Yes you can, but you have to start by taking small action every day.
Do you feel like you have outgrown something or someone? Do you feel that it might be time for something new? Do you find it hard to walk away from something you have worked on for so long even though it doesn’t bring you joy? Then this podcast is for you! I talk about how to do that successfully and my own experience I am currently going through….
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Join the crowd and be happy you did.
I know I would be good at it if I only knew what it was… (Video)
I knew I could be so good at something…….but I have no idea what that something is. Have you ever asked wondered the same thing?
Perpetual Contrast
Today’s video is on a piece of research I recently read and what it has to do with your life, purpose, and happiness.
Five minutes is all you need…
I think we all can find five minutes within our day, but why do so many of us not even give ourselves that?