Jasna Burza
So excited for this one these Wednesdays I feel like I’m a little high because Wednesdays are we pop light and feature incredible business owners doing amazing things where we get to learn about their businesses, learn about the people running them, and also find ways that we can support them here in Minneapolis, Minnesota. So, Hannah, I’m so excited to have you on on this. What do I call it a shore alive? Or I don’t know. But welcome.
Hannah Trevizo
Thank you. Yeah. Thanks for having me. I know I was saying like, I do feel like I know a lot about you. And I’ve been following you for so many years. So I feel like we are.
Jasna Burza
How do I not know that?
Unknown Speaker
I don’t know.
Jasna Burza
That’s a problem. Well, I think I know because I don’t manage my so Jenna is in charge. So in 2020, I feel like I did a little mini break down. And I just said I can’t do this. I’m gonna go live into the woods a little bit. And I just, I just left picked up and laugh. So I’m coming back. Because you know, this morning, I created a video that was very powerful technology and social media, it because it creates so many detrimental effects can be such an incredible, beautiful tool like this. Where are we using you for such a great purpose. So, but let’s let’s do enough of that. So Hannah, tell me a little bit about yourself. And a little bit about Minnesota circle. Yeah, definitely.
Hannah Trevizo
So I am the owner of Minnesota circle. I am the co founder as well, I had a another partner as well, that joined with me in 2019. So I, when I was a kid, I always wanted to be a journalist. And I never really finished school for that. I never actually finished school for anything, because I’m very indecisive. And I want to do all the things all the time. And so I kind of had the roundabout career doing finance. And then I became an in home daycare provider for years and nanny. And along the side, I was always kind of just talking about things to do typically like on a budget or like, oh, that’s the small business or here’s a fun activity we can do this weekend, things like that. And me and the co founder and a cool, we’re always talking about it. And we decided, let’s start a podcast. We don’t know anything about it. Nothing about the equipment, nothing about how to record or interview or anything. So it’s completely self taught. And we recorded some of our first episodes, our very first interview was with Lindsey from fashion fix Minnesota. And we launched in 2019. So it’s kind of where it started was as a it was under a different name. At that time. It was mom’s dish, Minnesota.
Jasna Burza
dadly. I recognize that you did a big push in 2020. And that’s when I was active.
Unknown Speaker
Yes, yes. Shooting and
Jasna Burza
Hannah Trevizo
Now the dots are connected. So we started that was just kind of a podcast on the side. And I was doing my own home daycare. And then as everyone else in the world and 2020, everything changed and reevaluating our my passions and what I wanted to do. And we were really involved in doing a big fundraiser with Twin Cities mom squad at the time, for like bipoc organizations. And it was really connecting with a lot of a lot of small businesses, a lot of nonprofits, a lot of connections were being made at that time. And it was just really apparent that there are so many amazing Minnesotans and so many small businesses that just don’t have a platform for them. And I wanted to take it further. And I wanted to really pursue this like full time. And so I made a goal in June of 2020 that I would close by June of 2021, my daycare, and so I, we rebranded that was a long process, going to Minnesota circle, doing a completely built a new website and all the graphics and all the things and we launched the new business last year under the new name with the same core theme of we’re wanting to connect Minnesotans with all that Minnesota has to offer. So that’s kind of the main broad piece of us. So we have the community side of it, where it shows where you know, Minnesotans may be familiar with us like we share things to do we share travel, we share musicians businesses, you guys, look, I do some TV segments around fun things to do around Minnesota. So that’s like the community side of it, where we’re connecting people that way. And then on the business side of it, what our services are is we are working with local small businesses, to promote them and to connect them with more of the community. So kind of what that looks like is we have what we call our inner circle program. And the inner circle program is where the small businesses can get the word out about their story through like our podcasts, there are social media through our website through behind the scenes content, through live videos such as these, so it’s kind of a promotions on a variety of different ways. And then we have monthly networking events, they get some fun things like professional headshots, and B roll footage. So it’s kind of this Kickstarter program, I guess, for a lot of small businesses that need to get out there, like they have exhausted all their friends and family. They have all purchased from them are all learning about their services. And they’re like, Okay, now, what do I do? Now? How do I get this to the next level? So that’s where we step in. And I’m talking a lot
Jasna Burza
perfect, because it is difficult. It is difficult when we started, I think with anyone that I talked about is that we get so excited, you know, the our expectations are here, like we’re going to just skyrocket, and then five months in, you’re like, Oh, my God, this is hard. Where are my people? And I know that it’s we have to help one another. And we have to have people in organizations and businesses like Minnesota, Minnesota circle that are a placeholder of coming together and helping us like what are all the things that I you know, that I need? So it’s really amazing. So do you have a number of members, overall are number of members of the inner circle? And how can I you know, what does it look like for people to join? And how what are, you know, the services that are paid, so we can help you build your business?
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, yeah, so we are really particular about who we partner with. All right.
Hannah Trevizo
That’s kind of the biggest thing. We are looking for businesses that are community focused, we are looking for them to be passionate about what they’re doing, we are looking for them to be allies for marginalized communities, we are looking for people that are really ready to take that next step. So it’s, we kind of have a bit of a vetting process before we even get into becoming a member. So for people that are wanting to join, um, you can visit our website, which is Minnesota circle.com. Go to the work with us. And then you can schedule a call. And it kind of goes over the different products that we have. So we have the main inner circle program, which is our premiere program, which is six months long, and has all these different perks. And I also do the one on one kind of work with them a little bit too, because I really like brainstorming ideas of things that they can do like, Oh, you have to get this pet company. Here’s a really fun thing we could do for pets in Minnesota and like fun campaign. And maybe I can help you with some of the design or like different things like that. So that’s kind of where the longer program is. And then we have like a small business like startup special, which is for brand new businesses a little more budget friendly, a little bit more, less of all the bells and whistles, but kind of just helps get the word out there. There’s also an event service, if you have an event coming up that you want to be featuring. We can help spread the word about that. We have podcast ads, and then we also the could giving partner which is where we do these quarterly fundraisers for different nonprofits. And if you want to be your business involved in that, and we’d love to have you there was just you donate a portion to that nonprofit, we help spread the word that you’re partnering with us and just kind of get some more momentum there. So those are kind of the variety of the services that we have and and some of the people that we have worked with so far is we have worked with Amy’s cupcake shop. We have worked with Nahshon gather. We have worked with ROA studio, we’ve worked with petite farms. We have COURAGING clay that makes my earring. So it’s there’s not like a specific type of business that we’re looking for. We’re looking for the person behind the business. Why? Why are they doing that? What is their mission? How are they connected to the community? How are they showing up for people that need it? And so that’s more important to me then the business itself. And again, what they’re selling. So it can be a product or service. It doesn’t have to be one of the other. And we’ve worked with mostly women, but we are not just for women. But that tends to be who we are drawn to.
Jasna Burza
About Us women that just really like to connect. It’s interesting. I found that everywhere. I think it’s just it’s a phenomenon.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, it is. It is. I love it
Jasna Burza
ages. I know, but at the same time, I’m like, you know, my husband is like, constantly on me. He’s like, Well, there are no groups for me out there. I’m like, we’ll start one. Yeah.
Hannah Trevizo
Well, I kind of feel like all the groups are mostly for men. Like,
Jasna Burza
so it’s like, okay, okay. That makes perfect sense. So someone was listening to this, right. And they’re in their business and who, you know, what are the? Where should they be in their business? To join? And what do they get? Like, he’s like, here’s where if you’re feeling this, and we’ve you join, here’s what we’re going to help you with?
Hannah Trevizo
Yeah, yeah. So we, you can either be just starting your business, it would be ideal for you to have like a website set up, or at least your website launches coming up soon. So because we want, if we’re going to be promoting you, we need to have something to promote. So not really quite in that place of I have an idea. And like down the road, that’s probably not who we’re looking for, at this point, we’re looking for someone that has a product or service kind of ready to go, they can either be new, or they can be within the last 510 years, we look for small businesses that usually are less than, like 25 employees pretty small. And we what we’re looking for is what if you what you need. So if you are a business that wants to build brand awareness in the local community, that’s what we’re here to do. We’re here to connect you with Twin Cities, we are here to connect you with our audience, which is mostly women, which is women that are very passionate about supporting their community about environmental friendly about social justice issues about you know, giving back, like, that’s our audience, and that’s our community. And if that’s kind of your brand, and what you think would connect well with, that’s what we want to work with. And, and, and then as far as, like the services that you receive. So we start with that call, you know, kind of see if it’s a good fit, I have that conversation with you. Sometimes I get real blunt. And so what are you doing for, like, how do you feel about these values, because this is what we believe and like, I’m not gonna support a share about a business that I don’t stand behind. And so we have that call. And then if everything goes well, we’ll see which kind of program fits you better whether that startup special, which is just that little kind of mini clip, or the full premiere service. And so the premier service, then you get, kind of do like a welcome we share about you on our social media, say, Hey, here’s our new partner, check out all the things that they’re doing. And then we add you on our website on our shop, local and discount guide. We then you can schedule a podcast interview with us a Instagram Live, call with us. Tell me about what events you’re at. Because I’m going to come and do behind the scenes features for you, I’m going to make a reel for you. And then that’s where that one on one call comes. And we build more of the brainstorming ideas. And then we connect you with a networking. There’s just it’s so much it’s almost like a hack. It’s kind of tailored down or website, layer comprehensive
Jasna Burza
do people take advantage of all those services?
Hannah Trevizo
That is the thing that I’ve been kind of having to tailor as we go realizing which things are most important to some people because some people are in it for the networking, right? They want to be connected with more business owners. Some people are in it more for just the promotions. Some people are in it for a little bit the education which we do offer. We have some local business experts that do speaking on different topics, virtual classes for them. So it kind of depends on what people are looking for. I will say that you get in you get out of it, what you put in so here’s all the things that you have. It’s up to you to utilize if you don’t utilize it like it’s not skin off my back.
Jasna Burza
Just like a lesson for everywhere. It’s like hey, it’s right here. You take it or leave it and it’s right. What’s interesting. One of the things that I’ve been found finding in talking to people is with business owners, there’s a sense of overwhelm, and incredible analysis, paralysis or saturation. And people are feeling just kind of not wanting to do much like I was here five years ago. And I mean, I started this thing 14 years ago. But five years ago, we were at the height of that hustle. And I went all in. And I think we all did. So I’m noticing there’s an incredible shift. I’m curious if you see the same thing?
Hannah Trevizo
Yes, definitely. I think we, I mean, me personally, I even shared about this on my social media, and my newsletter that just went out like June was a tough, tough month. For me. It was a month where I was feeling so overwhelmed by everything in the world, and everything was catching up with me all at once. And I felt like I just kind of wanted to like shrink back a little bit. And I had to take a little bit of a break, to get that boost back. And I think other businesses are feeling that as well. And that’s where I tell these businesses like my job is to not make your life more difficult and have more things on your plate. My job is to help you I’m marketing you, I’m doing a lot of this work for you. You just your responsibility is to sign up for it. And like, I’m gonna be here to help you. And like that’s what those one on one calls are for to and, you know, I, that’s why I used to have all the services listed, like every single park they receive on our website, and people look, I’m like, Oh, that’s too much. I don’t have time for that. Like, no, you understand, I am doing a lot of this for you. Like, I’m helping you with, take that marketing, and check that off your calendar for the month, I’m helping you with that education. And you can do these virtual classes whenever you want. Like, I’m helping you with all of this saving you time, and making it smoother for you. And I’m also like that person that you can reach out to you when you’re feeling like this sucks. Everything sucks. I know I am here for you.
Jasna Burza
Yeah, so do you have a goal for number of members you want to have at the end of the year?
Hannah Trevizo
Well, we do. I don’t have a necessarily a goal as far as like the amount of members because we have. So each member has kind of their we had been doing like three months for each program. And now I moved it six months, because I really want to build more of that relationship. I feel like three months wasn’t enough for that. And I won’t do more than like 10 clients at a time or anything like that. So like at the same time, I don’t do that many at once. But then pass those, those timeframes of when their actual official membership is over, we still we still stay in touch, you’re still invited to those networking events, I still want to know what’s going on with you. Like I still have these long term relationships with people. So no, there’s not really like a specific number of of how many businesses I would like to get by the end of the air. But right now I’m definitely this is the time for people to start thinking about the holiday season. And this is the perfect time to sign up because of the six months like this is where you’re gonna get that ramp up before it becomes crazy in November and December.
Jasna Burza
Funny we forget we forget we had a great powerful reminder. I love that. So where where people can have it? Where can people find you? Where do you you know, where do you interact with people business owners the most? And how else can we help support you apart from sharing on social and becoming members?
Hannah Trevizo
Yeah, so I think the most place place we are most active is on our Instagram, Minnesota circle. And slowly and surely building our tic tock as well. So that’s my social circle we are also you can find me personally on LinkedIn under can atrophy. So and I love connecting one on ones like I thrive in in DMS and messages in email i is not my number one. But I thrive on like personal quick messages. And that’s where I really get to know people, but you can email me as well. That I’m in circle.com. And then for scheduling those calls like getting in if you’re wanting to work with us either send me a message or you can schedule a call right on our website. And it has all of our availability on there. And then if you’re just wanting to support honestly, just following along listening to our podcasts, I don’t even know if I mentioned that a little bit. But we have the podcast. I listen to that. It’s just a big thing is by following and sharing about these small businesses that we’re sharing about, like we’re trying to connect you with them. So if you don’t maybe own a small business, or you’re wanting to help other small businesses, like connect with them and learn about them and when I see other people that are in our audience sharing about these small businesses that I supported like that and bring To me so much joy, like, Oh, I found these from Minnesota circle or like, I love this new brand I recently heard about like that. That’s how
Jasna Burza
it sounds. I’m so glad that we got to have this conversation because it’s what a fascinating concept. And I’m so grateful for people like you who are wholeheartedly, creating that support that is just really, really lacking. So I can’t thank you enough for coming and sharing about Minnesota and Minnesota circle and about yourself. And I’m just really glad that we got a chance to connect this way. Yeah, thank you. So you will see us tagging you and all the other platform so we’re going to be spreading the word but thank you so much. And folks, go check out Minnesota circle and everything that they’re that they’re doing and consider becoming a member because that’s that’s what we do here on the Business Spotlight. So thank you so much, Hannah.
Unknown Speaker
Yes, thank you have a good rest of your day. And thank you for Jenna for helpful.
Jasna Burza
Yay. Thank you. Bye
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