Declutter your home

It’s something that many of us tend to put off. But decluttering can have some big benefits. Aside from the obvious. In today’s Sunday check in Susan Elizabeth Littlefield gets some tips on how we can all start to declutter our lives.

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
Here, I really want to talk to you about a million things. But this morning, I want to talk to you about decluttering. Kind of in the physical sense, but also in the psychological sense.

Jasna Burza
On so many different levels. I love this conversation. So for everyone listening, if we’re feeling anxious, or stressed, or just unable to focus decluttering may be just the trick. And I’m not talking about anything new. If you look around you clutter a mess, or just untidy areas can make us feel just kind of overwhelmed. And research shows that the single act of cleaning can have such an incredible effect on on mental health and our physical health. So I’m here for it.

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
So it actually is something that affects our health, if we have a lot of clutter around us.

Jasna Burza
Absolutely. In primarily shows in a mental health. It’s people who, with more clutter, do manifest more depression, less focus, a lot more confusion and less productivity. And what do you more, one more, have more happiness, more focus, more joy? So I think the spring is such a beautiful for me, a season of rebirth. And if you if your 2022 goals have fallen asleep, you know, this would be just the time to declutter that spring cleaning, and I believe that clear space is a clear mind.

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
Okay. And it is definitely very important. But it’s also easy to put something like that off, how do we get going tangibly speaking here on decluttering?

Jasna Burza
Absolutely. So there’s, there’s so many different ways that we can approach this, I’m going to share tips that are very easy and not overwhelming, because who wants to tackle something like that, right. And I really want to stress this, if you take even one or two of these tips seriously and implement them, you will feel like you have so much more control over your environment, you will sleep better and just you’ll just feel more wonderful. So number one, most importantly is that you have to start very, very small. So you pick I don’t know, a shelf, a bookshelf, a drawer, something that’s not going to make you hyperventilate, and because we don’t really like to do that pairing that is something that brings you joy, so light a candle, or listen to a podcast or an uplifting music. So that would be number one. And number two, this is again, very small, small tip, ask yourself what needs to be decluttered first, so is it your office? Is it the bathroom? Is it the makeup drawer, start with that, and then that will have that a ripple effect on the rest of the rest of the house? And then there’s, there’s I have two more tips. And I think that they have to do with a little bit more of a psychological effect, right? I don’t know. Do you declutter? Susan Elizabeth,

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
I first started working on that about two years ago. And the little by little approach really seems to help me.

Jasna Burza
It really seems to work. And again, there’s a there is this resurgence of decluttering and tidying up, that is really, really popular because of all those benefits. So one more thing that we as we declutter, that we can really tackle is letting go of the past. That’s the psychological effect. We can ask ourselves what belongs in my life right now. And what do I want to focus on and letting go those things that we have kept on for maybe a little bit too long, right. And that brings such an incredible focus in our minds. And lastly, our digital world has become cluttered as well. So it’s not just the physical areas, but there’s all of the apps and the phone and the documents and inbox and all of those things. And there’s a way to declutter those options as well. And I think that it will make us feel more in control, we will feel like we’re on top of the world. It’ll give us more energy to tackle other things. And I do have a digital checklist for the things that we can organize in our lives just for ideas. If you’re really stuck, and you say I have no idea where to even start. Start right there.

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
All right. Well, you always have great advice. I appreciate that. And I think you’re right spring is the perfect time to declutter.

Jasna Burza
That’s it.

It’s something that many of us tend to put off. But decluttering can have some big benefits. Aside from the obvious. In today’s Sunday check in Susan Elizabeth Littlefield gets some tips on how we can all start to declutter our lives.

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
Here, I really want to talk to you about a million things. But this morning, I want to talk to you about decluttering. Kind of in the physical sense, but also in the psychological sense.

Jasna Burza
On so many different levels. I love this conversation. So for everyone listening, if we’re feeling anxious, or stressed, or just unable to focus decluttering may be just the trick. And I’m not talking about anything new. If you look around you clutter a mess, or just untidy areas can make us feel just kind of overwhelmed. And research shows that the single act of cleaning can have such an incredible effect on on mental health and our physical health. So I’m here for it.

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
So it actually is something that affects our health, if we have a lot of clutter around us.

Jasna Burza
Absolutely. In primarily shows in a mental health. It’s people who, with more clutter, do manifest more depression, less focus, a lot more confusion and less productivity. And what do you more, one more, have more happiness, more focus, more joy? So I think the spring is such a beautiful for me, a season of rebirth. And if you if your 2022 goals have fallen asleep, you know, this would be just the time to declutter that spring cleaning, and I believe that clear space is a clear mind.

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
Okay. And it is definitely very important. But it’s also easy to put something like that off, how do we get going tangibly speaking here on decluttering?

Jasna Burza
Absolutely. So there’s, there’s so many different ways that we can approach this, I’m going to share tips that are very easy and not overwhelming, because who wants to tackle something like that, right. And I really want to stress this, if you take even one or two of these tips seriously and implement them, you will feel like you have so much more control over your environment, you will sleep better and just you’ll just feel more wonderful. So number one, most importantly is that you have to start very, very small. So you pick I don’t know, a shelf, a bookshelf, a drawer, something that’s not going to make you hyperventilate, and because we don’t really like to do that pairing that is something that brings you joy, so light a candle, or listen to a podcast or an uplifting music. So that would be number one. And number two, this is again, very small, small tip, ask yourself what needs to be decluttered first, so is it your office? Is it the bathroom? Is it the makeup drawer, start with that, and then that will have that a ripple effect on the rest of the rest of the house? And then there’s, there’s I have two more tips. And I think that they have to do with a little bit more of a psychological effect, right? I don’t know. Do you declutter? Susan Elizabeth,

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
I first started working on that about two years ago. And the little by little approach really seems to help me.

Jasna Burza
It really seems to work. And again, there’s a there is this resurgence of decluttering and tidying up, that is really, really popular because of all those benefits. So one more thing that we as we declutter, that we can really tackle is letting go of the past. That’s the psychological effect. We can ask ourselves what belongs in my life right now. And what do I want to focus on and letting go those things that we have kept on for maybe a little bit too long, right. And that brings such an incredible focus in our minds. And lastly, our digital world has become cluttered as well. So it’s not just the physical areas, but there’s all of the apps and the phone and the documents and inbox and all of those things. And there’s a way to declutter those options as well. And I think that it will make us feel more in control, we will feel like we’re on top of the world. It’ll give us more energy to tackle other things. And I do have a digital checklist for the things that we can organize in our lives just for ideas. If you’re really stuck, and you say I have no idea where to even start. Start right there.

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
All right. Well, you always have great advice. I appreciate that. And I think you’re right spring is the perfect time to declutter.

Jasna Burza
That’s it.

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
is more accessible than ever. It’s something that takes work, but I believe it’s Oh, so worth it. Here’s a life coach Jana Borzoi. On the power of self development. Yasmin, good morning.

Jasna Burza
Good morning to those a bit.

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
Okay, something I’m pretty passionate about personal development. We see it everywhere right now. But why is it so important?

Jasna Burza
Personal development is the thing that makes us us. It helps us assess our life goals, and really helps us become the best version of ourselves. It helps us to be proactive, take charge of our actions. And it really shows that people who invest in personal development has success and satisfaction in life. And you know, I do believe Warren Buffett Buffett said it I do believe that the greatest investment that we can make is investment in ourselves. And that is personal development continually working on becoming the better version of ourselves.

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
And another one big part of it is consuming. There’s so many things out there, but books, podcasts, advice, therapy, all of that.

Jasna Burza
Absolutely. There, there really is, I think we have to determine what we need at the time. But we don’t have to spend a dime. And it’s so readily available, especially today, there is so many incredible trainings and podcasts and books. And I think that if you’re willing, that’s all you need is time.

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
And one thing that’s helped me with self awareness, as simple as it sounds, is even Instagram, following people like you, I mean, there’s a lot of people on there giving insightful advice. And like you said, it’s free.

Jasna Burza
It really is because of the social media has, there’s the double edge to it. It’s such a blessing, because we do have access to information. And I think that it does give us a moment of self awareness. Because when we get to know who we are what we want, and when we don’t want, we can design the life based on where we were, what what do we need, and I think that’s such a great, great gift. And I

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
think that’s what this is about right? Is is getting life direction and clarity at the end of the day that comes from personal development.

Jasna Burza
Absolutely. Because when we have clarity about where we’re going, what do we want to do for the the plan for life, decision making becomes a lot easier you say no to things that you know, are not part of that plan and the tasks, they really are so difficult for us. We they just don’t, they’re not as difficult because we know we have a why. And I think that there gives us an incredible focus and clarity, it gives us the motivation. And we become so much better about prioritization. And again, people who invest in themselves and they get to know themselves. There’s an incredible sense of confidence about showing up in the world, which directly relates to self esteem. And then success and productivity in the world that we’ve talked about so much of that on the show. Yeah,

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
I mean, in the end here, it’s worth it to do the work. Oh,

Unknown Speaker
all these My goodness, well, look at the world that we live in right now.

Jasna Burza
So let’s really personal development to the challenges in life. There will be tough times in life and when they when these things occur. When we have taken the time to develop, we will have greater confidence, resilience, personal and interpersonal skills, we will have better relationships and those really make up our life. So I’m such I’m such a big proponent of always working on ourselves, because it’s not just us that we’re happier. But I do believe that we make this world a better place.

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
I agree. Thank you so much, Jasmine.

Jasna Burza
Oh, thank you. It’s such a pleasure.

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
Well, he is now has a free weekly course on personal development and finding your purpose Yasmin You can find it on WC


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