Uplevel Together Podcast
Nisha Manek Interview: Condition your space like Westminster Abbey
I’m thrilled this week to share my interview with Dr. Nisha Manek
Nisha Manek, MD, is a physician, author, educator, and integrative health specialist. Formerly an esteemed member of the Mayo Clinic’s Division of Rheumatology in Rochester, Minnesota, Nisha is an internationally recognized leader in the field of integrative medicine. Nisha is also a protégé of Professor William A. Tiller and is a student of the theoretical and practical applications of Tiller’s physics in medicine.
This conversation is about the incredible science of intention, how we can condition our space to support us in our wellbeing and how to navigate these hard times. It’s a MUST conversation!!!♥️
Buy her book HERE. Learn more about Dr. Nisha Manek at https://nishamanekmd.com/
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Full Transcript 

Jasna Burza 0:00
So, so incredibly grateful for your time and you are in a baby grand scientist, I believe that you are a revolutionary just like Bill Taylor was. And it is remarkable to find people who are so highly advanced in terms of physics and medicine, information medicine, to actually be spreading this, this knowledge

Dr. Nisha Manek 0:25
Jasna I love your enthusiasm. You’re so kind. My goodness, ultimately, I’ll tell you this. So the biggest thing about spirituality is that it’s not serious. It is so fun and so juicy, your life becomes one big spontaneous adventure. Spontaneous, is it? You’re not driven by the past? You’re living right here right now, you know, when people say be in the present? Exactly. So now it takes a little while, you know, Tiller was, by the time I met him. He had had meditation under his belt for about 30 to 40 years. Okay. And I met him in Scottsdale, and I knew this is the mentor I want. And I’ll tell you more, a bit later, but it was clear. First of all, he was not a showy guy. No, not at all. No, no, he loved French fries and apple pie. We had a very laid back conversation, I was the one terrified of meeting him. Because whenever you meet a rock star in science, you know, went in with the idea that as though Jasna just imagine if you’re meeting Isaac Newton for the first time. What would you ask him?

Jasna Burza 2:01
I wouldn’t even know where to start. But I would prep for days and months before.

Dr. Nisha Manek 2:07
So I had his books with me, and I didn’t understand them. So what do you do when you meet a rock star in science? Okay, so I went in with a bit of starry eyes, and fear, okay, I was a little terrified, because I was wasting his time, wasting his time. And I wasn’t wasting his time. He was generous, kind. And so what really are your questions? Open up your questions. And I said, you know, actually, there was so much confusion in my mind, and I don’t really know, I don’t really know what you are saying in your books. But they are really important because something inside of me is like a quickening I feel something. So that’s your intuition playing now, you can rationalize it away, which I could have done. I said, you know, I’ve got papers to write and clinics drawn, and I don’t want to go there. But I gave it meaning. I just stayed with the feeling. And I said, I don’t understand these equations. But this guy seeing something I got to reach out to him. Alright, so that was cool. You had a poll? Yeah, I was very, very moved. Yeah.

Jasna Burza 3:29
What is remarkable. So the book bridge in science and spirit. I felt the same. I have the psychedelic science book right here. And I would read part to him. Like, I just don’t understand, I don’t understand. But I felt like there was something that he was saying that it was very important for me to know. So this book is really the journey of you taking a sabbatical and saying, I don’t fully understand, but I want to and that is I feel like I am talking to a rock star because you had the courage and insight in years of research commitment to actually translate some of the concepts that were so ahead of its time. So I want to thank you.

Dr. Nisha Manek 4:14
Well, Jasna you know, you you remind me of the time when I was at the Mayo Clinic, you know, I’m a rheumatologist. So I deal with people who have chronic diseases, and they have arthritis, you know, we’ve made great strides in in treatment and understanding the immune processes. But I knew so you know, integrate, I’m an integrative physician what that means. It the word integrated means I combine the best of conventional with the best of complementary to augment conventional care. I don’t deny it, I use it. I prescribe medicines and steroids and all that I want to, I want to keep out the inflammation as quickly as possible, but to give turmeric and fish oil and medicines was not cutting it. And I knew that there is something far more to paying attention to the human body. And this is where Tiller comes in, in my segue into his work was the biofuels of the body, the body, the body has material things that we can see in dissecting the anatomy lab, which is the muscles, the nerves, the blood vessels in your the beauty of the human physiology is breathtaking. But it doesn’t end there. It’s much more when I talk about the biofield. I’m talking about the acupuncture system. And I’ll tell you medicine has really grappled with this. It’s like a mystery. Okay, we’re getting a little closer, but we’re taking God knows how long you know, with randomized control trials and sham needles, and listen, they’re real. They’re very real. And this was the segway to tillers work his paper 1993. And this is free. You can go to Google science and Google papers, Google Scholar, what are subtle energies? What are subtle energies? 9093 he coined the term subtle energies. So here’s a physicist, Stanford height of his career. Okay, he’s an engineer. He knows physics and mathematics. Like, come on. Okay, he has patents and all this kind of stuff. But he was actually really curious, in parallel with his conventional science. He was doing this other work that when I meditate, I feel things and I can move things. So what are these Qigong masters really doing? Because they’re doing something and I could feel it too. I can play with the ball of energy between my hands, what gives? And Madison cannot get there really? And you here’s it, here’s a reason why. Because your listeners will be curious. Well, then we really we can measure it, right? Because in science, we, we measure things we, we measure the temperature, the color, we you know, all of these analysis. subtle energies escaped that, right? We cannot see it, we cannot see the channels, but they are very real, we feel them. And they’re subtle, they’re not weak, but they can really move things energy. And this is the thing about tillers work, he realized did not electromagnetic, big clue. All of our world, the CERN included in Switzerland, when we do lots of physics experiment, what are we doing? We’re looking at fundamental particles, electrons, protons, we smash protons, we try to get to the big bang of the universe. The Big Bang really is electromagnetic. But the subtle energies are even more fundamental. They’re not electromagnetic. So you can put an instrument close to Jasna. And it won’t register a thing. Because it isn’t electrons flowing through it. It’s something different. Just that one clue opens up your perception already. You’re not limited in electromagnetic forces. All right. So just just put that in. Just put that out there. Okay,

Jasna Burza 8:49
this is incredible. It’s opening up. I mean, it is a completely different way of looking at the world, Nisha?

Dr. Nisha Manek 8:55
Yes. You don’t deny it? And you don’t see just because they don’t see it. It’s not there. That’s a really big, no, no, in science, you know, that we only have to see it and then we believe in it. No, that’s, that’s incorrect. So with with integrative, I knew that giving turmeric and fish oil and all of this excellent conventional care. We have the subtle energies, and my patients would make a leap in their own physical wellness, and their emotional wellness when they’re doing tai chi, or breathing, or yoga. And I asked them, What are you doing? Because I look at your lab work. And you look fantastic. I don’t want to give you more medicines. This is a mismatch. This has happened where you look at a lab work, you preparing for the appointment, and this wonderful person comes into your room and they look fantastic, okay. You don’t want to tweet lab work. You want to tweet the person and that’s when I realized I paused and move back and I said, What’s going on here? What’s going on, and I asked my patients, and they said, one of them offered that I do meditation, and I do Tai Chi, every day, even if I don’t feel like it, I put out the mat, the intention was there. That’s it. intention was then she would get on the mat, and do some breathing, and come to her appointments or whatever her day held. So that was the big clue that subtle energies are real, they can really move the physical and power up all the conventional, even though we see Oh, my God, they might be something really bad that we have to jump in with all kinds of stuff. No, not necessarily. Always treat the patient.

Jasna Burza 10:49
I love the how you’ve made that transition. So your your nudging was that you’re a physician treating people there’s something there was something more that cannot be explained any less to the world of thermodynamics and intention, which now we know can be measured in intention can influence matter.

Unknown Speaker 11:11

Dr. Nisha Manek 11:14
Right, right. You know, we only think Yeah, sure. But show me why isn’t it happening?

Jasna Burza 11:21
Well, we’re going to we’re going to show them how that is my hope. Well, first of all, if you’re listening to this or watching this anywhere you are, pick up the book bridging science and spirit by Dr. Nisha Manik, because this is the book that really you talk about building a bridge of understanding from conventional physics and how we’re limited in how we view some of the things that we cannot measure in our field. So okay, Yasna you telling me that you’re vibrating? But I can’t How do I measure like I know the feeling and I also know that the other people around me can feel that kind of energy energy retention even in this conversation what is what is my agenda right? So having done I believe that anyone that I talked to is going to feel this so if you pick up this book you will understand the the actual science in such a I felt simple way they really allowed me to finally comprehend like, Aha like labels were going off, Nisha, so I want to really thank you time for or thank you for taking the time to actually write this because I know that he wasn’t most of your family was like, What are you doing?

Dr. Nisha Manek 12:38
Can you stay did say that? What are you doing? You’re leaving this clinic and everything behind it, you know, and you’re doing this? When you are in the pursuit of truth. You don’t give up? And I think that was it. You know, there was this commitment for this lifetime to pursue the truth. And I felt Tiller came closest in his science to really unlocking that mystery of what a homosapiens really is. This Homo sapiens, the thinking species, the creative species. And in that he’s very, um, you know, he passed away earlier this year, but he’s to me, he’s still here in ice. And when I say Tiller is it’s very real. He had such an impact on my life. Tiller was so hard to understand. Okay, his papers his as you said his book Sacher energetic science. When I would write to him when I saw what are subtle energies. There was this silence, you know, nothing happening because he didn’t have computers, he would tell the lab person to check his messages. Until one day I got this message. Bill says read his book Sacher energetic science. So I read it, I read it again and again. And I was writing arrows and sticky notes and post it notes. And I wrote to him, I said, Look, I’m coming to Arizona Scottsdale. I want to meet you, please. If you could just spare me one evening, I was very intentional about this. Okay. I wasn’t gonna give up. I just knew, as you said, something moves you to just speak to him. Well, long story short, he actually said no to me. You go back to Mayo Clinic. You don’t you shouldn’t be messing with physics was his you know, our languages don’t intersect. And it was later on Jasna that out of the blue about three months later, it was summer of 2009. Three months later, he calls me out of the blue and says I’ve been thinking about your proposal a bit more. And I think if you can translate something of my science for your colleagues. It was really to get to medicine, then I think I will work with you. And then he made another request. I said, okay, okay, okay, no problem. He says, I have no funding. I said, I don’t care. I don’t care about funding or no funding. I mean, but he made one request on the phone and just listen to this, because it was, it was really tremendous. And I wrote it in the manuscript, and that is, I want you to meditate daily. Which university, which Medical Center, and I’ve applied, you know, on through my career and lifetime, I’ve filled up many application forms, right? Tell me one place where you where it says, Do you meditate daily? One of the most fundamental skills of a homo sapiens is what? To become familiar with your own mind, your own preferences, and prejudices, you need to understand yourself know thyself. So when Tiller said, I want you to meditate daily, I was so dumbstruck and delighted. I knew that’s it. That’s it. This was a missing piece in science. And you just said it very plainly on the phone didn’t say how long, didn’t say what I should do. That was up to me. I come to Scottsdale and one of the first evening meals we had together, he says, you know, Misha, you you’re on a, you know, meditation, I hope you’re doing this. And I said, You bet I am. And he says, I just want you to know that when people embark on meditation, you want something immediately. But it can take time. Okay, for the chaos to settle out, but you keep at it. Alright, so that was very wise of him to say, It’s okay. I know where you’re going here. I’m very energetic. And I’ve watched things. And, you know, I wanted to ask him a bazillion things even in a menu. Okay, so it was a kind of saying, I hope you’re meditating, and that.

timelessness is necessary now you’re taking the time, but what you encounter is time less, you will encounter yourself you become familiar with your own mind. And that was very valuable to acknowledge and confirm what he had been through, you know, 1970s, as a young Oxford scholar, he started meditating, but he was doing it here and there. But it was really then full on serious every day, an hour in the afternoon. And so by the time he came into Stanford in the 99, he was there a long time, but 9090s He decided to do the target experiments. And so he knew that the monkey mind that the thing we carry on our backs, it’s whittled away. Sometimes it can happen speedily, in a nonlinear way, suddenly, it’s all gone. Or it can take time. Don’t be disappointed. You just stay with it. Because the Divine is taking steps towards you. It’s a doozy way to live. It really is. So that was the biggest gift I can tell you in in my interactions, meditate. And even before I got to Scottsdale, okay. And it’s something I do every day, twice a day. 20 minutes, I just sit quietly there’s, I just sit on my chair. Okay, and close my eyes. I really just ask him, How do you meditate? Dr. Tiller? What do you do? You know, like, just some magic and mystery says, oh, yeah, you know?

Unknown Speaker 19:08
And I said, Okay, that was okay. You said, yeah, it

Dr. Nisha Manek 19:15
was very, it was very, very beautiful. You just said just and Jean Tillery. His wife said Nisha, you can always take your awareness from we think consciousness is the brain. It’s not you know, consciousness is a field. You drop your awareness down to the center of your heart and stay there. Breathe in and out and stay there. And you can repeat a single contemplative line. I am free. I Am Love. I Am awareness. There are many others, but you can go there and just be there. And that’s extremely powerful. Just just just what I’ve just said, for your clients for any of these listeners, if they can just have the willingness to be here, take a deep breath, close your eyes to the outside world, and just go breathe, and drop your awareness to your heart. It’s speaking the truth to you. That that’s all it is. And then came this book. And I’ll tell you, you know, it was an engineering of sorts, because out of this vast realm of Tiller work, and also a lot of supporting science, it’s not just tiller, but I had to bring in the CERN I brought in John Wheeler brought in Paul Dirac, Maxwell, there are other luminaries and they’re just fantastic. They’re I feel like they’re my family. So you know, taking the bricks of ideas and constructing the pillar one where we are now number two. Let’s look at this aspect. Now. Number three, let’s introduce an I’m going to come back to thermodynamics, but that’s energy. Energy is what moves our world. Okay, our cosmos. I’m moving my hands and speaking to Jasna because I have energy. All right. So energy is our, you might say universal currency, our raw material. There’s a law that governs energy that’s thermodynamics, that in a nutshell, that’s all it is. But the beauty of Tiller has shown this and that’s pillar number four, his target experiments. When you become sufficiently developed in your practice, and Tiller had, you know, I told you 30 years and he was a genius in math, he was now ready to ask, can now my thoughts change water? simple as it sounds? simple as it sounds, he says, Well, I can’t keep thinking over this glass of water. So he wrote it out. Me that hydrogen ions in this water go up by a factor of 10? Right, very scientific,

Unknown Speaker 22:20
and very scientific intention statement. That’s

Dr. Nisha Manek 22:23
it, you know, you can have I want a red sports car, okay, write it down. I love a red sports car to Cedar with the top down. I don’t know, right.

Jasna Burza 22:38
He was he was very precise about writing it down, there was something about not just having in Utah, but actually writing it down as an intention statement,

Dr. Nisha Manek 22:46
writing it down is is a kind of an impact, hold it and then write it down, you’ll feel a difference. When you write it down. There’s an emotional intelligence that also is there. And I will tell you, when you’re writing it out, you’ll you’ll actually say, you know, that doesn’t feel quite alright anymore. And just the revision of it tells you you’re on the right track you reprioritize things. So he used to write it down and he had a spiral notebook he carried in his briefcase, and he would bring it out. And he always wrote his intentions we worked on them together quite a lot. And there were steps to it, you know, let’s decide on you know, a patient of mine we were doing information medicine on this gentleman and we said okay, he has this arthritis and conventional medicine has been limited, what are his goals and we formed an intention. And we would go together looking at we want this goal and then this goal and then this goal he the patient and me decided until are crafted the actual English language amazing just like that.

Jasna Burza 23:57
I love that and every first are story of your patient who was really struggling for many, many years of your pain and arthritis and how the IHD and we’re going to talk more about that and intention statement you’ve crafted alleviated his pain, unlike anything else that you’ve ever attended before.

Dr. Nisha Manek 24:16
Yeah, this was so fascinating, you know, um, but one thing I want to say about pillar four and I didn’t realize until until my editor pointed it out, Robert pointed it out till I used to write Thy will be done at the end of every intention statement. And I used to think it’s rather quaint, poetic. Nice, nice, okay. Nice. Okay. So I’m writing it because that was really hit you right, thy will be done in the book. And Robert, the editor pointed out Misha, that’s the Lord’s Prayer. I did not know No, can you imagine all these years with Dr. Tiller? And it came to me like, I was so dumbstruck at the absolute, the Lord’s Prayer is Master Jesus speaking to the field to the Father, our own inner teacher, okay, that’s tremendous. I’m using a lot of words here, I realize that, but Thy will be done. He’s saying, oh, Lord, show me the truth of this. He didn’t tell a funding agency show me the truth of this. He didn’t tell her editor, her journal, any anybody saying Thy will be done? Oh, God, show me the truth of this. And that was tremendously heartfelt, powerful. So I when I practice this at the at the bedside with my patients, we cracked an intention. And we right now will be done. Yeah, well, amen.

Jasna Burza 26:00
Amen. Or so it is. I feel like Jesus understood thermodynamics all too well, because there is this assumption, it’s done. I say that is done. And it’s my intention, that assumption that it’s already taken care of. And I all I just have to hold it there. That is that is I speak it into reality, which is what really we need right now in today’s world. And this is, so when you’ve already shared about meditation, that I can’t thank you enough, because that is a powerful reminder of how some of the prescriptions are very, very simple. But Nisha, people are really struggling. Yeah, right. You were just so there’s a constant influx of negative informational input. So even now, the wars polarity inflation, and we’re very, very effective. We are highly incoherent. And I know you’ve written about entropy, and again, entropy, which which I finally understood and in ways of like, am I being incoherent, meaning are my ways. All are scattered all over? Am I becoming more coherent? Like this meditation does? So yes. I’m curious, why do you question is do you notice the same thing?

Dr. Nisha Manek 27:18
Yeah, I do. Sure. You see, individually, we have great shifts happening to us. They’re beyond our control. But our reaction to them is in our control, you’re only subject to what you hold in mind. I repeat, you’re only subject to what you hold in mind. And we’ll come back to that remind me okay, because it’s really important. So when you have all the myriad thoughts, which are incoherent, they’re really an anxiety, fear, apathy to all the way to share anger, right? We can have full on rage of why is this happening? I was in control, things are going well. And now we have all this stuff going on. When will it and actually I hear this also a lot. When will it end? One of the first things you know, I say okay, first is Let’s clear out our own individual diet. And when I say diet, it’s what you eat throughout the soda, the soda and chips and junk food and Carageenan to MSG. Clear out your diet to the map, clear out your dad through the eyes, shut off the television, for God’s sakes. Can we do that? Okay,

Unknown Speaker 28:44
shut it out.

Dr. Nisha Manek 28:46
Shut out what you’re listening to. For a while. It’ll be there. Just shut it out. Because everything you’re taking in your eyes, ears, mouth is your diet. We think diet is just what you put in your mouth actually know your diet is all the information you’re collecting from the environment. Okay, that you’re incorporating and accepting. Then then, okay, so once you have that awareness, okay, what am I doing? I haven’t watched TV in three years plus, I don’t miss it.

Unknown Speaker 29:22

Dr. Nisha Manek 29:25
Okay, this is somebody who reads the Wall Street Journal and economy. It’s all gone are gone. Because I don’t know what’s as you said, it’s really not truth. Okay? It’s constantly the goalposts are moving. Well, then I can take charge of myself. I shut it off. I clean my diet. I have nice tea. Okay. And I listen to music, alright. It’s not rock music, but there are certain sounds As they will heal you. So stop with just your individual consciousness. Become aware of your diet, clean it up, clean it up. Now you can move into the first way to release the anxiety. And this is absolutely in our control. Absolutely. And I teach it to my patients Breath, breath, anchor to your breath. People do not know how to breathe anymore. I’m telling you right away, I listened to people’s chests. And I think are you breathing? Like this, okay, this is not breathing, breathe deep hold and let it out. And you’re engaging the vagus nerve of the body. This is tremendously healing, anti inflammatory, right, energizes you, you talked about energy, you want free energy, your vagal tone is right there. You don’t have to take Red Bull and caffeine. You just breathe, breathe, you will energize you and release your anxiety and expect another stack of enzymes you come up, you are in control. By the way, any of these emotions of anxiety, anger, greed, loss of control, loss of focus, they’re limited. They’re finite, you the essence of that which you are is infinite, it’s love. So whenever these things come up, clean them off. It’s like a mirror you cleaning it. Let the blocks to the awareness of the love that the essence of that which you are fall away, let them go breathe. And if there’s a lot of anxiety, open up your heart, like a window, let these butterflies out. Because that’s not your stick, keep powerful practice three, open, and the solar plexus survival mode open, let the butterflies out. And you keep doing that. And I promise you, you will, they’ll start to sit up a little straighter and breathe a bit better. Yes, the outer conditions are exactly the same, who cares. But you are in charge. And then another practices just moving into silence, then you do a few deep breaths. And I can tell you I’ve done this. And honestly, it’s hard to talk for me. It you know, I just have to sit there for about five, six minutes, and then energize myself to Okay, I’m going to form words again. Okay, the silence is very wonderful and natural. So clean out your diet, clean out your environment. Breathe. Okay, and move into silence. There is I just want to say something and I know Jasna just interrupt me at any time.

Jasna Burza 33:06
I am taking it in I’m thinking oh my god right now what you just said is the prescription for the book that I’m writing. It is the prescription for every single human because what I’m hearing over and over is, well, I am I’m not in control of the world. And like you’re absolutely in control every single day of your environment. And we’re going to talk about that, and of your mind. And if you’re feeling completely rattled, it’s why what was your diet last few days? Last few hours? Says right? Yes, what I’m drinking but what are you taking in on a daily basis is causing this hyperventilated feeling of oh my god, there’s hope. The world is hopeless, everything is falling apart.

Dr. Nisha Manek 33:52
We’re lurching from one extreme to another Jas unexpected, it’s okay. So, you know, there are times I’ll just shut off this social media because I do have some channels and you look at it, and not even that. Read, keep creating, Keep creating. So I write intentions every day. I write them for myself, my family, my patients, I even ask them, you know, can I write an intention for you? You know, let’s work on this together. That is very beautiful. Because that’s love. That’s natural, right? That’s and all the finite things will just, they’re finite. They’re there, they run out. They have to run the course. So you don’t resist it. You stay with the discomfort of it. You feel okay. Oh god, I saw this. You know what’s gonna happen? You sit with it, breathe, let the window open. Let the butterflies out and keep doing it for Are several minutes and it’s so beautiful. You come out a little lighter and be quiet. Okay? Yeah. All the actions

Jasna Burza 35:10
quiet the storm. Oh yeah, we feel like we have to do 300 things when prescription is very, very simple. I want to remind you what you just said earlier, were subjected to what we hold in mind.

Dr. Nisha Manek 35:22
Yeah, right only subject to what you hold in mind. Okay? What you see inside is what you’re projecting out there. That’s a tremendous realization because, you know, we tend to say, all of that is happening out there is nothing to do with me. But actually we are putting into the collective field of consciousness. Consciousness is not your brain, you’re not I point to my head here. That’s incorrect. And I wrote it in my book, that consciousness is a field of field needs. It’s a continuum, no gaps, okay? It’s a continuum of love. Okay. And out of this unmanifest comes the manifest thing that we call material thing. I love that

Jasna Burza 36:11
there’s something when you speaking of consciousness, your book is highly indexed. Just so you know. It’s like all marked up you say, consciousness is not a thing, but a process of personal growth and registering new experiences. And the level of consciousness is the most crucial aspect of health. And I assume that’s all aspects of health. I’d wager it will improve relationships, Improve Self Esteem, lift us up to really live all the doubt drugs.

Dr. Nisha Manek 36:38
Yes. And yes.

Jasna Burza 36:41
This remarkable when you say we must act and overthrow the programming on our cell phones, unplugged from the T TV, we’re being called to become alert, awake and in charge.

Dr. Nisha Manek 36:53
Yes, we’re being called to become HomoSapiens to homo spirits

Unknown Speaker 36:58
from Homer do bitters.

Dr. Nisha Manek 37:01
I say spirit is because, you know, how would you be tapped is the doubting man, the skeptical person? I was inventing terms for this

Jasna Burza 37:09
away from home or duty time. We’re moving? No, I love that. Yes. What is? I think that another thing that’s coming up is that a lot of people are telling me when they come home, what I love about this conversation, you will have been interviewed quite a bit and Tillery in physics is in thermodynamics or concept that that is becoming more prominent, but what I love about the conversation we’re having is so practical, from from a giant like yourself, and the memory of Dr. Taylor, who’s still here, that we’re actually sharing things that can help people who are struggling in everyday life. So thank you, for dad. And very often I will hear people well, I just feel like my home is just, you know, full of anxiety and full of chaos. And in the book, you also call Tiller saying physical space that we’re in malleable to human intention, as your witness, you know, experiments that show the space was changed to become conditioned or pumped. And in it change that with our emotions and intention, right. So I have an intention statement for my home behind paintings that I bless and I constantly pump and when I meditate, but would you please explain what is the condition space? Even Officer in?

Dr. Nisha Manek 38:39
Right? Yes, yes,

Jasna Burza 38:41
we become we elevated with our own emotions. What does that mean? Does it make us feel better? Or what’s the point of it?

Dr. Nisha Manek 38:51
Great question. So you know, I, I did medicine in London. And I worked at St. Thomas’s Hospital, which is a big system just across the parliament buildings on River Thames. And just across Westminster bridges, Westminster Abbey. Okay, so I had lunch hours, if I had time, I would go to the Abbey and sit there. I had no idea what I was doing. I just felt good. Why do you feel good? What’s what’s what’s, what’s up now? I could keep my eyes closed and you could transport me back to the lab. I worked in a lab in in London, did genetics of arthritis and you could put me back in the office. And I would know even though I have close my ears, close my eyes. So what is it about the space of the Abbey and my lab in St. Thomas’s hospital, even though I have no sensory input? We feel it, don’t we? What is it about the abbey over centuries of people’s intention? and from the stained glass windows, the beautiful music, the sculpting the pews. The very intention of people making this grand structure to honor the divine. We feel it centuries later, we are eternal. And here’s the thing I’m keeping my eyes close in the back of the Pew but I feel it, I feel energized and I go back to my office and continue my papers or whatever it is. Okay, the same feeling this is interesting. Listen to this. So I go to tillers Payson labs. Now Peterson is a small town in the center of Arizona, it’s quite an elevation, it’s surrounded by pine trees, very lovely. Tiller had his labs there. The first time I went to his labs, imagine entering a space full of computers, gauges, thermometers, Faraday cages, and I’m sitting there in, you know, in the lab waiting for him. And I felt this sense of hallowed space. I could have been in Westminster Abbey or the tiller lab, there was no difference. What is the quality of that space? Ask yourself, it’s not the content. Tell us intention did something to the physical vacuum of the space. And I’ll tell you physics will say this, the chair I’m sitting on is mostly empty space, the electromagnetic forces between atoms hold the thing together. You can split it, you can split the chair. And the reality of of the universe is that the most I would say 95% of reality is actually empty. Okay, nobody will argue with that. They all say yes, actually, you know, the atom, if you really blow it up, it’s like this little thing in the middle of a football field and the electrons way over there, what’s in between nothing, except there is something and that’s what we call the field, it has the field of potential. And once and this is what Tiller says

that his intention he stumbled into the biggest, you might say mystery of the target experiments, that when you when you do any experiments in thermodynamics, you want to monitor the target and the surrounding conditions of the lab. And he noticed the lab space was behaving really weird. He was monitoring the temperature, monitoring the water temperature, and he says, I don’t know unless you this things were, you know, really with me, boom, boom, boom, like a like a music right on sink, and had nothing to do with the, you know, time of day circadian rhythm. Winter summer in Arizona, it had nothing to do original experience. We’re actually Plymouth, Minnesota was in Minnesota. And Greg Mandel is from Minnesota. So he stayed in with tiller. But anyway, they were originally from Dan in Minnesota, and then it moved to Arizona. What is this waves he was seeing them, then he did mathematics on that waveform. To reduce them into harmonics. You can do that you can do that with birdsong. You know. And you can see oh, look, the Bird song is this frequency in this frequency. And he did that he did that mathematical Fourier analysis, and found that these temperature things, these water, things are nesting into each other. That’s really weird. You don’t see that. In normal labs, you don’t see that kind of behavior. And even if these currents were temperature, air, if you put a fan in the room, they would disappear instantaneously. He put fans he put this, he tried to interrupt them. He said they just kept going for four to five years. They were just you know, they were measuring them for a very long time. They were very consistent. It was not random. It was absolutely there. And you realize this is an indicator of something actually happening and it’s not in the air. So where is it coming from? Where is this fluctuations coming from? That’s when you realize that human intention is touching the physical vacuum tickling it. Oh, and for From there comes, what is the physical vacuum potential unmanifest. And we know, from Carl Anderson’s work in Cal State, oh, Cal Tech, no Cal State, Cal Tech. That’s where matter comes from. When you have enough energy, human consciousness, intention energy, or you have energy from the sun’s rays cosmic energy, it does something to the vacuum when you pop out an electron, it matter it excited. Yes, you exciting the field. And then

Jasna Burza 45:40
we’re turning it from potentiality into actuality.

Dr. Nisha Manek 45:45
I’m clapping. I’m clapping. That’s exactly right. Blast. So science is probabilistic, right? We look at probabilities of things happening with your intention, you’re moving the needle now, to actuality all the time, all the time

Jasna Burza 46:07
all the time. So what I’m what I really want to reiterate what Nisha just said in in in a way that our thoughts, our emotions, our intentions, create the space and that space affects us. So it’s kind of like this boomerang we affect the space in this space affects us. You were talking about healers, offices, doctor’s offices, where the physicians are pumping the space with good intentions of healing. Yes. Why churches, mosques, synagogues can often be such a beautiful oasis for for that kind of healing.

Dr. Nisha Manek 46:44
In the way I see it. And I used to laugh when Dr. Tiller stasis you know, Nisha conditions space where people feel a sense of well being in uplifted, it’s hospitals, chemotherapy units, neonatal wards, hospitals, yes, but just imagine yoga studios up and down the country, your local Starbucks uplifted, you know, you go in and you feel okay. And in actually in ancient India, you know, the temples were empty, they didn’t have all the stuff. They were dedicated to Lord Shiva, you would go into the temple and lie on the floor, what were they doing there, they were getting the energy because that conditioned space from divine intention is is now pumping you. Okay?

Jasna Burza 47:34
Which is remarkable. And they just have this condition space that is based in thermodynamics, where the D space turns into something that filler called the RF space,

Dr. Nisha Manek 47:45
right, you’re lifting it, you’re just lifting it. So D space and our space are together all the time. What you want to do is go towards the reciprocal space or our space, that’s a higher conditioning than these Spaces Direct. That’s, that’s our everyday reality, our everyday stuff in our space. All cameras. You know, computers, they all take on information. They are repositories, they behave differently. The physics is different in reciprocal space. That’s tillers, that’s the first rung away from just electromagnetism and the standard model of the CERN. Okay, that’s, that’s, that’s what we know. Yeah, once the Higgs boson was done, now you can move up, you really start to move up. Why go

Jasna Burza 48:47
I feel like we’re in such a beautiful time to be alive. I feel like Dr. Tiller was so ahead of its time where so much of this was just not welcomed with open arms. There’s some skepticism in traditional form of science wherever it is, it’s very difficult, but I feel like the paradigm shift has to happen and people are becoming open to it. So Nisha, you know I told you I have an intention statement behind a painting my own so there’s the photograph over there are wild horses from my hometown that my brother token there’s Yes, it’s incredible how he captured it. So it’s a painting and I believe that image is like dad for me, imprinting on condition MySpace, but what could what could people do to condition their spaces? Right? Is it to have an intention for their space? Or is it to bless their space? Or is it to be joyful and dance in your underwear?

Dr. Nisha Manek 49:44
All of the above really? If you want to have music and dance in your underwear, so be it. One of the things about intention and Tiller said this, and did this was consistency. He went back and he did it. He went back and he did it reproducibility reap repeatability that science, right. So he kept doing it. He says, when we’re reproducing your experiments in our data, whoa, we’re the space was just different. Okay. And then at first, the intention for water pH change took, I don’t know, two or three months, then it just took off. And I’ll tell you subsequently, it was just faster and faster and faster. Okay. So once you meditate, say, in my space in my library here, I can work very easily and right. Because I show up, I show up, I show up and do my work. He called it the Georges garage effect.

Unknown Speaker 50:46
Yes, sir.

Dr. Nisha Manek 50:49
Right. So when you see oh knows when they’re wondering. It isn’t the same anymore. Well, you can go back and recapture that old essence. But be quiet in it. Okay. Be there. Yes, symbols like pictures, holy symbols, music, these are all divine high level of information that now changes that space. We feel it, don’t we when we listen to good music, or have an aromatherapy? Or have a loved one touch us? Or a smile of a stranger in a supermarket lifts my day? So so this is it the space response? You do it consistently you will be conditioning? Oh my god, I have I have written an intention. Just for space. For my subscribers to my MailChimp, I’ll send it to you. Okay, I’ll send it to you. Yes, so is this I wrote a specific, I wrote a specific one to, to the divine. uplift my space and you can write your address if you want. And I crafted specific sentences you can write and then write it out, see it out. And you can read it with your children with your husband. So as a group you’re saying or prayerful for your own dwelling, that your dwelling is special, your dwelling is for the highest good. The highest good includes everyone want you. And now you can you individually, and you’re feeding to the field. Now you lift everybody up. Make no mistake, you know, your prayers are not lost. That intention is not lost. It affects all of us. Yeah,

Jasna Burza 52:45
I think somewhere the towards the end of the book you talk about? I can’t locate it right now. But you talk about, you know, this isn’t just about us individually. It’s really about how do we serve the greater humanity? How do we make a difference in this world. And by changing ourselves and being in the space of love and joy by tuning out the noise, we really changed the fabric of society, which is just so so

Dr. Nisha Manek 53:10
brilliant, your clients keep polishing your own self, let go of those feelings of anger and loss of control, breathe, breathe, breathe, let let the butterflies out, let them out, let them out. Don’t hang on to them. That’s not yours to keep. You are an infinite field. Even that you’re in into infinite field, your God. So where’s the limitation here?

Jasna Burza 53:36
i There’s there’s something that you call Dr. Tiller in the book. And before I go on to the question, I just want to remind our viewers and listeners to go to Dr niches website and sign up for that newsletter, because that’s where we’re going to get these more of these intentions. But in the book, you say the space of a single hydrogen atom has enough potential energy to sustain the entire earth and its inhabitants for millennia in the emptiness of space, there are innumerable energies. So man’s kind of potential for creativity and innovation is inexhaustible. So when I read this, I know the truth. Quantum physics, thermodynamics is coming forward and saying yes, we know this to be true. It all of these different things. But what I heard there, I want this is where I want to take this. This quote of yours is in words of Edgar Cayce and William Russell, who talked about accessing the genius, right, they said that we all have access to that beautiful piece of music we want to create are an incredible book that we want to write right. I believe that today we need solutions for the problems in the world and because we’re so tuned into the Mainstream fear we’re out away from the power from the hydrogen atom, right? So feeling clear on it, but how do we access that? That genius intelligence that we can create in our in our life for the well being of others?

Dr. Nisha Manek 55:19
You know, at first, I just want to make a little comment on the energy of a hydrogen atom, which actually John Wheeler, he was at Princeton of just a brilliant physicist who did the calculations. Okay. So each single hydrogen atoms has more energy, then the entire solar system 15 billion light years, okay, that’s Incan. We cannot conceive of those numbers, it’s very hard to get our arms around such such comparisons. So I sometimes tell, you know, imagine your pinky finger can like the whole of Chicago.

Unknown Speaker 56:01
You get all of Chicago for a year. Okay.

Dr. Nisha Manek 56:07
So there you are. So how can you access that genius that which you are, okay, you have to clean the mirror. So I would say imagination is very key here. So how do you activate the imagination in the silence, but you have to clean the mirror, shut out, shut out all of the television and diets that you’re immersed in, which has really been really our Mo for a long, long time. We have to unplug from that it’s okay, not You’re not missing a single thing. Now you have a potential to create something of your own. Okay, so when bridging science and spirit, all those doodles you see in there, those are my doodles. I’m a visual person, and I knew that this isn’t going to be a science book, I had to imagine it and I could see the bridge coming into view it was very vague. It was then you plug more, you plug more, I will draw here I will draw there, Paul Dirac here. Okay. So your imagination is activated. And it can your your creativity can come in many ways. It can come in a chocolate chip cookie, or it can come Okay, through a written proposal for your business. Ultimately, you want to serve. Ultimately, you want to serve, I want to serve with my electric company, and my whatever invention, I want to serve humanity. And I’m going to do it with the best employees so that they too can rise to that their own inner creativity. You’re not limiting it should be this rule that rule. You simply loosen up a bit. You can get there, clean out your mirrors, go into silence and imagine it right the intention My company is going to be number one. s&p I don’t know how they write these things, but I do it for medicine all the time. Yeah, literally, what shall we write about today? And this is what I even told one of my patients and I you know I wrote a a masterclass five weeks to mastering rheumatoid arthritis and I said, God is my chief medical officer. God is my chief medical officer. The true because that’s get energy. Energy comes from where spirit down to your information? Yes. It’s like a transformer, then it goes down into your acupuncture system. Then it goes into your nervous system, which goes into your immune system. So spirit that week, you are a spirit. That’s thermodynamics, high energy flows to law. There you are. We said it in like a five year old would understand okay. Energy flows from hydro. The source of energy is spirit. And in that great spiritual realm is our sun. Our sun gives us free energy all the time. Free, the plants take it in. We eat the plants we make energy. That’s it. Unbelievable. Anything more complicated than that? Really. I love energy is your raw material. Of

Jasna Burza 59:58
course it is. I love have that and you know, I do want to comment on the the graphics in the book your doodles there I have never seen it is inspired me like maybe I should do a Doodle for for the book because it what it has done is sometimes when you would write about something maybe a little bit complex, I would see this beautiful graphic. And I would I would get it, I would get it in an instant. So I want to thank you. It’s like this book is just really, really

Dr. Nisha Manek 1:00:29
beautiful. Coming back to people want something now they’re anxious, they feel out of control, instant gratification, right? So instant gratification. And that’s what Tiller pointed out to me in Scottsdale in that restaurant. You know, I said to him, meditation, he says, Do it be consistent. Because the more you do it, and it’s true, it’s it’s so wonderful. It’s the juiciness of life to be here to be with myself to know myself. And Master Jesus always said know thyself. Many years ago, when I was at Stanford, I felt out of control. And I was at Stanford University in rheumatology, lots of responsibility to I would say it was a little brutal. You’re doing this and this and you have very little sleep, you’re running on empty, and you have to start on call tomorrow. I was in Palo Alto and I was driving home. And I really was a little apprehensive. Okay, I’m driving home. And I asked for help. I think I just said help. That’s the simplest prayer help. And what came was heal thyself, physician. I know what it was like, like a voice came out of nowhere, heal thyself. I went home to San Carlos I lived in. So I wrote in my diary, heal thyself, physician. And key and I was you know, I think it was that that commitment to truth that when you’re saying Help, helped me see helped me see this differently. I am on call at work to do that. I wasn’t alone, that through this challenging period, I was seeing myself and rising and being okay with it. And it was okay. It was all okay, that everybody was safe, that you will have I had helped, that I come in with one patient after another that I’m present that I asked for help was the consultant. And so, physician heal myself, heal my own mind. That’s ultimately you’re shifting your mind. Okay, you’re healing inside. And so Know thyself is consciousness. It has all these levels. You know, people say your everything is consciousness. And then that’s where they stop. I think it’s very limited. Consciousness has its own states of being, you have a state of anxiety, you have a state of joy. Right now. It’s a state of joy and happiness being with Jasna right now, right? We have a state of absolute light and ecstasy, and absolute fear states. They’re all on a continuum.

Jasna Burza 1:03:41
Are you referring to the map of consciousness?

Dr. Nisha Manek 1:03:44
Yeah, yeah. of David Hawkins. He really helped me understand that. So that’s why to say consciousness and stop there is not enough. You have to know your state of consciousness. And not only that, you become aware of your preferences, your likes and your dislikes. Because Spirit doesn’t label you are labeling. Once you know your preferences and prejudices you can let go of them and choose again. Yes, what Master Jesus does, he’s a psychologist or excellence. He always says Come my brother choose again.

Jasna Burza 1:04:22
Choose again I love that and that is the choice that we can make every moment of every day every every year no matter when we can we can start again we can choose again. We can

Dr. Nisha Manek 1:04:35
choose again. And if that’s too difficult breathe and even as you start the car say I am love. You open the door. I Am Love. Get into the elevator. I Am Love. Drink your tea, I Am Love.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:51
I love

Dr. Nisha Manek 1:04:52
to contemplate a way you’re simply aligning the with the truth. There’s nothing untrue. That’s timeless. You just go Go Go Go just with that one sentence, you could spend 2030 years of your life discovering the mysteries of Iam love.

Jasna Burza 1:05:10
Oh, isn’t that remarkable and then having the hope, and they may or intention is an example of intention would be, I intend to work on my consciousness, I intend to open up my heart to love open the window so the butterflies can fly out. So the intention can be as simple as that. Yes. And then I will be done, oh, Lord, thy will be done. Because what happens then is that we’re literally changing. We’re affecting our reality. We are our thoughts, our intentions, we’ve talked about the intentions is literally it malleable, our space or around this is malleable through our thoughts. It affected clutter. And then and that is, you know, that takes us to the law of resonance or law of attraction, right? It’s so popular. How do I create Yasna

Dr. Nisha Manek 1:06:04
the law of attraction was good as a beginner. I call it the kindergarten way. Okay? Because, again, where you are in a state of consciousness is where, where the it’s like an iron filing, it moves towards the iron, you know, the magnet, it’s this huge thing. And the past doesn’t push you it’s your your decision for a future that pulls you into it. Okay? Nothing is coming to you that way. Because you were rooted in the past. What you want to do is recognize that, okay, it’s not the past pushing you, but your decision for a certain state of being in the future. And now you’re ready to become that you’re becoming you’re becoming right, you’re becoming your an avatar in training.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:00
I love that I love.

Dr. Nisha Manek 1:07:04
But it’s really true. Because Tiller often said, you know, Nisha, if you can change water, and you can change an enzyme, and you can impact a fruit fly positively. He was never nasty. Yeah, he was always kind to these animals. Then you can spin off planets. And Lord Krishna shows that in the Gita, it is the truth. So you showing Arjuna his friend that look, you don’t recognize me? And you don’t because we’re cousins. And you know, but you have asked what is the reality and he opens up his reality, which is so enormous that Arjuna sinks to his knee. Yeah, too much. So he gets amnesia again and he’s back on the battlefield. Now why Krishna? What do I do about this problem here? Okay, so Gita has a lot of beautiful instruction, what we have already discussed here. All right, that we’re in this great battlefield, do not lose heart, my friends, you are an avatar in training, you have divine help. And ultimately, you are also divine. And you have to reach that divinity within yourself. manifest it by becoming that don’t attract it you are that you have to clean it out. And in little steps, you’re doing it all the time.

Jasna Burza 1:08:34
I love that on that note, Dr. Anita Malik internationally renowned, integrative specialist, integrative medicine specialists and your and protege of Dr. William tiller and just such such a student and teacher artillery and physics i i really have listened to so many probably every single YouTube interview video I did not lie I’ve read this book now three times. i Wow. That I mean, I really because it is so meaningful to me and I feel like every time I listened to you I learned something new. And what is just so remarkable now what I really want to thank you enough in my intention for this interview was how do we make it so practical for people who are so spinning who really want to find what what what does this all mean? I don’t care about intention. What how do I how does the arrow make it work for me because I believe when when we’re suffering, we’re really only focused on ourselves How do I make myself better?

Dr. Nisha Manek 1:09:40
And that’s okay. You more than anyone else is worthy of your own love.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:45
Amen. Both

Dr. Nisha Manek 1:09:49
yourself are worthy of your own attention and love. And that’s not selfish. That’s, that’s the biggest gift you can give to the universe is self care.

Jasna Burza 1:09:59
You Amen because when we do we rise in consciousness and we become loving towards everyone towards all all everyone in the in the planet and I do believe that we, we create the fabric of the society and I believe that you are one of those people so I cannot thank you enough for this conversation and for your jazz

Dr. Nisha Manek 1:10:18
Nah, you’re very kind you’re so enthusiastic.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:23
I can’t believe you watch those YouTube

Dr. Nisha Manek 1:10:26
things oh my gosh,

Jasna Burza 1:10:27
every single one of them every single Well, I’ve there were just so many incredible that you know, backstories of your journey and and the actual all the experiments that we’re going to link those. But besides the findings, and people can read the book, how, you know, how do I apply this today? So I’m just I’m forever forever grateful. And this is a meaningful conversation to me. Because I believe that we’re on that trajectory towards a better world and all awake to our own power and it starts inner peace and love towards oneself and everyone else around us.

Dr. Nisha Manek 1:11:06
You know, we are in the Great Awakening. And it’s, it’s going to be bumpy road ahead. It’ll be bumpy, it’ll be bumpy. And you stay with the bumps. You buckle up and you simply say, Okay, I’m going to breed today. Your intention, dear Lord, remind me to breathe today. can be simple. Dear Lord, let me be of service to you. Oh, Lord, St. Francis, okay. Oh, Lord, helped me shut off the television. Oh, Lord. It starts like that, you know,

Jasna Burza 1:11:49
really thank you so much. For all of you make sure that you order bridging science and spirit on Amazon or any any bookstores anywhere where you buy books, Nisha Manik,

Dr. Nisha Manek 1:12:04
Jasna it’s been a pleasure. Thank you for having me.


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