Yes you can, but you have to start by taking small action every day.

Hello my beautiful people and welcome to Uplevel Together Podcast! I hope you are having the most beautiful day. I just love doing these interviews and giving you the most intriguing and complex discussions that make us think, act,and see the world in a different light. And I believe that just one of these interviews can totally change our life.

The interview with this woman had me so freakin’ energized for the entire hour. Christina is a good friend but also an incredible speaker, one of the best mindset coaches EVER and one of the powerhouse women to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.  We talk about self worth, transitioning careers, fear, running Masterminds, running live events and so so much more!

She will fire you up in this conversation and if you feel like you’re lacking zest and you’re on the sidelines of your life, this is THE conversation for you. She brings her A game, we laugh, we talk about the hard times and the possibility that lies within every single one of us. Cannot recommend this enough. Without further ado, here is Christina.

Christina Lecuyer Interview

by Jasna Burza | Uplevel Together

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It ain’t slowing down baby so you gotta make it go slow

It ain’t slowing down baby so you gotta make it go slow

In case you haven’t noticed, we have the best productivity and time saving tools we have ever had and we have never been this busy, overwhelmed and anxious. What’s the answer? You have to resist the notion that you have to follow the herd

How painful moments can create meaningful change

How painful moments can create meaningful change

If you look at how we all make decisions, you will notice that majority of our changes are a result of something uncomfortable or painful. So, painful moments create change but unfortunately, many of us focus on the pain and why it’s there in the first place.