Emily Vavra: God, Network Marketing And Personal Development
Heart to heart interview with one of my dearest friends
I have always been attracted to people who chart their own course. It’s precisely the reason why I fell in love with Emily Vavra Network Marketing pro and why you will too. Over the years, we became very close friends and she is the woman I want in my circle. Ever since this interview has aired, her life has changed and she continues to rise with authenticity, power and passion for helping others. I especially love her because her and I can go to town with big ideas that others would laugh at. We can strategize and visualize and laugh about it all too.
This interview can absolutely change the way you do business, life or both. Nothing was off the table so I asked Emily questions you all wanted her to answer:
How does she create balance in her life?
Where does she get that confidence from?
Does she ever have bad days?
How did she get started?
Does she worry about what others will think?
Advice for how to get started in business
How do you find your passion?
Is there one path to success?
….and she answered every single one of them, in detail.
Emily shared EVERYTHING. She is honest, transparent, kind, ambitious, fascinating, inspiring – all at the same time. We could have honestly kept going for hours like that.
Who the heck is this Emily? Emily Vavra Network Marketing pro and her husband Hayden became the youngest millionaires in company Isagenix: health supplement company that you may have heard of. She is a speaker, a coach and a fascinating social media personality (woman seriously has game). She is redefining what it means to a part of network marketing and owning yourself.
I love her spirit and hustle and I love her message. I think you need to know her, learn from her and who knows – maybe even become her business partner. I know that this business is not for everyone, but being part of her empire is where I would want to be if this was my cup of tea.
Despite the fact that network marketing is her world, she is an up and coming personality and has a lot of inspiring and practical things to share with her audience. She is inspiring, funny and well dressed. You will love seeing her posts.
Please watch, share and drop me and Emily a note saying what you learned, what will you do differently and whether you have and if there is anything else.
Much love to you all,
Emily and I are big on living your God given Life Purpose. Watch free online course on how to find it, marry skills with passion and discover your greatness!
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