Uplevel Together Podcast
Gloria Prema Interview: Science Meets Spirituality without religion
I’m thrilled this week to share my interview with Gloria Prema

In 2013 she published a condensed Kindle version of It’s All Light, called ‘How To Be Spiritual (and understand quantum physics at the same time)’ and followed in 2016 by ‘How to Attract (using the law of resonance)’. The law of resonance, she asserts, is what people are calling ‘the law of attraction’. However, as she says, the law of attraction is really something else – it’s the attraction of opposites, like positive and negative poles of a magnet. The law of resonance on the other hand, requires no attracting. It’s about being in the right frequency in order to have what you want, and there are tools that can be used to help achieve this, one of which is EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).

Gloria has been a therapist for over 20 years in natural healing and, since 2008, in EFT and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Her drive and passion is to create understanding of natural laws which naturally unites spirit and matter and thereby, allows for healthy living.

Gloria is giving away FREE audiobook of IT’S ALL LIGHT to first 40 people who sign up on her website. Go do that now and start listening for FREE! Go to www.itsalllight.co.uk

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Full Transcript 

Jasna Burza 0:00
I am beyond excited, so honored and so grateful that you’ve taken the time to talk to me here today. Thank you so much. Thank you.

Gloria Prema 0:10
My pleasure. Thank you for inviting me.

Jasna Burza 0:13
So, like I have talked about your book, it’s all light has profoundly, profoundly profoundly altered my life. And when people say, Well, how can a book change your life and like, you have to read it to understand it. I found the book at a time where I was really starting to research quantum physics in zero point field and understand that there’s new science coming through, that helps explain our existence in this world. But he was just going well over my head, I couldn’t understand it. I felt like I needed to, I needed a PhD just to read some of those textbooks. And then I read your book that actually came up with a completely new theory, first and foremost, what prompted you to actually write the book?

Gloria Prema 1:07
Yeah, I was, I had begun my science degree, was one year into my science degree when I had what I suppose you could call a spiritual awakening experience. And it was through virtual healing. And several things at the time all sort of converged. So it led me to investigate because I thought, well, things I was experiencing, I thought there must be physics to describe it, there must be a set about investigating how they can happen, why they would happen. And taking notes, and so you know, I started keeping a notebook. And then I was doing a science degree and reading book after book after book and going to lectures and workshops. And so this went on for it ended up being about 17 years and total, where I was, I finished my degree within that time, of course, but the study of science and the study of spirituality, where it went on for about 17 years, and I was I was just taking notes, from my own understanding for years, how to how I could, how I could explain one with the other. And then it was at the end of that period of time, it was about 17 years, when I realized I had a complete theory, I could explain everything with the same theory. And that was when I decided to make it a book. And that was 2009. That was when the book was first published.

Jasna Burza 2:47
Okay, I love this and thought, What is your degree in

Gloria Prema 2:53
it? And it was with the Open University in the UK, and I did health, physics, chemistry, biology, Earth Sciences. We did we touched on quantum physics.

Jasna Burza 3:07
And now there’s all this research. So you talk about in your book, it is, you know, you you present, really the unifying theory, in the complete sense. They reconcile the contradictory theories in physics that I hope we are going to talk about a little bit because it is a lot. And you said that it reconciles science and spirituality. Mystics have been saying the truth for millennia, and now it feels like quantum mechanics. And new research is coming through to confirm some of the things that we have known deep inside on a spiritual level. So tell us about the theory that you have developed and B, which I think is absolutely groundbreaking in terms of today’s today’s world, and just what it means for all of us today.

Gloria Prema 4:03
Well, first of all, I would say I call this theory the morphic resonance of light. And I’ll explain that term the word the word morphic means form or shape. And resonance means sound or continuous sounding. So what I’m saying is, the basic premise of the theory is that everything is made of light. And it’s held together with sound by sound. So what I’m seeing is sound compels the construction of form. I’m also saying that sound is slow light. And the really good demonstration of this book, which shows a diagram of when you when you play. The musical notes say you take middle C for example, and you play it 40 octaves higher it produces the color blue, so each note on the scale on the octave produces the colors of the rain. Rainbow. This was groundbreaking to me when I discovered this. But so what I’m seeing is that everything is light. It’s all light, even sound is light. Now, how to begin? Okay, so you have space and you have planets? No, I’m saying everything is light. No space is light and planets themselves are light. Now if you think of a light wave, a light waves natural movement is spiraling late with naturally spirals as it travels along, and it’s electromagnetic. Now, the question then is, well, how does that become matter? How does it become a form? Right? When I first had the realization that everything was made of light, and that was a culmination of things that happened, but then I thought, well, how? How does it produce physical matter? How can how can something like light produce matter? And I really do, I really put it together. When I discovered vortex theory, there was a whole school of thought in the 1900s of the vortex theory. Many scientists at the time believed that, that there were two forces in the universe, vortex and the ether. And so anyway, when I came across this work about the vortex that was like the big aha moment, that’s what made me realize that that’s how matter is made out of light that is through the vortex. So let me explain. When you have the light waves, the spiral, spiraling light waves traveling along, when they encounter a sound feel, which is a morphic resonance template, they have no choice but to take their place in that field and become the pattern the form. And they can do that through the vortex. Why not? If you imagine a spiraling wave traveling along, when it encounters a sound field, it has no choice but to stop and become matter. And when a light when a spiral stops, I can’t go any I can’t go forward. What would it do, it would naturally spin in on itself. This creates the particle of matter. It creates the physical particle, the atom, the subatomic particles, they’re all spinning lightwaves held on one point. Now, we know we can we can demonstrate this principle through the study of SIMATIC. I don’t know if you’ve heard of, while you’ve read the book, you must have heard of mathematics. It’s a field of study that began in the 1700s. And basically, you take a plate I did my own experiments with this in this photo. Yeah, a metal plate, and I scattered sand on the plate, and then you attach a frequency generator to the plate. And then as you change the frequency, the pattern changes immediately. And it provides very complex patterns, beautiful, geographic, geometrical patterns. And you can do these experiments with any any kind of material. That’s it, that’s the one I did I use sand but other scientists have used liquids and pastes the rich, Dr. Hans Yanni in the 1950s, that experiments, 3d experiments with liquids and pastes, and was able to create 3d models using the sound frequencies. So that’s a basic principle of how light waves become matter.

For traveling along because light, light has no rest energy anyway, it’s constantly moving. We know that some physics, so it’s constantly moving, but the only time it comes to a stop, or it doesn’t stop, it just doesn’t go forward, but spins in on itself is when it encounters the sound field. So that’s the basic principles of the morphic resonance of life. And if you think of this as the, if you think of the solar system, for example. So on on those images, you’ll see that there are places where there’s like collection of matter, those would be the nodes. I know it is a collection of matter whether slower frequency, and then there’s lots of spaces where there’s no sand. So those would be the fields and their places of frequency. So if you think of that, use that principle and apply it to the universe. Notes would be the planet and fields would be the empty space. So I believe that and I think there’s good evidence for this that pattern. I have of the universe is. It’s a giant sound. It’s a resonating sound throughout the cosmos. And this touches on the Vedic philosophy, the ancient Vedic philosophy. They believe that the universe is like a giant tapestry. And many traditions throughout the world believe that the universe was sung into being. There’s a lot of references to sound. Even in the Christian Bible, they talk about the word, the beginning was the Word. So I thought, well, the I use the word this the sound rather own in the book, as a representative of that universal sound. So Automata is an ancient sound that is used in many traditions to describe that final sound, that universal sound. So that’s what I’ve used in the book. The sound of and similar to what I’m seeing is all the sounds, all the patterns, the tapestry, the overall harmony, air is contained in on the pattern that’s already exist in that

Jasna Burza 11:10
yeah, the primordial Oh, my I love that well, let me is that there are people who are going to listen to this, they, they will be like, I have no idea what you’re talking about the wave the particle, I didn’t pay attention in physics in college. So let’s take them back just a little bit to explain the difference and or the findings in physics. And quantum mechanics, that is this very revolutionary that in particles behave like waves, the double slit experiment that you also talked about in the book?

Gloria Prema 11:44
Well, what I’ve just described is explains the wave particle duality of light, you know, it’s a wave, in its original form, light is a wave, and it becomes a particle due to the sound of the morphic resonance field. There are these fields, these templates are in existence. And the double slit experiment is a demonstration of that. It says an experiment is taught to all undergraduate physics students, and they send light waves through the plate with two slits. And of course, the you know, creates a band of of lines on the back plate, because it is behaving like a wave, and it’s causing all these like different lines to appear. But then when the next part of the experiment is the same single photons through the two slits. And when they do that, of course, you should just get two slips. But what happens is you still get all the bands, which means individual particles are behaving like waves. Now, I’m seeing that and that’s the big mystery to science. But I’m saying that happens because the plate with the two slits is created as a morphic resonance field that has its own morphic resonance field, and the light is just behaving as light does. But the interesting part of the experiment happens in third phase, when they set up a detector to detect which slit the particle goes through particles, change the behavior and go back to creating to slip. So the act of being detected changes their behavior. Now, I think, first of all, it demonstrates that morphic resonance fields are in existence. And also that showing that just consciousness involved here that’s changing. Here, I believe that the light waves are making a decision to change behavior, because there are being laws of the third dimension process that single photons going through two slits should create two lines. So I think it’s showing that the light is conscious, because it’s making a decision, it’s changing behavior. And when they set up the detector, the first step and set up the detector to detect which slit the wit the photons were going through. They weren’t expecting it to change behavior. So it wasn’t as if their expectation caused it. It was then expect that to happen. So think it shows that light itself is conscious. And this is a central theme throughout the book that light is conscious and consciousness is light.

Jasna Burza 14:40
So that is what’s I think at the heart of needing to have this conversation it’s really mind blowing that you know, if I oversimplify we’re all made a light like you said, it’s like oh, here I am my hand, my body my hair, but if we did if we go all the way down to quantum In reality, which is anything smaller than the atom, and break it all the way down, it’s pure energy, it’s waves, right? And those waves interact in a way, they’re able to be a change its behavior, just by the mere moment of us observing it, which is fascinating, because that goes back to us needing being able to more of our own bodies, our own existence, our own reality around us, correct?

Gloria Prema 15:31
Mm, yes. Because if our if our consciousness is light waves, and everything in the universe is light waves, and we’re all made of light, and everything is made of light. And, you know, we have that potential within us to create

Jasna Burza 15:50
it, and we’re going to talk about that because you wrote a book. And besides, it’s all light, how to attract using the law of resonance. So let’s talk about first of all, let’s explain to people what law of resonance is, and why that’s so important in the law of attraction, which is actually a misnomer. You say?

Gloria Prema 16:18
I believe so. When you want to attract something, you really have to be in the same resonance as it in order to be in the same field, you know, you have to be in that resonance. The law of attraction. I know, it’s talked about a lot. But I think that I think it’s a slight misnomer, I think it should be the law of resonance. We mean, there’s, there’s various experiments that will, that will demonstrate this, you know, the one about the, when you have if you put pendulum clocks all in a room together, the one with the strongest resonance will settle the others often same rhythm. Same with like guitar strings, if you have several guitars in a room and, and pluck the string, for example, all the strings of the other guitars will start to vibrate because of resonance, sympathetic resonance. So it’s, it’s the law of nature. And I think what slightly misled people about the law of attraction was, excuse me not understanding that you have to have you have to be in the resonance of what you want to try, or what you are what you want to have, you have to be in that resonance, that same resonance.

Jasna Burza 17:30
But how do people do that? Right? How do I be in a resonance and I’m gonna give an example from the book where you talk in your talk about placing several guitars in the room. And, you know, if you do if you park the ACE string of the guitar, soon enough, all the other guitars will start to vibrate, even without being touched, like it is just it’s mind boggling. And then you say, the potential is within the string. But it doesn’t release its potential until it recognizes the precise number of the ways of the frequency. The environment like I was, I mean, I like wait a minute. This is This is amazing. This is what David Hawking’s talks about turning potentiality into actuality. And you’re explaining it in terms of physics, and law of resonance is really very

Gloria Prema 18:21
simple. And, well, it’s simple to explain it that way. But we find it harder to do in our lives, right. But so so what I recommend people do is to use, there’s so many methods now that people can use, there’s so much on the internet, you know, the internet’s been great for that. There’s so many therapists, healers, free free training courses, mentors are all over the internet, and I’ve got many mentors on the internet. I’ve what I would suggest to people is, you know, if you’re in a situation where, you know, they say that, they say that the five people that we spend most of our lives with most of our time with are the ones that we end up becoming like because we’re in the same resonance, we adopt the same habits, the same thoughts, you know, same frequencies. So one way out of that would be if you’re not happy where you are, one way to do that would be to look for mentors, people who have the energy, the resonance of what you want to be or you want to become, and hang around them or befriend them or follow them online. Other things people can do is some therapy, self therapy. And that’s that’s one of the reasons why I like EFT so much emotional freedom technique, techniques. And I’m trained in that and that has helped me enormously because it really you can really discover what your true feelings are, what your true resonances, and you might discover something that’s been holding you back that you didn’t even realize it because we all come into this life and you know, we adopt family belief systems that sometimes may not be very helpful. But it doesn’t mean you have to be stuck with them. But it takes some work sometimes to really get to the bottom of it and really change them. That’s everything’s changeable. And you can do a lot by exploring in that way to discover what you want to change and what you want to become in order to get into the right resonance. books as well. And I love book I’m a real bookworm. And books have helped me enormously as well. Get to change my residence. Yeah.

Jasna Burza 20:37
So this is great. And for those of you listening is like we’re moving from Wait a minute, you’re talking about waves and subatomic particles and then it believes and consciousness that is because they are so interrelated. And what is another word for resonance? Like, is it frequencies we talked a lot about? The, you know, what is your vibrational field? Would you tell us, you’re just going to clarify a little bit like is resonance, the our, our vibe or vibration, or what David Hawkins talks about, you know, map of consciousness, how we, we vibe it, certain emotions are a certain level.

Gloria Prema 21:15
Yeah, every particle both rotates and vibrates up and down. So we have this frequency going on all the time. But the resonance is just like I said earlier, it’s just you astounding, it’s what we’re what we are vibrating to, in our field. And our field is our body, our thoughts, our emotions, all of it is it has a particular frequency, and that’s our resonance. So but it can be shifted, you know, I use the analogy in the book of the like a radio set or a TV set. And if you want to change your frequency, you’re just like turning the dial, that if you you know, if you’re watching television, you have a picture, you have a sound. Well, if you turn, turn the dial, flick the switch, you pick up a different frequency, you have a completely different picture, completely different sound. So it’s the same thing with us is a case of tuning tuning to a different frequency. And another way to do that is through meditation, that’s a powerful way to change your frequency.

Jasna Burza 22:23
Why did these practices work on our resonance? Do they increase our vibration, because you talk about the resonance spinning or a particle spinning at a faster frequency? This is from physics, when we when we become more coherent, more resonant? Right? So why do these practices like EFT and meditation? How do they achieve that, then we can become more resonant with the with the universe.

Gloria Prema 22:51
Everything is frequency, including our consciousness. So we can tune into different levels of consciousness, different frequencies of consciousness, it’s like, level levels, many, many, many levels, many dimensions, I actually talk in the book about the harmonic dimensions, because I’m seeing that light and sound are the same thing sound as slow light. And as sound is harmonic, the light must be harmonic, then because of the same thing. So what I’m seeing is in quantum physics, they you know, they speak of 11, they believe that 11 dimensions? Well, I’m seeing that, probably many more than that, but I have seen their harmonic dimensions. So by various practices, and meditation can be one of them. What you’re doing is you’re tuning yourself to different frequencies, so a different frequency on a higher harmonic, for example, where there’s more coherence, we haven’t talked about coherence yet, but where there’s more coherence on a higher harmonic.

Jasna Burza 24:00
So when that happens, for example, if you want to live a better life, why are we in a better mood, or in a better state of mind when we are in a higher frequency?

Gloria Prema 24:15
Well, there’s more purity, because 3d world is, I don’t believe it’s the lowest level of consciousness. I believe there’s lower levels. But it’s, you know, we have all the 3d physical stuff around us, all the negativity of the, you know, this everywhere, especially in the media at the moment. We’re having to encounter all of these things on this level of existence, this frequency, particular frequency. Now, many, many experiments have proven, you know, the problems with fear, anger, hatred, and that’s what makes us ill Words are frequency and that that could that’s been proven with experiments. I could just tell you about one at the moment. What’s the remote tools, remote tool who did the experiments with the water crystals, and he took water and flash frozen. And he produces beautiful crystals, because that’s the natural, you know, form of water. And then but if what he found was that water that had been subjected to pollution, or any kind of pollution, even words, anger, words of anger and hatred, the crystals couldn’t form properly, they were distorted. So in his experiments, he took that he took water that was polluted or distorted. And he, he eased it by keeping on words like love, I love you, peace words like that, on to the water vial. Then when he froze, he got these beautiful water crystals perfectly formed. So he was able to demonstrate that fear, hatred, energies like that can be transmuted by using words like love, or peace, etc. Now, if you think of our bodies were made of 70 to 90%. Water, the number varies according to who you talk to. But we’re mostly water. And so if you if you apply that principle to that, that alone the water alone in our bodies. Now look how much the fear and hatred is making us sick, mentally and physically sick. But then you can shift that with, you know, positivity or going into meditation, thinking higher thoughts, linking with a source of love. Because it’s love that creates true coherence. And that’s also been proven in experiments. And so that’s why when you’re met potater, you’re linking to another higher harmonic meditation, are there many ways to do it, you can change how you feel you can change, you can lift yourself, physically and consciously,

Jasna Burza 27:17
Lauria, you and I have briefly touched upon this, there has been so much scientific proof, and books written, this study is performed. Why is it that as humans, we’re having such a hard time believing in the science is coming out about the light and the resonance and the motors. I mean, we believe that there’s a guy who walked on water, but we don’t believe that the, you know, we’re all made of whites. So where’s the disconnect? Do you think?

Gloria Prema 27:55
Well, I think it’s disciplines have just not been talking to each other science and spirituality or science and religion, you know, they’ve been so far apart for so long. I think I think that’s been that’s been the root cause of it, there’s such a disconnect. And so that was my passion was to bring them together as because it’s really silly, they’re gonna need to be a part of the same. They can be united with the same understanding. I think it’s just been that they haven’t been willing to, to discuss, to unite. They see themselves as very, very separate. And humanity tends to do that anyway, you know, we tend to put ourselves into different camps, different religions, different belief systems. It’s a human trait of where we’re at at the moment. But it doesn’t have to be like that. That was what I really tried to prove in the book. It just doesn’t have to be like that. It can be united. Yeah, yeah. And even the even the I didn’t mentioned before, but the even within the different power ups, like science and spirituality, that you have camps within the carts that don’t even aren’t even united, you know, don’t speak to each other. In science, you know, the half the he have a lot of things in science where they can’t even unify their own theories, you know, like, the four major forces of physics, back to magnetism, gravity, strong, weak nuclear forces, even that isn’t united. And yet they’ve gone on to try and describe quantum physics, which again, they’ve made more complicated, it doesn’t have to be that way. But morphic resonance resonance of light I can, I can unify the forces. I’ll just quickly see how I do that. So electromagnetism is the light wave. Elect Take and because it’s spinning electricity creates magnetism. When it encounters the morphic resonance template and stops or spins in on itself becoming a particle, that’s what I’m calling gravity is the pooling of the light wave onto a point of spin, which is gravity. Now we’ll take that on and on up to bigger level, a planet. And the morphic resonance field a planet node point is composed of billions of atoms all pulling in the lightweight appointed spin, and that creates the gravity of the planet. And it creates the north and south pole because this electromagnetic there we unite electromagnetism and gravity, the strong and weak nuclear forces are part of the morphic resonance pattern, we see them and the pattern, parts of the pattern move, some of them stay stay the same. So in the atom, you have a strong weak nuclear force, which is very hard to break. There’s a frequency that’s holding it in place. And then the weak nuclear force is easy to break and the L electrons move. But again, it’s the frequency they can move with when the frequency changes. So the the frequency of the morphic resonance field describes the whole forces in physics unites all of them.

Jasna Burza 31:16
Were you surprised? Were you amazed it? Was it a moment of art when you have when you really came to that conclusion?

Gloria Prema 31:24
No, because it was so gradual. It was over all those years, as I say, and I was having lots of experiences, spiritual as well as aha moment. Certainly the vortex when I discovered the vortex physics, that was a big aha moment, because that led me that allowed me to describe how matter is created from light. And that was a big aha moment. But there were several along the way. But no, it was a process. That was a long, long process.

Jasna Burza 31:57
Looking at the world right now the polarity, the the ramp and incoherence and we’re going to talk about, I’ll ask you to define what what that means, but it feels like we’re just pulling each other apart. And we are distorted ourselves individually and moving in 100 different directions, which I believe is the would be a proper definition of incoherence. So why don’t you tell us what it coherences and then in turn what incoherence is, and why does it matter

Gloria Prema 32:33
enquete something that’s in coherence, if you imagine waves, coherent waves would be all over the place that the old jagged, wouldn’t be fitting together, whereas coherent waves, they all nest within each of the embed that it flows. So that’s, that’s roughly what it looks like. No coherence is very powerful. For example, an example of partial coherence would be a laser. I know how powerful lasers are. Wonderful, Professor William Taylor, who I know you know, great inspiration to me, he gave a good example of the power of coherence, he said, in a light bulb, if when the light bulb is switched on, all the photons come out, in all directions, incoherently. So we never see the true potential of the light bulb. But he said, if the other photons came out coherently, he said it would have the power of 1000 to a million times that of the Sun as the power of coherence. Now there have been lots of experiments done doing love creates coherence. One of them was an wented, physicist Dan winter. And I’ve watched this in real time here, he in the front of the audience, he was South hooked up to an electoral cardiogram, measuring his heart waves on the screen for everyone to see. And then he was he wanted to show the power of love creating coherence. So he got himself into a meditative state and was feeling love. And the more he sank into this feeling of love becoming in a state of love, the audience were able to see the waves becoming from being chaotic, to becoming more and more coherent. So that was one demonstration. The HeartMath Institute in Colorado, they have have, they’ve been doing work for decades now into heart coherence. And they have many building courses available, workshops, things like that they’re worth looking into. They’ve also proven that coherent har, which you can achieve through various techniques that the Promote And meditation etc, creates a feeling of coherence, heart coherence. And the describe the creates like a torus field where we have a field around the human body anyway, the the field itself becomes coherent, and then affects through resonance, other people around you.

Jasna Burza 35:24
And it’s 5000 times stronger than then the, you know, the waves from the brain correct.

Gloria Prema 35:33
The great that the heart radiates from my magnetic magnetism 5000 times more powerfully than a brain. It’s measured in something called FEM to Tesla, it’s 5000 times more powerful than the brain. The heart is really the power organ of the body. So,

Jasna Burza 35:55
you know, and that’s the power that when people say, like, I feel I walk into a room, and I just feel the energy, like, they’re not actually making it up. They’re not crazy. They’re actually feeling those those weights, and they’re being impacted by the coherence or incoherence.

Gloria Prema 36:14
Yes, absolutely. And when you become sensitive to it, because you become sensitive, when you’ve done work on yourself, you’ve cleared a lot of stuff, you’ve, you know, you’ve done a lot of practices to you can’t help but becoming more sensitive to it. Fields. But most people have it, I think, just perhaps ignore it. You know, when you go into a building you sense whether there’s coherence, or good energy or bad energy, you know, it’s a, I think it’s quite a primal thing that we can we can detect, but I think most people just ignore it. I

Jasna Burza 36:49
feel like that is the narrative that for very many decades, it’s been the intuition, the power of intuition, or the inner knowing that it was a joke, right? Because we became so highly educated and intelligent that they couldn’t be true. When mystics have been talking about how fees Rumi Omar Hayyan, from from Persia, they’ve been talking about the power of love, especially Rumi, and how how it basically connects you to the entire universe. And now, the science is coming forth and saying, Yes, this is the case. And not only is it true, we can actually measure it. And I think we’re trying to catch up with that in it’s just really brilliant. So let’s talk a little bit about why is it important in terms of coherence to be as we become more coherent, those waves become more coherent with one another? Why is that important for our physical bodies? And then why is that important for our mental state?

Gloria Prema 37:55
Well, as I said earlier, if you remember I was talking about Massaro, Emoto his work with the water crystals, because we’re made of mostly water, that it’s very important to achieve as much coherence as you can to keep your water crystals, healthy, you know, as obvious from those experiments that he did. But wouldn’t it

Jasna Burza 38:19
when they break down, they third communicating or the communication happens and then what happens in the body is is there’s more and more incoherence?

Gloria Prema 38:29
That’s right. There is. That’s that’s one way that it’s necessary. But there’s other there are other experiments that have been done. Dr. Harry Oldfield in England did experiments with Kirlian photography. I talk about this in the book as well. And that Kirlian photography, chose that bizarre template actually shows the template, the morphic resonance template around the body and then it was shown demonstrated by various things like a leaf for your cut off a leaf and took the photo and it was still showing the whole leaf. The template was still there. Then there’s been other experiments have shown within the morphic resonance fields as well on sacks Dunbar in the 50s he was experiments with seeds and plants, seedlings, etc eggs, and he found that the egg had the field around it the shapes in shape as the adult animal. The seedling had this the shape of the adult plant around that and he described it as like an electrical field. Marcel Vogel in the 60s was working with electron sorry, liquid crystals and IBM. And he also found this field around the liquid crystal and the crystal liquid solidified into the shape of the field. We call that type of electrical fields so there’s lots and lots of them illustrations of the field and existence. So, what I was going to say about Harry Oldfield, what he showed was, he took photos of cancer patients fingertips. And people who didn’t have cancer and compare them. Now the people with cancer, light radiations that we’re eliminating, and this is by off return energy, which we already that’s it, that’s the one bio Photon energy which we already ate. All living things radiate bio Photon energy, and it can be measured. And I give the proof of that in the book as well. So this light radiation from the cancer, this longer, longer strands, but it’s tangled. So it’s an incoherent are

Jasna Burza 40:50
they thin, coherent, so then, and this is the coherent, and

Gloria Prema 40:55
that’s the person on the left there is doesn’t have cancer, the light looks shorter strands, but the differences it’s coherent, it’s not tangle. So I think that’s a very good example of the importance of coherence for our health, our physical health. And remembering our water has got to be a coherent water. So there’s, there’s many reasons why by we have to be in coherence, mentally as well, because you know, the morphic fields are not just physical, have memory, and Rupert Sheldrake, you know, he was famous for discovering the memory fields than the morphic fields, and they do contain memory because nothing is lost. The memory is it’s a field within the greater template we’ve got we’re like fields within fields, we have many, many layers to us. And then in the Ito’s Wisdom Teachings, esoteric tradition, we talk about different levels of our existence, we have physical aesthetic, or mental body, spirit, and emotional body, a spiritual body, we’re kind of like, you know, Russian dolls, you know, we have all these layers to us. And each is a different level of a different dimension, if you like a different frequency. So we have all these different levels to us. So memory is contained in that there’s nothing is ever lost. The memory is part of it. Because time, in a sense doesn’t really exist. Relativity describes us, relativity says that, when traveling at very, very fast speeds, time slows down. So taken to its long, logical conclusion, that means time has stopped, which means past, present, future all coexist. So that means memory, something that has happened in the past still exist. So it’s part of our field or fields or template. And so that’s why, you know, we need coherence, not just in the physical, but it affects every film.

Jasna Burza 43:01
And we are on the you keep telling me on a break of a new era where hopefully we’re going to come together and start incorporating some of these things. But Gloria, every single day, I talk to people who are feeling so utterly lost, we’ve we’ve talked about their horror, sometimes I feel like I can’t find my own footing. And we’ve talked about that. So I know you have talked about a little bit before. But it’s the question I get asked every day. So I want to I want to ask the same question in a different way. How do we become more coherent? If today were just so overwhelmed with negativity with palpable negative energy and all the chaos? And I feel like I don’t know what to do. I’m losing it. What can we do? So you talked about meditation? You talked about EFT? What are some other things that we could do to really increase our coherence? So because I’m, I’m such a convert of Gloria prima, I’m also a really big fan of music, because music can change my frequency. Right? I will also bless my coffee or bless my water because I believe in we’re going to talk a little bit about that the power of intention that in changes the the vibration of their food or liquids. So tell us what are some of the other things that you have discovered in your research and you talk about it at length, especially at the end in this little booklet on how to attract which is really a law of resonance? How do we do that?

Gloria Prema 44:41
One way would be as you mentioned, music and I described this in one of the last chapters of the book, the music is very, very core, because again, it’s resonant sound, and that’s why it can affect us so deeply You know, find the music that you really resonate with that really lift you, you know, some people, some, some pieces of music just lift you to a higher place that can be different for different people. But you know that feeling, that’s very powerful. It’s a very powerful way to change your resonance. And I use it like therapy, you know, just if I’m feeling low, put something on that I know it’s going to make me lift me up. And, you know, as I mentioned, the book is interesting that most songs are about love. If you think about it, words are almost always about love. I think it’s something in aid to Nelson, an artist certainly I don’t think many artists are inspired when they write songs. And inspired mentioned in the book is comes from the Latin in spirometry, which is taking in spirit. We are right there literally connected,

Jasna Burza 46:04
which I love. Any of you have talked about the you know, one of the things that he is we’re talking about this the question of how do we improve coherence you have throughout the book over and over saying, quote, it doesn’t come down to what you’re doing differently. It comes down to whether were you feeling differently, so you were listening to a piece of music, find something that you can deeply feel, because that is the thing that changes our coherence, correct and our residence?

Gloria Prema 46:31
Correct. And then for other people that may be going out to nature and that, for me, that’s one of my tonics, I have to be surrounded by nature by trees, I have to be out in the green. During the flowers, the animal you know, for me, that’s the beauty of it. For me, sometimes it’s overwhelming, but in a good way. So that’s another way and meditation, we’ve taught that there are various practices you can do. But it’s a combination of things for people that you know, it has to be, find, find whatever, suits yourself, to get you to that place where you want to feel like minded friends can help us in that way as well.

Jasna Burza 47:20
But the main message is that we can do something about us are our lack of coherence. A few people are feeling victims to this world, and byproduct and feeling like they have to go along and I think we have changed the narrative. And we have to say how what kind of life do I want to live and be very, very diligent and disciplined about what we consume and how we live our life.

Gloria Prema 47:49
Absolutely. Be careful what you’re allowing to your field. And there’s so much negativity out there and I am someone I like to be kept informed of what’s happening in the world and what’s going on. Not through the news media, I have to say but independent media, I do my own research, and much of it, you discover what’s going on at the moment is so dark. But the important thing is not to stay in that place immediately afterwards, do something to lift yourself up again. If you are going to listen to that stuff or look at our stuff, lift yourself up again afterwards by whatever works for you, whether it’s music or whatever it is, you know, find something that will lift you back up again, raise your frequency again, and you’ll be able to tell by how you feel. You know after you have achieved

Jasna Burza 48:42
that, you know, I’m glad you said that one of the things that I think was besides the fact that I felt I finally got it I finally got those 300 books that are out there. There were seemingly disparate in your book and it is I mean you talk about almost every aspect of research and physics that has been done in the last 100 years and more. I felt so much in which I believe that this book by itself vibrates in calibrate certain level I felt such an incredible hope. And after I was so inspired after I read your book is so besides the fact that it was incredibly educational and it was an aha moment for me. I want you to know that it was a profound hopefulness about the world and I felt like I felt light I felt lighter because it is all live and I think that this is a mandatory reading for every man and woman walking the earth planet Earth because it you talk about every single thing from from our mental to physical health and to what what has been unexplained for such a long time and you call these out unseen realities, there’s so many waves that we can see right microwaves, gamma waves, there’s reality of things that we cannot see, just like electricity, but it is there, whether we like it, we’re whether we like it or not, right, you

Gloria Prema 50:17
know, and our physical and our electromagnetic spectrum, we can only, we can only see a very narrow sliver in the middle. But we know the rest of it is there, either side, but we can measure the other sides, you know, from galleries, one and two microwaves at the other. We can measure them with instruments, but we can’t see them. They don’t stop there, they, the spectrum continues either end, it’s just to stop being able to measure what I’m seeing as the as one. One, level one band of frequency when speed of light, that describe the other speeds of light, the jump into another speed of light, which is the next dimension and another speed of light, which is the next dimension, and on and on and on. So we don’t know how many dimensions quantum physics says probably 11. But there could be a lot more than that.

Jasna Burza 51:12
You mentioned earlier in the white and the speed of light, and you mentioned the faster speeds of light, would you just tell us a little bit more about what that means?

Gloria Prema 51:23
Yeah, the fast this is where the spiritual aspect comes into the whole theory, because the common experiences that we’ll have around the world and always have gone, you know, like seeing spirit or hearing the voice of a loved one or even UFOs you know, having a vision of a UFO or apparition or who’s like near death experiences, which are very common around the world. People die, you know, on the operating table, many times it’s recorded, they’re dead for several minutes often. And then the revived they come back to life. And then they talk about this amazing experience this place that they’ve been very well documented. So x, the, this, the spiritual side of the theory is incorporated in the faster dimensions, I explain the faster dimensions as being the home of spiritual phenomena. And the same principles apply, you know, and I described how the articles are created out of light through the morphic resonance templates in this dimension. But the same exact same principle applies. And the faster dimensions he made the same way, the faster speeds of light, they’re creating the particles and through the morphic resonance template is exact same principle in each dimension. And that’s why you can have matter. Faster dimensions, is a finer matter. It’s less dense in this dimension, but it’s still matter. So you know, that’s why people see if they have a near death experience, and they go to this place, they see the physical presence of people that they’ve known and this life or people who know them, they feel connected to them in some way. And they have a body but often we’ll see their bodies looks like it’s made of light. You know that? No say that, in fact, everything had a light around it a light about them. And it’s because it’s a finer matter. So yeah, so that’s how I explain that a lot of the spiritual phenomenon happens in more depth experiences have been so well recorded. And I talk about your I talk about some of them in the book, they can give proof in many cases of the fact that they were somewhere else. And even when it happens, you know, when they leave the body, they all say that they went through a tunnel of light. And again, as explained by the same theory, because it’s a tunnel of light, which is a spiraling light tunnel. And I believe that’s the connection between dimensions there being an a vortex naturally cools everything to the center. So they’re being drawn into the tunnel and this is how they describe it. And then they find themselves in another place, which is filled with light. So, even the vortex can be used to like that even the vortex can be used. It’s the same principle throughout every dimension.

Jasna Burza 54:41
I just really love that and it is you know, you’ve changed the Scripture said God science meets spirituality without religion and it is the answers that I think people have been looking for again and again again,

Gloria Prema 54:56
again, and even when the like how you know How does something appear and disappear, you know that, like, an apparition of spirit or something appears and disappears. And it’s the same principle, as I mentioned earlier about the tuning, tuning the frequency. So when you’re the you leave the body, you’re, you’re in a different frequency, a different speed of light altogether. And that’s why you can see it. But then also, it can work the other way. If some if someone on the other side wants to appear to you, and that happens to people on there, what they’re doing is changing the frequency. They’re tuning to different frequency, and they can appear in this dimension. And by reaching they disappear, and I believe that’s how it’s done. It’s in principle throughout all the dimension

Jasna Burza 55:45
into let’s talk a little bit about intention. What do we mean intention, the power of intention, what does that mean? I’d love for you to explore a little bit about the intention, how it collides with science, and, you know, quantum mechanics and the research maybe from Dr. Tiller, because that’s what he spent significant amount of time studying. And

Gloria Prema 56:09
I was just going to mention him again, actually, because the experiment that he did with the, when he he, he did an experiment, where he tried to show that consciousness could affect particles within a Faraday cage. In other words, we were in a Faraday cage, you know, blocks are the electromagnetic energy. So the electrons were inside the Faraday cage. So in theory, nothing should have been able to affect them. However, the experiment was, he used his conscious intention to change the behavior of the electrons inside the Faraday cage. And, and he was able to do it. So that was a that was a very convincing experiment showing the power of intention.

Jasna Burza 57:00
What is the power of intention? If you could describe it in your in your best way? What does that mean?

Gloria Prema 57:08
Using your consciousness, effect and outcome

Jasna Burza 57:13
that has an impact on our everyday life? So intention is, here’s what I’m going to do it and why I’m doing it. So what is the why what is my intention with this interview with Gloria, what is my intention, whatever it is, then I’m changing the outcome of the conversation or the or of that initiative.

Gloria Prema 57:34
That’s right, the intention is really the outcome that you want to achieve. That’s what the intention is. There was another experiment, I just described this in the book, being the real physical effects of Everyday Things with intention. This was experiment and experiment, while a series of experiments that were done at the pair labs, Princeton, in Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University. And they did these experiments on remote intention over a period of 12 years. And it consisted of millions of trials. And then the experiment was to use intention to change the outcome of these random event generators, which they know the generators will drop balls into slots. And so the experiment was to try and use your conscious intention to change the outcome. variables go to the left, or to the right. Now over 12 million trials with many, many people that were able to show that intention, defect, the outcome. And it was, you know, a very, very big experiment with many, many people, many, many trials, so was statistically very significant. So

Jasna Burza 58:57
this is very important for us. Because again, it confirmed that we can do something about our own reality about the world. And what I love about your writing is it’s never about what can I get, but How may I serve? And how can I be a vessel of love and in this beautiful energy of connectedness, which is why I’m so I’ve completely fell in love with you, when I knew you were my person when when I when I read that but everyone listening to this, when we intend something and we really focus on it, we’re changing its behavior. If you want something, you want a better health, you want a better relationship, you want to have a better career or just be happier if you have that intention and importance of holding that intention right, becoming having a coherent intention that will have an aligned action and as a result, we will have that reality created for ourselves.

Gloria Prema 1:00:00
All right. And the reason I mentioned that particular experiment is because it was a physical it was a very physical experiment,

Jasna Burza 1:00:07
Walter Russell, who talked at length about light, inspiring light. He talked about us being able to access you know what Nikola Tesla talked about the energy in the air. And the Vortex the field like Lynne McTaggart talked about and so now they’re the research into zero point field is showing that just like memories, nothing is ever stored in our brain that everything is everything that ever was, and ever will be already is out there. So Walter Russell talked at length about our ability to tune in with intention, and by becoming very highly coherent and resonant to receive guidance about bringing something beautiful forth in the world. So would if you would, I would love to have your explanation of well, what is zero point field? Because you talk about it in the book? And then is it true that we can really properly tune in and get quiet and receive the proper guidance that’s going to be in alignment with us and the earth?

Gloria Prema 1:01:16
Yeah, the zero point field in space, you know, the, the temperature of absolute zero, they found that even at that temperature, there were fluctuations in space. And so they call this the zero point energy. Now, there have been various scientists that have worked with us taking this further investigated this, some scientists have just, you know, equipment machines that operate on zero point energy. I was lucky, I was fortunate enough to meet Brian O’Leary, back in the 90s, the scientists, NASA astronaut, and he came to Scotland and did some talks and workshops at Findhorn labs living near there at the time. And he talks about how he investigated that whole field of zero point energy. And he actually traveled around the world to meet scientists who had invented these machines. Fair enough? He said, Yes, they do. They are there they’re operating from zero point energy. In other words, they don’t only a small amount of energy to get them started. But then continue to run on this energy from where is it coming from? It’s coming from the zero point field. So it may have been built these these devices, but you never hear about them, of course, on the news, you know, they’re completely gone completely silent, they just don’t report it. Because, well, you know, we all know it’s going to upset the the power companies etc. You know, the same old story. And so that’s why it’s been held back, but the IRA reality, this is fact, this energy. Now, you know, to me, it’s no big deal. It’s just, of course, that the energy is there, it’s it’s, that’s only and that’s only one aspect of it, it’s like, the hole of space is filled with light waves, as I said, and light waves never rest, they are energy in constant motion. So really, that’s what the zero point field, this is just like another it’s another level another harmonic of same thing, like waves. But at this particular level, we can tap into it now doesn’t stop there, there’s, you know, as I explained earlier, there are higher and higher and higher harmonics, which these devices won’t be able to tap yet. You can only tap one level of it so far. But when a healer is, for example, tuning in to do a healing session, they’re tapping into that same energy. Now they won’t they don’t call it zero point field, but it’s the same energy and maybe they’re even tapping into even a higher harmonic of the energy, depending on their own personal development. But so that’s, you know, it’s, that’s what the zero point energy is. It’s the faster dimensions of light the higher harmonics of light. We can tap into through either devices or equipment or through our own consciousness. Our own conscious intent might be through a particular ritual or through prayer or through a type of meditation. There’s different ways of tapping into it, and everyone has their own way of putting it. So that’s what I that’s how I describe 0.4

Jasna Burza 1:04:50
You explain that, you know your theory the morphic resonance of light explains the nonlocality and the distant healing In remote viewing, so tell us how is that why is that the case? And how does that work? And what is nonlocality? And how can we actually read our own thoughts influence something or someone, miles miles and 1000s of miles away?

Gloria Prema 1:05:21
of distant healing is a fact. And again, it’s been proven in experiments. Well, one, one method of distant healing is prayer, of course. And I cite several prayer studies in the book, because, you know, they have demonstrated without a shadow, that fear and work through conscious intention, aligning with a healing force, whatever that may be to you, and then directing it to the person who’s or, you know, to the person who’s needing the healing. Now, this has been proven and experiments over and over, even Harvard did studies into prayer experiments, double blind studies. And nobody knew who they were before the people who needed the healing, didn’t know who was praying for them, you know, so. And then at the end of the there was a, there was a healing effect than the people who received the healing so that it’s been proven that you can break to the conscious and you can direct healing energy anywhere. Now, explain in the book is how this works is because it is I’d say this everywhere. Anyway, it’s non local. And that’s what non local means. It just means it’s not local to this point. everywhere at the same time, and that’s the nature of life. That of course, it’s also the nature of consciousness. And we know that as well through experiments with healing, because you can send, you can use your consciousness to align with a healing force. So whatever that may be for you. Direct that healing energy to somewhere, could be on the other side of the planet, and they can receive it instantly. And you can actually do this experiment for yourself, you can note the time that you send it, and then ask them when they received it when they felt it. Some people don’t feel it, some people do. And you’ll find this the same time. And it’s because light is everywhere. Anyway, all the time.

Jasna Burza 1:07:25
And we just by observing and interacting with it, we’re changing its behavior.

Gloria Prema 1:07:31
Yeah. Yeah. And I sense it’s not really traveling anyway, it’s already there, if you like, because our consciousness and light are all field, you know, the toll there in the field anyway. It’s the intention actually, does happen.

Jasna Burza 1:07:49
But the I think your dedication in the USA is second, or maybe third book and how to track the dedication is towards healing and enlightenment of all people everywhere. I’m telling you, I just love you to pieces, because that’s that is who Gloria prima is, but how do we that we have been so stuck in the ego. And me, I want this for me, I want the fame and the money and all of that. And more people are starting to feel like this is not working, we need to come together and we need to be of service to others. Genuinely, most profoundly, we’ve talked about increasing our heart coherence, moving things around lies, but how do we become good servants of this earth and really make this world a better place.

Gloria Prema 1:08:41
It’s a process. We all come into life at different stages in our evolution. It’s a very long process. But while we’re here, we can do much to advance our own understanding, especially now we’re at the we’re at the end of a great cosmic cycle, the moment where the old structures that no longer serve humanity, that could break down we’re seeing that the new structures are being built at the same time right behind it, the new world is being built. And things are going to be very different for me based on truth and justice and peace and love. And that I see that happening with the awakening that’s happening around the world at the moment, people are really waking up. They’re waking up, in many, many cases being forced to wake up but they’re waking up to realize that there is more to life than the physical than the know the ego driven craziness that we’ve had for such a long time. So I think that’s coming to an end, but it’s a process that will take time. But so far the practices we will can can align with healing for as different for people, you know, people have different names for it, it doesn’t really matter what you call it. But as long as it’s long, I would say, that’s the only caveat, I would say as long as it’s love. Because that creates the coherence and the power as we you know, as we discussed the power of that coherence, if you think about it, that coherence couldn’t be achieved by anything other than love, if you think about it, because it’s what would happen with that level of power if it wasn’t love. So, I think that’s probably the reason why all the teachers who’ve come to the earth have taught that love, you know, love one another one another. That’s sort of been a central theme. So obviously, align with love. From whichever tradition, you know, you feel you resonate most with, as long as it’s love, or

Jasna Burza 1:11:02
you have written many, many books, they’re all on Amazon people that you have to have your get your hands on, it is going to be one of the best investments that you make for your life. Hands down. I even have children’s book that you’ve written for my kiddos that we read every night, the amount of research and the work that you’ve done, I want to ask, what is your hope with this with this particular book, it’s all light, but really all of the work that you’re doing for the humanity.

Gloria Prema 1:11:35
No, I just as a powerful question. When I was writing the book, initially, it was for my understanding, and they said on the understand I was driven, understand the meaning of life, I suppose. Why are we here? What’s it all about? I’ve always, since I was a young child, I’ve been very aware of love unaware of when love was absent, and the importance of love. It’s the one thing that pains me the most when I when I see a lack of love, because I know how damaging it can be. And I know how healing it can be. But it’s so it’s what the world needs. Now. You know, it sounds a bit corny, but that’s how I ended books as well what the world needs now is love sweet love. You know that song? Yes, that’s what the world needs at the moment. It’s a great healing force more powerful than anything as we know from the experiment, you know, with the coherence experiments. That is the most powerful thing but I would say that would never prescribed to someone you must do it this way, you must do it that way. Because then you’re in the realm of religion. Now I completely understand why people won’t follow religion. I have no problem with that. But obviously the only caveat is it love you know, are you learning love? Are you learning to love, that’s the only thing I would say not only on the condition, but for as long as you can connect with love yourself. And you’ll be okay. We can achieve a lot.

Jasna Burza 1:13:37
What a beautiful ending of the one of the most beautiful conversations that I have had. I am so incredibly thankful to you. Connecting with you is one of the most beautiful things and affirmations in my life. I want to thank you for taking the time to write the book even when you didn’t want to, or like the you know, I know that it takes time I’m writing a book right now for really writing it for all of us to understand. And for being such an incredible beacon of light and shouting from the rooftops that we can change we can do better. If we can access that love, not only can we change our own life, but literally the whole world. So I am so thankful to you for taking the time to talk to me, I feel so honored and privileged and forever forever grateful to

Gloria Prema 1:14:30
you. Oh, it’s been my honor to speak to you Jasna so appreciate you taking the time to do this interview. And thank you very much. Thank you,

Jasna Burza 1:14:42
Gloria prema. The book is it’s all light. And there’s also other books like how to attract and some of the children’s books, all available on Amazon and you can also learn more on www it’s all live.co.uk And we’re going to have Have those links included below descriptions to decide on top wherever this video finds you? If you really feel like you want to create a better life for yourself, you owe it to yourself to buy this book and read about Gloria and her work and contact her because she is an incredible human and she does some as you do EFT and people can contact you through your website for that correct. Well, thank you all for listening. May you all today do something that’s going to increase your coherence and of those around you and May we all be the change that we have been wanting to see. Thank you so much.

Gloria Prema 1:15:43
Thank you Jasna


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