interview with laura best of passion collective

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Laura Best
We launched our online platform during COVID, which enabled us to reach women all over the world. And now we have more than 6000 passionate CEOs, from all sorts of countries. So it’s just incredible. It’s absolutely mad. And actually, a lot of the growth we’ve seen has been this year, we have a grant program for women called atomic grants, which is powered by our two sponsors, atomic data, and Keystone Group International. And we give cash and coaching to women every quarter, and these women are pursuing their passions. And this year, we’ve just seen the grants explode. Last quarter, we had more than two and a half 1000 applications from 43 countries. And I actually just went through another long list today and applications. And it’s an incredible honor to see these applications and realize that there are all these women out there in the world who have things that they’re passionate about. And they’re just wanting connection, they’re wanting support and encouragement, and they want to be with other people on that journey, you know, so it’s been wonderful to see it grow this year. And it’s really an articulation of what I hoped it could be.

Jasna Burza
Well, it is such a testament to your intention about what you wanted this to be like, I’m such intention. I’ve been studying quantum physics, and the relationship with the intention, and what intention Integris intention and when you really desire to be of service, and you really want to do it. The turtle says, you know, the whole universe comes to conspire to help you in achieving those dreams because you really wanting to create a better world in really ensure so that is so incredibly beautiful.

Laura Best
I love that. And thank you, Jasmine. I mean, I would love to be able to say that this was like eight years ago, I had this Supreme Master Plan, guided by the universe, and you No, no, no, no, no, no, no, let me just No, no, no, no. I mean, one of the reasons I started passionate elective is that I was really frustrated at these events. And these people I’d go and listen to and they were making it sound like it was easy peasy, lemon squeezy. And all you needed to do were these three steps and then you could become a millionaire become pattonville become healthy, lose 10 pounds, then it doesn’t work that way. But it’s I would say that my my theory on intention is very much a daily thing. You know, I’ve always had a vision so passionate collective, that it’s global. And I have doubted that that many times along the way, because it’s really hard to have something global, that feels intimate. And we’re still trying to figure it out as we grow rapidly this year. Like it’s really surprised me how quickly our community has grown. Right? So how do you feel have that trust and that meaningful connection with people who might be on the completely other side of the world? And I do think that what I have learned, I mean, I spent 20 odd years in corporate and I had a great experience. And I achieved a lot and I made loads of mistakes, you know, all of it, right? What’s important to me about the intention, there’s two things, there’s one absolutely, especially when I’m low in any given day, and I just can’t be bothered or at Rugby, you know, reading a book or go for a walk on the point. You know, because there are many moments like an entrepreneur where you’re just like, never gonna work. Honestly, I think back to is there one person that passion collective can help today? Is that just one person? And if so, how can I help that person and I believe that advice was given to me by Twyla Dang, who is an incredible local entrepreneur that everybody should know, she gave me that advice as a way to continue to use your intention in a really realistic way on the days where potentially, you know, you’re not looking to dominate the world, you’re just looking to make a little bit of a difference. So for me, that certainly helps keep that intention alive. I would love to think that there’s quantum physics behind it. And

Unknown Speaker
we sliding doors, that passion collective, like the markets about quantum physics, I don’t know

Jasna Burza
what your intention really were you just right now you’re describing this process of intention that now can be measured. So an intention, you know, we’re moving in a different world where everyone wants to sit on Oprah’s couch tomorrow, right and make the millions and it has become such common vernacular when we’re, instead of saying how can I really provide support and service and be of service to one human being because that is part of my purpose and passion? And we’re really not realizing when we come and approach from the intention of genuinely truthfully without an agenda wanting to be of service. That is such an incredible boomerang. Because in zero point field and quantum physics, we’re all one. So inadvertently, when we’re doing that we’re helping our children and we’re helping our families, we’re helping ourselves. And that is, you know, I have to ask myself every time when I’m doing these calls, what is my intention? And that intention has to show through with everything I’m talking to what a testament to your power, and to this, this heart of giving. I love that. So a lot of people over 2000 new members, what do you think people or women specifically, are really wanting the most right now? Is it that they’re feeling lonely? Is it that they’re feeling? You know, on a brink of what do I want to do now post pandemic? What are you finding?

Laura Best
You know, it’s a great question, we see a lot of different needs, you know, come to us as passionate Collective, we see some women who say, you know, I’m at a crossroads with my life, sometimes it’s Korea, most of the time, it’s relationships, you know, most of our passion are, those are sort of 3035 plus. So, you know, they’re some of our women are in transition with their relationships. And they’re really trying to figure out what I’m, what do I want to actually hold on who am I. So there’s quite a bit of identity seeking and path seeking, one of our taglines is make your own path, you know, to sort of really reclaim that path that is your own, we have other women who are just crushed with work. And they are just done. And they it’s not that they’re done with work. Some of our most crushed, working women are actually pouring themselves into their work, because they love it. But they’re trying to figure out what else is there. So similar to how I was at the beginning of passion collective, it’s like, there’s got to be a way that I can, you know, rediscover my creativity or help other people or have some fun, a lot of our passion artists come to us because they’re like, I just want to get together with other women and have fun, and, you know, hopefully get something meaningful out of it. Other passion are those genuinely want to rediscover or discover new hobbies, you know, it’s not about work, they’re actually perfectly happy with their work, we get, you know, corporate companies signing their female team members up for passion collective, and it wouldn’t do that if they thought that all their women were gonna leave, right. So you know, we get those women and then they’re looking for connection. And they’re looking for some way that they can use their talents in a different way. And just going back to what you were saying about, you know, being of service, one of the biggest things I find, with our passion Arctos is that they actually genuinely want to do exactly what you’re saying they want to help others. The problem is, they’re trying to believe in themselves again, it’s sort of, they’ve forgotten their uniqueness and their talents. No one is sad way, just in a way, like where I was, it’s just like, your life is so busy, and you’re putting yourself you know, third, fourth, fifth on the list, because you got aging parents, you got the kids, you got the boss, you got a lover. And so you just forget, and so many of our passion, are those part of my job, I think, is to sort of get them to that phase before the phase you’re talking about of giving back because you can’t serve others if you haven’t figured out what it is you have to give. Amen. And it’s scary as hell, by the way to stand up below. Yes, I want to help you because there’s all the Who does she think she is, is good. Who are you to be given advice on, I mean, the women who are applying to grants, every single one of those women are trying to help other people. It’s astonishing to me, and you see different ways of doing it, right. But if you don’t believe in your own uniqueness, and that you have something of value to give to other people, then you’re not going to help other people. So we thought about that first bit. And then we’re we see passion are those who kind of have their stuff sorted out, but they just need some sort of activation, they want to do it with other people. So we tend to be sort of the sprinkles along the top. You know, if you look at our events, we have morning buzz coffee sessions, we have mini buzzes which

Jasna Burza
talk about it, there was my let’s let’s talk about all the things that are exciting there. There’s touch points, and they’re inspiring and exciting mix you want to be makes you want to be part of it. But there’s also workshops that you have, and the coaching and all of that. So tell us all the things that are included in the collective, which by the way, it is so insanely affordable. It’s mind blowing, it’s like everyone has to join this.

Laura Best
Thank you for saying that. That’s actually very intentional. I was talking about that earlier on and yeah, it’s intentional. And he’s the way we run it is you can Be part of passion collective without spending a penny without paying a single piece of your currency, whether it’s a cent, whether it’s whatever it is, you can just join our community by signing up and you get passionate picks every month, and you’re part of this community. And I should probably preface that with, you know, to me, a community is something that is a shared experience and shared values between people. So, you know, there’s nothing wrong with selling lipstick or selling shoes online, but we’re not about that we’re about people coming together and trying to see ahead to the future, right. So if you want to be part of something, I firmly believe that you shouldn’t have to, you know, apply or be invited, like some of these other women’s networks who shall not be named. And then maybe you’re accepted in because you’re one of the in crowd, you know, that’s that I want it to be the complete opposite of that, right. So you can just join be part of patching pics be there on the side, we have public events, which are called mini bus sessions, and those sessions, mini buses or virtual buses or in person. Our bus sessions are so beautiful. They’re intimate sessions in beautiful women owned spaces that combine Happy Hour story sharing from other women and workshops. So you get it all in one event, which to me is

Jasna Burza
kind of cool. That is like check check is you leave and

Laura Best
hopefully you’re just like bugs in that’s the whole idea of mini buses or the virtual version of that, then so anybody can come to those you can sign up, you can buy a ticket online, easy peasy, that just smaller group. So you got to get your ticket early, right. And that’s intentional, because we want women to share, we want you to feel that you’re in a safe space and that you trust the people around you. We also now have on demand, which is our all inclusive or open all access to digital environment. So that is the place that you get all of your events included. So you can come to anything, you never have to sign up using Eventbrite and all that sort of annoying stuff. All in there. We have personal and professional coaching that happens in on demand. And that is small group stuff. We’re going to talk about perfectionism. In our next series in q1 next year, which I’m really excited about. We’ve talked about productivity, we’ve talked about confidence, we’ve talked about how to take care of yourself. So this small group, quick hit sessions, and the morning buzzers are for our members as well. And that the private environment where you can build your network, and you can connect together without being on social media. So the way that we’re sort of building that community, and anyone from anywhere in the world can join that, we also post highlights from our programs in on demand. So if you miss it, if you’re a busy working mom, or busy working human, then you can still get the benefit of it. So there’s sort of this scale of ways that you can participate. And all of them are wonderful,

Jasna Burza
which is incredible, because there’s no barrier to entry. And it’s an incredibly welcoming and nurturing environment. And then you can really what I love about it, again, you’re addressed that earlier, it’s a very busy season of life for so many of us. So I can choose to leave, participate in one form or another and be inspired. I think when you have a collective that is inspiring and empowering and has good intentions, like you pick up on that energy and you just want it just makes you feel so much better about yourself and about the world.

Laura Best
That’s absolutely it done, you should be doing marketing.

Unknown Speaker
That’s, that’s the whole idea. You

Laura Best
know, it’s sort of and I think what COVID has done for us in some ways, you know, it’s been a horrible traumatic time and time of massive grief and, and challenge. I think for some women, it it sort of really made women think about what they want. And some women have actually been energized by that. I’m also seeing other women who are having real problems right now getting off the couch and just re engaging with the universe. You know, we’ve kind of got used to sort of being at home and it’s, it is this hard balance to strike about where do you spend your time. Building a network is really important. Having friends is really important. Being lonely sucks, especially as an adult. And you know, making friends is really hard as you get older for how do you find the places to go and do that where you can come without we talk about picking your armor off when you come to passion click to events, you can just come as you are no elevator pitch needed, what we say. So that’s what we’re hoping to do.

Jasna Burza
I love that and I love you and God bless you for that mission. It is mind blowing to me and that, you know, advice that you were given is just so beautiful. And I think it is ultimately the reason why we’re all here. We become a little more grandiose later on and go change the world right but it’s like it’s that through impact is in every single interaction that we have. And you are doing there in such a beautiful, beautiful way, Laura, it has to feel so damn good to do that.

Laura Best
Well, I mean, I want to be careful again, like, yes, it does, it’s really isn’t about me at the end of the day.

Jasna Burza
Did it without you, it wouldn’t exist, I

Laura Best
will tell you, I will tell you Jasmine that it passion collective would not exist without the passion our days, like we, of course, it’s not about me, it’s about them coming together and sharing and supporting. I will say that I sleep a lot better at night now that I’m doing this work. And I know that the work that the community is doing for each other is helping in some shape or form. You know, there are trade offs, we could probably do a whole nother conversation about Okay, so what are the trade offs when you do decide to take this path instead of other path? And there are decisions you have to make about your life and what you’re going to do with it. But certainly, it feels good to know that our community is helping each other and in some shape or form, we’re helping to help other people.

Jasna Burza
Well, I think I have to join. There’s just there’s just said it. So all of those futures, Passion, Passion natto. I love that you have like beyond says people that are beehive right? There’s like, I love I love that you have a name for your people, our passion collective Dotco. That’s right, where people can find more information where they can sign up. I mean, if if you are not sold after this conversation, I don’t know. I just don’t I don’t get it. I am so thankful to you for taking the time. But be really taking trusting yourself. To believe in that inspiration and that idea and seeing it through because so many masterful brilliant women don’t do that. Yeah, that is where you’re precisely what you are trying to do in in in your collection, which is so heartwarming, because we need more of that genius. And the genius is in all of us. And we have that access is like trusting ourselves enough to put ourselves out there. So thank you for taking the time to talk to us about an everyone listening and watching you please passion collective Dotco check it out. And again, you don’t even have to pay a dime to join. But by joining you can forever change the trajectory of your life. So, Laura, thank you so much.

Laura Best
Thanks for having me. This has been lovely Jasna.

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