Someone recently set me on fire by saying that I should make sure my kids fit into the American society by going out my way to provide cultural experiences because their parents are immigrant and God forbid they stood out. I think this is how we create cages for our kids and ourselves and it’s a danger to society and I explain why.

The danger behind fitting in

by Jasna Burza | Uplevel Together

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Relationships crash course with Hillary Foster

Relationships crash course with Hillary Foster

Hillary is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and for nearly two decades she has helped individuals, couples, and families dealing with struggling relationships, anxiety, and depression.

The downside of personal and business growth and what matters most

This entire podcast is about bringing you resources, tips and conversations that will assist you to uplevel your life and business. And while the goal is to create a better and more fulfilling life and business, we will often get caught up in the work or the hustle and lose sight of what is important and we talk about that!