclusive to one or another. But I would tell you that just like, all of our other emotional issues, and behaviors come from childhood, same with money, why would money be any different, right? And so there’s a woman that I work with some time, she has a money archetype assessment that sometimes I’ll have my clients take her name is Mary Schmidt. And she always says, this is an eight year old running your money, running your finances, right, like, and right. So we, by the time were seven, we’ve already had a lot of our behaviors are established and set within us. And so obviously, I believe that people can change some people don’t believe people can change I do I believe that we are capable of change and that we were created to be able to change. So

Jasna Burza
I have an entire company off of it. So yeah, right.

Whitney Emmanuel
Yes. And so, you know, having that growth mindset is so important. And but we have to first recognize where we are. And a lot of it stems from childhood. What did your parents say? How did they ask a lot of the unspoken ins to things that weren’t said. And it’s interesting, though, because maybe someone who got one person who grew up in poverty, they spent all their money because you know, they don’t know if they’ll have it tomorrow. But then another person is very frugal had the same set of circumstances, but acts very different around money, but they get out of the same story. It’s just about how they react to it. Neither one is necessarily good. It’s just interesting how people react.

Jasna Burza
That’s very powerful. You just said, it’s just we can have the same set of circumstances, but react to it very differently, which we see so often. It’s, you know, and, again, it’s I said, it’s neither good or bad, but it’s like, is it giving you the results that you want? Right, right? Now, you can ask, is there a single pattern? Or a single statement or any motion around money that you see across the board? And this is a very,

Whitney Emmanuel
really good? That’s a good question. A lot of people ask me, Well, where do I stand, like, comparison to my peers? I know, I’m so behind, or I know, well, how do we look compared to your other clients? So a lot of people asked me that question. And I really do try. I always, I don’t try to like straight answer them. Because I just don’t think that’s really relevant. It’s really about your life and your goals. Are you on track to accomplish them or not? And if not, let’s make the changes so that you can do it. But how you come to me is irrelevant, because really, we just want to change what’s going to happen in the future.

Jasna Burza
It’s an interesting question. Why do you think they are? Why do we think

Whitney Emmanuel
comparison? I think comparison is built into human nature. It’s toxic, of course. But money comparison is. I mean, so many good things about America. But it’s one of the negatives, you know, that everything’s driven, so much driven around money in America. And two people can borrow in order to look wealthy, even though they may not be. And so debt, we’re very debt driven here. And so that can also force people or not force people, but it can drive people to live beyond their means. And then it looks like they’re doing well. But no one really knows except you and so there’s a lot behind it. And honestly, I think that there’s a lot of inner healing that people need to have when it comes to money.

Jasna Burza
Amen. And this is the time for it because normally it’s in the difficult times right now for if we’re heading into a downturn economic downturn or anything. I think the all of the people who have been showing off but they don’t have the things to back it up like it’s gone right from intro lot of entrepreneurs, a lot of my former cast in back to taking jobs. Because it’s like whatever is this is not working. So it’s really right. What? Who is your ideal client, the kind of person you really love to work with?

Whitney Emmanuel
Yeah, well, if you wouldn’t mind, I’ll just share an example of someone that I’ve worked with recently and kind of share their story. I won’t use their names, but um, he works for they’re married, three children, three boys. And so he was referred to me by his co worker. And so most of my business comes from referrals. And so he was working at a fortune 100 company, big company, great position, but they had significantly changed his retirement benefits, and his pension plan. And so he was running all these spreadsheets, figuring out what is my retirement going to look like. And he needed help deciding if he should stay or move to another company, and what that actually meant for him financially. And so we did a side by side of his benefits, his wife is a principal at a school she was on sabbatical, though, in order to finish her Master’s during this time. And so he was looking at another company at a couple of offers. And so we did a side by side financial comparison, both short term and long term of what it would look like if he were to change. And then he was able to get a good handle on whether or not he should move and what the salary would need to be and what those benefits would need to be in order for him to make the move. Meanwhile, his wife was able to stay, you know, finish her dissertation finished school. And then the awesome thing is that he negotiated so that he could take the summer off with his boys while he was in between jobs. And so he was able to move forward and confidence with his job change. His It was great, because he’s more money minded his wife is not and this happens a lot working with couples, right? They’re very different. And so I was able to sit down with the both of them and understand what it matters to the both of them and make sure that both of their emotional needs are met when it comes to financial planning. You know, he needed security, he needs a plan, she’s more just go with the flow. And so, you know, building in go with the flow planning have in your bigger financial plan is so important for her family is so important to them. So making sure that they could move forward confidently, he could change jobs, and they can successfully retire. And they want to purchase a property. That’s something else that we’re working on right now. So a lot of moving parts. With people who I work with, they’re very busy, they have a lot of things going on in their jobs. They’re busy people, and they serve a lot to in their communities. So they know that they need advice to make sure that they’re making the right decisions, and that it makes sense for them and their values.

Jasna Burza
You know what I heard as you were speaking, it wasn’t just advice or financial advice or guidance, it was what came to mind was peace of mind. Because what you’re talking about is the quality of life. And having a financial conversation and looking at the numbers and looking at the comparisons, you can have the peace of mind that you’re going to be okay, or you can take the summer off, or you can take off or stay there. That’s just such a beautiful thing to give to someone.

Whitney Emmanuel
That’s right. They get clarity, clarity, ease, kindness is what Brene Brown says,

Jasna Burza
I love the Oprah they’re brown. Whitney, what is the best way for people to find you and work with you? Is there like an introductory call? Or is there? How do people get in touch with you?

Whitney Emmanuel
Yep, great question. So you can visit the website Whitney wealth But the process is i If you want to contact us, you can go through the website, you can call me. All of that information is on the website. And what you do from there, we have a first 15 to 20 minute call Just who are you? What are you interested in? Would we even be a good fit, right? Because I think we want to make sure that you’re comfortable with me, I’m comfortable with you that we would work well moving forward. After that first call, then we start to gather all of people’s data after we finish that financial planning contract and determine the terms of the engagement. engagements are usually about one year contracts that we’ll do with people just because a few hours isn’t really going to help people with their follow through. So so much of it is ongoing advice at the very beginning that we can go through and walk through the process. But then there are some things they’re going to need to do after the fact and we want to hold them accountable to the things that they said are important for them to accomplish. And so that works throughout the whole year for the financial planning process and investment management,

Jasna Burza
I love that and how important it is to hold us accountable because there are a few things like fitness, or yeah, that we just are now willing to follow through on right? Like, yeah, we start and then we just give up. So sometimes it’s a beautiful thing to have that accountability is really helping ourselves in ensuring that we honor our own word, which is such another gift that you give. Well, folks, Whitney Well, the group that we’re going to link this here, here, here, and everywhere you find it, you can find us. If you’re watching this right now on Facebook, go ahead and check out Whitney’s website. But also we’re going to be sharing this on YouTube and Tiktok and Tiktok, shorts and stories. Everywhere else. You’ll find content that are beautiful. Jana is going to distribute later with me. Thank you so much for the work you do and also thank you for for taking the time to talk to me.

Whitney Emmanuel
Thank you for featuring me, Justin. I appreciate it

Jasna Burza
was a pleasure. What an honor. I hope I get to meet you in person soon. Me too. All right, I’ll talk to you soon.

Whitney Emmanuel
Sounds good. Bye.


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