Stacy Blair Losing for Health

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Stacy Blair
As a weight loss journey, actually, I was 27 years old and I was 352 pounds, and I was miserable and in pain. And I had this aha moment, essentially, where I realized I was mentally at rock bottom, I was in physical pain just moving, I couldn’t do anything that I liked doing anymore because of my, like, physical setbacks. And I was honestly afraid that I wouldn’t live to see 30 If I didn’t drastically change what I was doing. And so I started on this weight loss journey, not really knowing what it was going to come from it at all, but I decided to use Instagram as a accountability tool for me. And so I used that same Instagram I have now from the very beginning of my weight loss journey, to document every step of the way. And over the years, people have it was a private account, because at the time I was in that, what if I fail mindset. And I didn’t care about strangers, funny enough, but I didn’t want people in real life that had watched me struggle with my weight my whole life, to see me try yet again. And, and then one day, a big account had shared one of my transformation pictures. And I had the choice then in there, I remember vividly because I was meal prepping in my kitchen with my mom. And all of a sudden, my phone just blew up. And I had 1000s of follow requests. And I had a private account. So I have like, either I was gonna go public and let it all be out there. Or I was never going to have another follower ever again, kind of thing. And I made the choice to kind of like, but what if you fly. And I went public, and I’ve and I still continue documenting everything. And that actually led to inspiration in my own life. After a number of events. I eventually lost over 200 pounds. I lost over 200 pounds I was featured on Good Morning America, Kelly Clarkson show NBC News, or Yes, I think NBC or ABC, one of the two. And it was kind of a whirlwind. And at the time, this whole time, I had been in a financial analyst role for a big public accounting firm, downtown Minneapolis. And just doing this on the side, essentially. And I realized after a number of head injuries that I got after my weight loss, that were pretty serious, that I was not doing what I loved. And life was way too short to not be, you know, doing something that I was passionate about and loving and could actually benefit other people and impact other people. And that’s when I started my business I actually won I think it was fitness influencer of the the Twin Cities Collective award, and 2019. Jenna can maybe correct me if I’m wrong, but I met my first business coach there, Susie Simonson and I, at that point, it was December of 2019. And I had just a dream. I was like, I want to help people more than I already am I and I knew I was good at it from the experiences of hosting different things. But I had never started my own business by any means. So she was it was kind of divine timing of sorts. We met each other putting on our coats. And I hired her and we later found out that she in a former life was a wedding photographer and I was in a wedding that she photographed and went before I had lost weight. And this was after we were working together. So it was definitely like meant to be

and I started my business January of 2020 officially and I started taking one on one clients in March. So basically I call myself a healthy lifestyle coach. It’s kind of like a mix between a health coach and the life coach, kind of somewhere in between because I don’t want to be a weight loss coach because I think it’s so much bigger thing that I think the things that you need to change are your relationship with yourself and with food and your mindset and all of those things. And though all of doing all of those things will lead to weight loss, and that’s like a happy accident kind of thing. But like, that’s not the focus of my work and

Jasna Burza
what I do. Yeah, I saw that on your website, you have a course that really focuses and emphasizes multiple times the power of the mindset on their journey. Yes. Which is so interesting. We intellectually, I feel like we know that and yet we’re counting macros and micros and calories. A little bit about that mindset, what do you tell the people that come to see you? Or what are some of the changes that they have to implement in terms of mindset, that in turn gives them the the weight loss that they really want?

Stacy Blair
Yeah, I mean, there’s so many, but just a few is really, first of all, believing that you are worthy of everything that you want in life, everything you desire, are the goals that you want to achieve. That was what I just a couple days ago, saw somebody on Instagram, share this, like, believe that you are worthy and watch your world change. And that was instrumental. And my change is I didn’t for a long time. And I gonna get choked up about this, I didn’t believe I was worthy of good things. I truly, I didn’t love myself. And so the very first step to anything really is to love yourself, and focusing on you know, what is good for my body, what will help my body, what will get me closer to my goals versus I’m punishing my body because I’m doing this, and I’m punishing it because I’m doing that. And also the mindset of viewing food as just food, it is not inherently good or bad. There is no like, eating a doughnut doesn’t make you a bad person. It just doesn’t. And there’s a lot about that that comes into play, because so many of us have very bad relationships with food. And so it gets to be a toxic level, and often even into like addiction level of where food is addicting. And so we kind of touch on all of that, because I dealt with binge eating disorder, as well as anorexia when I was a teenager. So I’ve been all over the spectrum in terms of my journey with weights and everything. So yeah, go ahead. No, I,

Jasna Burza
you hit a very important point, which is a sense of worthiness, which I’ve heard a lot no matter what we do when we self sabotage, it’s about not feeling worthy. Yeah, fascinating thing. And the first step you say is learn how to love yourself? How do people do that?

Stacy Blair
You know, that it’s a hard one, I feel like it’s for ever a work in progress. It For Me, it’s still a work in progress. It’s not something that comes naturally to me, honestly. So it is something that I purposely work on daily. And that includes, you know, journaling, just like positive thoughts. And I do a lot of, like, redirection and reframing of any negative thoughts that come in. And I do that a lot with my clients too, is like hearing something they say. I mean, like, I hear that you keep saying that, but let’s like reframe that and redirect to something that actually is positive. And we I focus a lot with my clients on victories. We start every call with victories and we won’t go any further until they can name at least a couple of victories that they’re proud of themselves for. So focusing on the positive is really important to me. And really important, I think for anything really, whether that’s a weight loss journey, or a business journey, or whatever, because it kind of like if you believe that you can’t do something you won’t. It’s just that simple. So even if you can’t like actively, truly believe, pretend and keep going because eventually it’s kind of that fake it till you make it to a certain extent, especially with like, body positivity and love for yourself. I at first was definitely doing the fake it till you make it until I saw all the things that I was doing that impacted my life positively. and was able to then celebrate myself and gain confidence in myself after doing that, and so I’m kind of that person in the back of my clients head where they don’t necessarily re frame themselves, but I’m there so that they can borrow my belief. And I’m also have been in their position so I can kind of not mind read, but I, I know a lot of what they’re going through and can guide them through it.

Jasna Burza
Yeah. And as you work with people, which I know that you’re very sought after the people, the more you do this work, the more patterns emerge. And the more you’re like, No, I know exactly what I’m doing. Stick with me. I just lost me. I got you.

Stacy Blair
Yes, exactly. Yeah, I mean, it’s now been over two years of being in business and taking clients and I love it, it truly lights me out, because I really, I like to help people get out of their own way, essentially. Because that is the most important problem that people seem to have is, like you mentioned, the self sabotaging, that’s a huge one with weight loss. And sometimes a lot of times actually, people will start self sabotaging as soon as they see some kind of success in their lives. And then they’re in this constant cycle of that process. And it never gets better because you’re just running in a circle.

Jasna Burza
Yeah. goes back to what you said. And also the beliefs. Right, right. Oh, there’s a beautiful book. I know if you’ve read it the upper limit

Stacy Blair
that I haven’t, but I will definitely look for it

Jasna Burza
really great. It talks about this. So many of us when we, you know, right? When we something happens, like we hit our upper limit, and then we just ruin it all. Because right? It’s like, oh, the hero as far as I can as I can go, I don’t love myself. So or more. So when people come to you, how do people work with you tell us like I know you’re working one on one, I know you have this incredible course. You teach every single day on your on your Instagram? How do you get in touch with you? Where do they hire you to work with you? And what does that look like?

Stacy Blair
Okay, so probably the easiest quickest way is either by emailing me or which I have the email in my Instagram bio. Or just DMing me on Instagram, that that is honestly the two best ways and I do you have a few openings for one on one clients with transitioning. So if you are looking for something like that, I would gladly talk to you. And we can have like a 15 minute phone call if you want to see if we’d be a good fit. Because I really want to work with people that I know I can help. Obviously, like I’m not well, not obviously I guess but I’m not one of those people that just wants to take your money and then see ya like, I want you to be successful like I was and to help you. And I also run an accountability group that will be starting later this month. That is not quite set up yet. But if you talk to me, I can give you all the details on everything. And I do also have a course that touches on that find your y piece of things. It’s called blueprint. And it’s a self paced course. So it’s already ran live and you can work through it at your own pace now. And that really helps find your y if you are stuck on that y piece. It’s truly the most important. My health was my y and that got me through a lot of things. But I go into detail and you have a workbook and all of that to kind of work through the limiting belief, your excuses and all of the things that go into like truly the beginning of a weight loss journey. Yeah.

Jasna Burza
Know what I love about which I think is quite brilliant, the sometimes when we go through something, we are forever changed. And that makes us a lot more impactful than we when we say I want to help you because you have done the journey. You know the pitfalls, and you stand the difficulty in some of the pitfalls and changing and that is why people like yourself care so much because you understand that it’s a physical actual journey, but it’s also emotional and mental and challenging and what you’re doing is changing lives one at a time.

Stacy Blair
Thank you. Yeah, I truly, I really enjoy it and I’m, I’m just so happy that I was able to find what I meant to do essentially. And, and you’re right, it’s because I’ve been there. I know what you’re going through basically. And I’m one step ahead of you so I can help guide you and collapse times. And you can learn from the mistakes that I made along my journey and learn from already.

Jasna Burza
I absolutely love that. Oh, Stacey, thank you so much for a taking the courage to do the work because that as you do it clearly, I mean, NBC Kelly Clarkson, Amy is doing something right. There is really, really beautiful as you continue on your journey on your own journey to impact others for the highest good of all. So you took the time to talk to me today.

Stacy Blair
Thank you so much. And I didn’t mention what my I just realized it and mentioned what my Instagram is. So it’s losing for health. I’m sure maybe Jenna will be putting all of that info. But you can find me if you just type in Stacey Blair, or Stacy eka. Pretty much everywhere.

Jasna Burza
Yeah, and just thoughts. If you’re watching this or listening depending on what we do with this, we’re going to repurpose these and share it. We’re going to make sure to include the Stacy’s Instagram in the caption, whether it’s on YouTube or Facebook or Instagram or anywhere else as you find it. So yeah, Stacey, thank you so much. I

Stacy Blair
really appreciate much for having me.

Jasna Burza
I wish you all the success and joy in your path.

Stacy Blair
Thank you. It was a pleasure. Such a pleasure to talk

Jasna Burza
to you soon. Bye


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