Uplevel Together Podcast

Learn more about Dr. Courtney Hunt


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Jasna Burza 0:00
Hello, my beautiful people and welcome to Uplevel Together, I am so glad to be back we took a summer hiatus, enjoying everything that this summer has to offer, from camping, to biking to pickleball, to playing with water and being in the backyards and looking at the fresh flowers, it’s a really powerful reminder right now is starting to get a little cooler that soon enough here in Minnesota, it is now going to be this night. So soak it up while you can. I’m glad to be back, because we’re going to start this new fall season by Re airing some of the old podcast episodes that I believe are so needed right now. And we’re going to start with Dr. Courtney hunt. There has been so much conversation lately about whether now we can heal ourselves because there is a very dangerous pandemic, in the world of mental health issues, physical issues, incidence of cancer, chronic diseases in people my age, and it is starting to be really, really, really scary. And that brings me to you know, today’s episode where I talked to Dr. Courtney hands sometime in the last year. And we talked about this, this notion that we can all he’ll read the things that are so available to us. And she talks so much about the sun, the importance of the sun. So while we still have some sunshine for another about 90 days or so at peak levels here in the Midwest, this is such a timely episodes are rare, it is just so incredibly wonderful and powerful and impactful. And I highly recommend that you listen to it. And then you take her advice because she is a person that is changing lives of people forever. Follow her on Instagram, and you will see she’s just really incredible. I had so much fun talking to her. And I hope that this episode is going to remind you of how powerful and important it is to take care of our health. So on that token Dr. Courtney hunts, enjoy our ride, folks, welcome to uplevel together podcast, and today I am beyond excited. It’s a special day, I feel like I need really lots of music and announcements, some kind of a parade because Dr. Courtney Hunt is with us. And if you don’t know who she is, you will never never forget it. Dr. Hunt is a board certified OBGYN a world leader in the field of quantum biology, mitochondrial health, not neutral genetic medicine, and Hormonal Health. And she focuses on how the DNA interact with the environment, lifestyle and food choices to influence wellness. And boy, we’re going to talk about that. And her goal is to work with you to develop a personalized health plan that improves your energy balances the hormones and shows you the diet that works best with DNA. Now what are you been told that you there’s no treatment for your chronic illness? Are you just searching for peak performance and until brain health? Dr. Hunt works relentlessly to find answers for you. And let me tell you people she does. And she gives those answers for free every single morning while she hikes the mountain during her life. Dr. Hunt, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Dr. Courtney Hunt 3:43
Thank you for asking me. Thank you for finding me on the mountain. Oh, it’s

Jasna Burza 3:46
such a pleasure for so for those of you listening in, I went to Arizona last week and I was climbing the mountain that morning thinking wouldn’t it be crazy if I ran into Dr. Hunt. And then I forgot about it. And I meditated. And then I ran into you. And it was such a it was beautiful because I’ve been watching you for a year. And I was telling my sister she’s even more powerful and radiant in person. And that’s such a beautiful thing. So thank you. Just worry, but thank you. So excited to have you I noticed that as I was reading this at the beginning it was getting a little bit nervous, simply because I believe that what people are going to hear today can be very transformative in their business, in their life, in their families in their health in every aspect of their lives. So when something that big is about to happen, I want to do it right so folks, forgive me for any mishaps, but I’m just so excited. Dr. Hunt, congratulations on your new book that were just released yesterday.

Dr. Courtney Hunt 4:52
Thank you.

Jasna Burza 4:53
You must be so excited.

Dr. Courtney Hunt 4:56
I’m excited. It’s been a long time coming. So All right.

Jasna Burza 5:01
Well, we’re gonna talk about the book in just a little bit later, and also brand new website that is stunning and incredibly informative. So we’re going to link that as well and talk a little bit about that. So like I mentioned, I found you last year, and I latched on quantum mechanics, the science and spirituality, all resonated with me in 2020, while I was going down the rabbit hole, like many of us, and I really, really love your spirit, I love you, and what you do, and on behalf of me and everyone else who watches you every single morning, thank you.

Dr. Courtney Hunt 5:41
Thank you,

Jasna Burza 5:42
thank you for doing what you do.

Dr. Courtney Hunt 5:44
I’m just doing my thing. I’m just teaching, teaching what I know.

Jasna Burza 5:48
I know and for that we love you. And we really mean it. Because there’s a group of us who like to text each other and tell each other how much we love you, oh, Lord. It’s like just this army of people. So really appreciate it. Well, today, I want to focus on the tenants of your teachings. And also, you know, really clear out things that come up on Instagram that people keep asking. And the most important thing that I want people to hear is that how dedicated you are how you have dedicated your life, to healing others, and teaching us how we can heal ourselves. And I’ve heard you say, at this point, you can heal just about any disease. Boy, I wanted to dwell into that and we have so much to cover. So folks listening, please fasten your seat belts. And and let’s go, Are You Ready? Ready? All right, Dr. Hands, let’s start talking about the sun, the sun. And you know, you hike the mountain every single morning, sunrise, sunshine, sunset, repeat, the hashtag is one of the most popular hashtags on Instagram. So as you hike the mountain, it tell us about the sun, why you do it and how in the process, you have healed yourself and others.

Dr. Courtney Hunt 7:04
So we are ourselves inside of us have little batteries called mitochondria. And those mitochondria are taking all it’s very simple. If you think about it, they’re taking all of the information that they need from sunlight to make us healthy. So the process in which that works, if you think about our interaction with our environment, first we breathe oxygen in. And our mitochondria are actually what is doing what we call cellular respiration. So we think that our lungs breathe, but really inside of ourselves, our little batteries, our mitochondria, converting oxygen to carbon dioxide. So they are what is really doing the cellular breathing for us that oxygen is coming from plants. And the plants are making the oxygen by photosynthesis from the sun. So when you widen the lens and start to realize you’re breathing, and you’re using that oxygen to help your body make your energy and it’s coming from the sun, that that when you start to back up the lens and realize, okay, it’s coming from the sun. Then when you think about your mitochondria taking food at the physics level, what are they taking from the food, they’re taking electrons. And so they’re either taking electrons, which are little subatomic pieces of the food, from protein, carbohydrates, or fat. So again, the plants if you’re eating a carbohydrate is coming from the sun, and the fat and the protein is coming from the animals which are being fed by the plants which are coming from the sun. So it all comes back to this what the scientists called thermodynamic equilibrium from the sun. Now what we’re seeing now, I was part of what I call the quantum evolution or revolution, and that we’re realizing our mitochondria are taking instructions from light frequencies. So the sun has an electromagnetic field, the seven colors of the rainbow that we see are a very tiny portion of all of that light that’s coming from the sun. Those its waves, so we call it red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, but it’s waves that are coming from the sun. And it’s less than point 003 5% of all of the sun’s light that we evolved in this very narrow window to use as instruction. So how are we using it as instructions, it’s coming through our eye. And it’s orienting our brain to what time of day it is. And our brain doesn’t care. Oh, it’s eight o’clock and it’s time to get up and go to work or, Oh, it’s five o’clock and it’s time to go to bed. We are using frequencies of oscillation of those waves to tell o’clock in our brain to tell our mitochondria, how to do or what time to do what they need to do. So if our just to summarize that because that was kind of deep if our mitochondria is using oxygen from plants from photosynthesis, or quantum entanglement with the sun, and we’re using electrons from food either plants or animals that also come from energy from the sun, and we are taking circadian instructions on a 24 hour cycle. to know when to get up, rise up, make our hormones, make, go to bed, clean ourselves, do auto do all these things that we have to do both on a 24 hour cycle and an annual cycle, it all comes back to an energy balance with sunlight, it all can be traced back to that energy balance. So that’s the foundation of what I use to help people heal. And you said, I believe I can heal anything. I don’t believe I can heal anything, I believe you can heal anything. And doctors are not supposed to say that you can, that I can tell you that you can heal anything but you yourself. If you see yourself well, and you use the power of quantum mechanics, you can heal anything, you just have to believe it, you just have to visualize it, you just have to see it.

Jasna Burza 10:51
I love that tell us a little bit about your process and how you healed yourself because it’s a very powerful story.

Dr. Courtney Hunt 10:58
So I was a typical OBGYN, super busy practice. I’ve had my own solo practice since 2005. And before that, I worked for other people doing 1000s and 1000s of deliveries. And 2015, I had completely burned myself out, I had two small children back to back took them to work with me. I was exhausted, I developed Hashimotos I could barely hike my mountain anymore. My brain fatigue was so bad I couldn’t. I couldn’t finish a book anymore. I didn’t sleep because I was delivering other people’s babies all night, breastfeeding my own babies all night, managing my practice, I had my kids at my office, it was just total burnout. And I realized, okay, something has to change. So the first thing I focused on was fixing my sleep. And studying genetics, nutritional genetics, which I had a strong background in genetics for 20 years before that for starting nutritional genetics and then realizing the power of mitochondria and then realizing the power of the light. And that’s how I got to the point that I totally shifted everything I believe about medicine from your this Oregon, you’re this Oregon, you’re this diseased organ to know you are an entire system that is in a universal equilibrium with sunlight. And when you figure out how to get that part, right, you can fix or reverse any ICD 10 code that they give you.

Jasna Burza 12:22
And it’s really incredible. And it’s empowering, and as it to be attested by hundreds and even I would say even 1000s of people who are commenting and saying Dr. Hunt changed my life. Because if you’re giving us the information that we need to heal ourselves, and to hear your story and to watch others go through processes, just so on Saira inspiring so

Dr. Courtney Hunt 12:46
yeah, so I had Hashimotos which is a thyroid condition and I had antibodies as high I think as high as 700. But I can’t find those original labs. So I always say okay, what I have is 300, I was able to reverse my antibodies to normal. I had an elevated leptin, which means I was 30 pounds overweight, but I didn’t realize how overweight I was. I just thought it was normal compared to everybody else. I was like a size 10 I thought okay, that’s normal. I didn’t realize I had lost control of my fat or my my satiety my fullness regulation. So I fixed all that. And in doing these things, I fixed it. And then when when COVID started last March, I said, Okay, I’m gonna get completely off of this thyroid medicine. My antibodies are now normal. I don’t want to be on this medication. I was worried it would be in short supply. So I just started weaning myself and I was off of it by December. So I proved to myself that I was feeling so good that I could do it. And believe me, I was worried I was worried that I would start gaining the weight back and that my focus would go but it it didn’t happen. In doing that, I realized how sick our population is. And the reason that we’re being taken down so hard right now is that we are baseline sick. We are baseline brain foggy, we are baseline depressed, we are baseline anxious and nervous. And that’s because of inflammation in our bodies and in our brains. If we didn’t have that baseline, I don’t think that we would be good if we didn’t have the baseline mitochondrial or battery loss of power. We wouldn’t be going through this with the in the extreme that we’re going through it. So two years ago, I don’t want to say I saw this coming. But I saw this coming and I said, I’m going to shout from this mountaintop for as many people who can hear me can hear me. I don’t want anybody to be sick that doesn’t have to be sick. I want us all to be strong to face this as a unified group of people to be strong to heal ourselves. And if I can be out there telling you every morning how to do it. I’m going to be out there every morning telling you how to do it.

Jasna Burza 14:49
And you do it beautifully and I love that I love that about you and you’re very good about saying listen, take whatever it is you need in the meantime, but long term your battery my To Kandra I never thought I’d be like having my conversation about mitochondria like just you know, bananas. Like you just never did a conversation, but really

Dr. Courtney Hunt 15:09
become an everyday word, right? Become an everyday word, people have to understand how they work. You know what your heart is, you know what your brain is, but the battery that’s giving you your energy is called mitochondria. And we evolved out of the ocean, to use it to give us power. So it has to become an everyday word. So we all get that this pandemic is a mitochondrial disease. But Dementia is a mitochondrial disease and polycystic ovarian syndrome as a mitochondrial disease, and Hashimotos is there it’s all down boils down to how much energy can you make.

Jasna Burza 15:44
And it’s the root source of so many things that you just mentioned. And he goes back to the sun, and then autophagy, and ketosis, all the things that we’re going to be talking about. So let’s talk about autophagy. Because this is this is something that that you drill down every single day, and I love you for it. So it’s offered us the process. It’s discovered and he won the Nobel Prize. You talk about that, too. It’s where body cleans itself at night, it’s gonna like literally means in Greek eats and Southfield talk about that. But tell us why is it so important. And what happens when we don’t run the dishwasher like you call it right? At night.

Dr. Courtney Hunt 16:26
So what happens is we have a process by which we disassemble our proteins, we disassemble our mitochondria, we break them down, we put them almost in like little trash bags, and we recycle them so that we can wake up refreshed the next morning, and get up and go and have energy. And when we don’t do that, that’s when we start to kind of rust on the inside or get clogged on the inside or not clean ourselves, that’s when we get more and more tired. That’s when we start to store toxins, heavy metals in ourselves is when we start to get the plaques and neurofibrillary tangles of tau proteins in our brain, all the things that make us sick. And when we lose regulation of autophagy, we become not as sensitive to insulin, we start to get bigger and bigger fat cells, we stuff our fat cells with all the bad things that are fat soluble poisons, pesticides, and we get sicker and sicker. So the body has an inherent mechanism to be able to what I call dump the junk from the trunk, or run the dishwasher. And mostly it happens at night, the better you get at it, the less of a dishwasher cycle you have to run. So the analogy that I use for people is okay, if you have 25 teenage boys in your kitchen. And that would be the equivalent of you eating candy and not stopping eating and eating sugar and eating carbohydrates. And by the way, fruits and vegetables are carbohydrates. Even when you eat those things all day long, it’s like having 25 teenage boys in your kitchen, you would have to have three professional dishwashing machines to run all night to get the whole thing cleaned up. So especially as Americans, we spend our whole lives going to the grocery store, right? eating cereal for breakfast and hamburgers with a bun for lunch. And, you know, whatever we want for dinner and then ice cream for dessert, we spend a whole lives doing that. And we don’t efficiently clean ourselves. We don’t efficiently run our dishwasher. So at the end of 3040 50 years, you’ve accumulated a lot of junk and you haven’t run your dishwasher. How do you run your dishwasher, you put yourself into ketosis, that’s what starts to clean yourselves. So because no one has taught us how to do that how to how to practice ketosis or to truly get into autophagy requires some fasting but no one’s taught us to do that we have this like, we’re like Hoarders in our kitchens. And if someone just taught us how to clean ourselves night after night after night, how to clean the kitchen, not have the dirty dishes everywhere. You could you can restore yourself to the point where you get yourself clean again, where you literally start to reverse age yourselves and things start to heal, but it just it takes constant work depending on how sick you are to clean clean the kitchen.

Jasna Burza 19:11
It does and discipline and willingness to actually accept that change. Right. So tell us about ketosis then ketosis, ketosis, ketosis, why ketosis, Dr. Hunt, and then better, stronger, faster.

Dr. Courtney Hunt 19:26
So I call ketosis a metabolic state of enlightenment. So the biggest thing is people think they say, Okay, I’m eating a keto diet. To me a keto diet is not ketosis. It’s like being pregnant. You’re either in ketosis or you’re not. Right? You either have a positive pregnancy test or you’re not. And the funny thing is the way you can test it to dip your urine. It’s either dark purple, like the picture behind me or it’s not. So what that means is you’re either burning carbohydrates for fuel, and when you’re burning carbohydrates for fuel, you’re storing junk in your trunk, you’re you’re sending your body signal to store for later. And you’re building your fat cells, you’re making your fat cells bigger, and you’re putting those toxins into your fat cells and heavy metals and all the things everybody’s concerned about. When you switch and you burn fuel fat for fuel efficiently, you’re you’re dumping, it’s a dumping. That’s why you have to drink so much water. That’s why you have to replace electrolytes when you do it, because you’re dumping toxins, you’re emptying out your cells. Once you do that, you start to clean out your blood vessels. So you start to eliminate the plaque in your blood vessels. And it takes a long time it depending on your starting point, if you’re a smaller person who is in good shape, it might not take as long if you’re a bigger person with bigger fat cells, it’s going to take a little bit longer. So that so the how you do it is different for everybody, or how long it takes is different for everybody. But once you get to that state, it’s literally called the GTK switch, you flip a switch, you start burning fat for fuel, your energy goes up fourfold, meaning your production of ATP, which is the molecule that splits apart and gives us our energy that goes up fourfold and you feel it, you literally feel oh my gosh, I have so much energy. Once that happens, you can start cleaning, you start getting to work on cleaning yourself. The reason I call it a metabolic state of enlightenment is that you have so much more ATP, or your energy molecule for your brain. So there’s kind of a hierarchy of where your mitochondria make your energy. Number Number one is the human egg. The female egg has 600,000 mitochondria, it’s like a Tesla, with so many batteries to jumpstart a baby, but after the egg, then it’s in the sperm only has 50 to 75. But after the egg, it’s your brain. So your brain uses five to seven kilograms, that’s a lot of energy every day. And the number one place where we use it is to fuel our thoughts in our neurons. So that we can make our neurotransmitters or dopamine or serotonin, all of our chemicals that make us calm and happy and focused, swim back and forth between our nerves faster. So when I say better, faster, stronger, I literally mean, if you have more energy in your brain, you can think better, faster, stronger, what does that mean? Mostly pattern recognition. Right? If you understand the other side of what I talked about, it will go there later that this is a simulation and the patterns just keep happening. You start to recognize patterns, and you start to wake up and you’re like, Yeah, last time we had this fight, it didn’t go so well. So I’m gonna walk away. And we’re not going to have this fight today, because I know what your conditioned behaviors gonna be, right? I know, every I know, every Saturday morning, that guy’s gonna walk by and his red shirt, and I don’t want to see that guy. So I’m gonna not, I’m not standing here, we had a fight last Saturday, I’m going to next time he comes around, I’m going to walk away. So literally, your pattern recognition and the simulation gets better. You start to connect dots, your knowledge gets stronger, and you start to be able to create your reality. We’re all creating this, I’m getting into consciousness now. But we’re all creating this reality together. And when you start to recognize, when your brain gets faster, you start to recognize that and it’s almost like turning pages in a book how easy life becomes.

Jasna Burza 23:10
Yeah, the way when you talk about it in the morning lives, the word that comes to me, it’s like we need an upgrade, because I think we’ve gotten way to relax about things. And the Walter Russell talks about the, you know, the genius in all of us. And it’s not just becoming an average, we just let go of what we can do and become mediocre. And that starts it’s the whole process, we’re going to wrap up at the end, it starts with the sun, feed into mitochondria, sending the messages by charging our batteries. But it’s also video technology, and not eating afternoon, I was going to talk a little bit about that. And that’s really that circadian rhythm that you talk about all the time, and then ketosis. So I think when you talk about I see it as an upgrade, a software upgrade, where we become literally become better, faster, stronger.

Dr. Courtney Hunt 24:02
It’s an upgrade, but it’s how we were naturally supposed to be we’ve just been disconnected for generations. The food, the upside down food pyramid, the drugs and medications with side effects. It’s like a constant pushes down, push it down, push it down. And I don’t believe that there’s any one person doing it. We are all responsible. There’s not one person in the government that you can point your finger at. There’s not one person deciding we just keep letting it happen. And the upgrade the upgrade has to come from all of us and the wake up call has to be okay. You can clean yourself. You don’t have to be 50 years old and not remember what you had for dinner last night. You just have to be shown the steps you have to excuse me build your quantum bridge, as I call it. I can show you the steps if you can visualize it. I can I can take you across the bridge.

Jasna Burza 24:52
That’s what I love. I love how you when you teach you talk about like your professor you talk about who is just like talking or sometimes above on people’s heads, right? But it’s like you we follow up or we can catch up we are that powerful and creative, but then you break it down also. So that you need what I love about your approach is that quantum mechanics thermodynamics what? Right, but then you really break it down. So simple that everyone can follow along and you say, Listen, you don’t climb the mountain the first day, you go out and do a walk around the block.

Dr. Courtney Hunt 25:28
Stretch, the crawl, walk, run, you just start, go to your mailbox, go down the block, go to the park, go up the back door, stand up, if all you can do is get I mean, literally, as I see women who can’t blow dry their hair, they’re so tight, they have they have such bad fatigue. It’s all they can do to get their children to school, and then they come back home and they have to lay back down for three hours. They can’t even lift their arms or blow dry their hair because their fibromyalgia and their chronic fatigue is so bad. That is 100% of mitochondrial problem. That is 100%. You never clean the junk from your trunk, you’re so full of toxins, heavy metals, pesticides, too much sugar, you never got into that efficient fat burning state. That’s all that is, it can all be untangled. We just have to teach people.

Jasna Burza 26:16
Folks, if you’re listening, if you’re resonating with any of this, if you’re feeling tired, if you’re feeling like inflamed or something is off, you’re not functioning at your best, like you know, you should. And we’re going to have all the possible links for you to find Dr. Hunter and follow her and learn from her. So Dr. Hunter would like to clear up two questions that come up all the time in the comments. It’s actually entertaining to watch it. And that is can you experience toffee G without being in ketosis? If you’re in a if you’re doing intermittent fasting for 16 hours plus,

Dr. Courtney Hunt 26:49
probably? Well, if you are a professional athlete, yes. If you’re 180 pound woman who can’t get off the couch, probably not. So for me, I can have now a bowl of ice cream and a piece of pizza, two pieces of pizza for dinner and be back in ketosis the next morning, I don’t have to fast for very long. Most studies show to get into a sufficient fast to trigger healing, or reverse aging or lowering of inflammation. And then to get into actual benefit for cancer takes between three to five days. Now. If you’re 190 pounds, it’s really going to take you three to five days. If you’re 120 pounds, and you’re exercising, it’s probably going to take less time. So it’s different for everyone. But just intermittent fasting and never actually getting a decode ketosis, you’re just making yourself feel awful, but not quite getting there in terms of cleaning yourself and making yourself healthier. Yeah,

Jasna Burza 27:46
you don’t get to run like Bugatti.

Dr. Courtney Hunt 27:49
No, it’s just you you experienced the sugar withdrawal. But you never get the benefit of the burning the fat you never you never get the high you just starve yourself into sugar withdrawal. You have massive dopamine fluctuations. You don’t feel good, you get mad, you’re awful to be around. But you never get the high.

Jasna Burza 28:05
Yeah, what I found in ketosis is that I don’t I wake up, I started. I’ve been waking up at 4am for seven years now. And then it started being 3am and then 2:30am. And I know you do to come back and talk about those because those are sacred, the downloads. But really quickly one more question that I want to clear out because even this morning, I saw people in the you know, ketosis, but Dr. Hundreds and then raise my cholesterol and short term of course, that’s a put that potential. So people freak out when when they’re eating high fat diet and their cholesterol might go up and then the doctors freak out and they want to put you on statins. What happens is someone who has high cholesterol coming into ketosis, and is it possible we know it is but how do you balance it naturally, by following your protocol.

Dr. Courtney Hunt 28:55
You have to realize that cholesterol is the foundation is the backbone of our brain. So if you actually look at long term studies of people and their their intelligence, their cognition, their ability to live a long healthy life with good brain function, the ones with the higher cholesterol do better. Number one, number two, cholesterol makes our hormones. So we know when we put someone on a statin, your inner mitochondrial membrane, your inner battery membrane is what’s converting your LDL cholesterol to pregnenolone. And pregnenolone is your master hormone that most doctors don’t even check. But it’s your master hormone that becomes all of your sex hormones. So again, it boils down to how do we evolve? We evolved from mitochondria and bacteria working together and we we had a decision. Do we have sex and relax or do we run from the lion, right? Do we run from the predator or do we have sex and relax? That’s basically from a hormone perspective what your mitochondria are deciding. So if you aren’t, if you don’t have enough cholesterol, LDL cholesterol to make pregnenolone you’re going to have trouble Making your sex hormones. So that’s how we get into this pandemic of people with trouble with their trouble with their periods and trouble with low testosterone. And then your LDL cholesterol makes your vitamin D. So this is the ketosis and sunshine, I always say don’t practice my ketosis stuff without my sunshine stuff. And don’t practice my sunshine stuff without the ketosis stuff. So in your skin in the summer, you convert LDL cholesterol to vitamin D, that’s where your vitamin D is coming from the bulk of it if you get enough sun if you’re in a low inflammatory state. So when you have a ton of inflammation, that’s why you burn. And that’s why you get skin cancer, especially if you’re putting lotion on your skin and trapping toxins in your skin. So those three things, your brain power, your hormones, your vitamin D, are all coming from your cholesterol. But nobody teaches us that. So when you when you take a statin to artificially drop your cholesterol across the board, you’re going to have no pregnenolone, which means you’re going to have no testosterone guys, which means your sex drive is going to go your erections are going to go. Usually your hair goes, your memory goes because it affects your brain. And so those drugs were targeted just for the heart without looking at all these other things that I talked about. The other thing is if you’re following a circadian lifestyle, you realize, okay, in the winter, there’s no food for most people unless you’re living at the equator. So you’re meant to be fasting in the winter being in ketosis. And when you’re making those acids, you’re cleaning out your blood vessels, you’re you’re removing the plaque from your heart and your brain. So let’s take it a step further. What is the plaque do it blocks the oxygen from getting to the mitochondria, so you can think better, faster, stronger. And instead of going into winter and fasting or having scarce food, what do we do we go from party to party to party to party to party to party, right? We never sugar, we sugar, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, we never take a break. And we have cars and we have grocery stores. So we never get that break in the winter, where we clean out our blood vessels in our heart, we clean out our blood vessels in our neck, we clean out our blood vessels in our brain, we never have too fast. So all of those things combined. That’s one of the arguments for why I’m not as concerned about the class. I’m not concerned about the cholesterol when you go into ketosis, yes, your LDL cholesterol will go up your LDL receptor will go down, your triglycerides will come down your HDL which is your good cholesterol will go up, especially if you’re doing the high intensity exercise that I talked about. So the profile will change. And it’s not going to be what the statin manufacturers tell you that it should be. But when you realize how all those pieces work together, you got to get the sun, you have to practice the fasting, it all has to it all has to be in alignment with sunshine.

Jasna Burza 32:46
This is huge. So following the entire protocol from the cleaning itself, the sunshine, the being in ketosis, if your cholesterol is high yeard and what they’re telling you that normal should be just relaxed, because you’re cleaning yourself, you are cleaning yourself, which means you’re healing yourself.

Dr. Courtney Hunt 33:05

Jasna Burza 33:08
I love people are gonna love this because there’s just like the most common question that they’re tripping about, you know, because I think what we have been programmed is like, ooh, high cholesterol. Don’t do that. Just like the same. We’ve been programmed for so many years about the food pyramid.

Dr. Courtney Hunt 33:23
Well, and we’ve been programmed to wear the sunblock, and we’ve been programmed to wear the sunglasses and we’ve been programmed to wear the part of the reason we have trouble with vision is because our eyes don’t get enough sun and we don’t have enough fat and we don’t have enough DHA in our retina. So when you disconnect us from the sun through the skin, when you disconnect us from the sun through the eye, when you disconnect us from eating the beach, well, because we’re told we’re supposed to be vegans, when you disconnect us from our zinc because our gut is poison. When you disconnect from every single building block that makes a healthy cell, you get a sick human, you get a sick human that wants to lay on a couch and watch television and believe every single ad right placebo was a powerful thing. So if you lay on a couch every night, and you don’t have the energy to get up and you’re being told, Oh, you could have an autoimmune disease, you have a rash. You must have psoriatic arthritis or arthritis go take this drug for it. Eventually enough nights in a row. You’re gonna believe that that’s what you have, and you’re gonna go take the drug for it.

Jasna Burza 34:21
Yep. So well said thank you for waking us all up. I really do believe I told you this when I saw you feel like you’re a divine and you’re waking us all up and I can’t thank you enough because I feel I do feel that you have been tapped. And I want to talk about that. I feel like let’s let’s talk about good spiritual judo. Because that’s why i Another big part of why I love you so much. You have this incredible desire to help humanity and as a whole you care so much. You study. You get up early every morning and I told you I was waking up for seven years at 4am But you have awakened sometimes even early So tell us from your perspective from, you know, the why is it important to get up that early what happens in that state as it connects to cleaning itself, and then that higher level of consciousness or as you talk downloads.

Dr. Courtney Hunt 35:17
So it’s the morning light that we used to rise with when we lived in caves, or we lived in teepees or we lived outside. It’s that light that brings us out of the delta wave sleep, the delta wave sleep is the deepest sleep, that’s when we’re cleaning ourselves. That’s when every religion every line of spirituality says that’s your connection to Source. That’s why people pray at that time. It is when your brain is the cleanest, you’ve just stored your memories. And what’s happening in the field of consciousness is that in our nerves, we know that we emit and receive an electromagnetic field, it’s a very slow wave electromagnetic field, it’s hard to detect. However, the military is currently developing helmets quantum helmets to be able to detect it. So we know it’s there. Right? And there’s information from the military from years back, if you go deep, where you can see we’ve always known it was we’ve known it was there for a long time. But let’s just say, okay, they’re developing these helmets to be able to read our brains from a quantum perspective. They’re called squid helmets. You clean out your brain, you are you are using qubits. Or if you think of a computer having binary code, the computer that we’re communicating with uses binary code, but our brain is using what’s called neural qubits. And we are reverse engineering the quantum computers to work like that. So at the quantum scale, these funky things happen, like quantum entanglement, quantum tunneling, and superposition. And things can be at two different places at once. That’s how our neurons are working. So inside of our nerves, if most neuro neuroscientists just think of one long nerve, but inside of them, we have what I call microtubules are test tubes. And the leading research on those tests, they look like glass test tubes, that’s how I think of them is it that’s where the coherence, or the instantaneous thought is being held in our brain. In the middle of the night, in deep sleep, when you are totally paralyzed, you’re not digesting a bunch of food, you’ve given up the food. When you do that, those neurons, they kind of sync up, and they slow down to the slowest frequency of oscillation, and then you have cerebral spinal fluid that comes in and cleans them. So when you do that every night, that’s when you’re storing your memory. That’s why people say your can you connect to source, you wake up with your epiphanies. And if you’re doing it in ketosis, you don’t need a lot of time to do it. So you wake up with your like aha moments, then the sun gradually rises. And it’s those waves light is a wave and a particle. So it’s those waves of light, that tell your brain, okay, come on up, bring it on, up out of that little coma state that you were in, or that little disconnected state that you’re in time to rise and get up and go for the day. That’s a very spiritual time. Because in the quantum mechanics world, we know that there is a field of energy or information around us, that we are plugged into. And all of the geniuses say, when you get there, you will have your downloads, the more you build your knowledge, the more you understand biology and quantum physics and chemistry, you’ll have your symbolic epiphany, you’ll see you’ll see a snake or you’ll see, it could be anything, you’ll you’ll see something and your brain will say, Aha, my psychology tells me that that is that I’m going to go do that at work today. So you have to be very intentional, you have to be very specific, your brain has to be very clean. But the cleaner it gets it’s literally like the the smarter that it gets. And when I was a child, my parents told me, You can do anything, you are creating this reality. You can be anything you want. And I I knew it. I focused on it. I believed it. But I was always looking for the why. And I think I’ve connected the dots to figure out the why, at this point in my career. I mean, that’s what I’ve been going for. Why why why? Why am I able to create this reality? Why did I know I would have this little blonde girl, blonde curly haired girl named Sophia and I have heard that. I mean, yes, you could say, you’re going to create your own solo, be practicing, you’re gonna do certain things with your career. But there’s some things that happen that you’re just like, Yeah, I thought this would happen. And it happened and you couldn’t force it to happen. But you, you you are you’re creating this reality and this simulation, and if humanity could just wake up and realize that we could change the trajectory of where we’re going. Because I have some serious concerns about about where we’re going. And I don’t like to say it from a negative perspective. But I have some real concerns about what where humanity is taking us right now.

Jasna Burza 39:44
Yeah, and you want us to be the best best force in this shape. I totally I totally get that in your I think that that. You talk a lot about that connection to consciousness. The other one was in your book. So let’s talk about the book, the book the law. The way to void your spark is light, the quantum mechanics of human creation. Very beautiful and very dense book your preface for what do we need to do to prepare ourselves to read the book is spot on? Because it is it really that takes a little bit to digest. But I, you know, I think the the new book outlines the quantum mechanics behind creation. But the magic is that zinc spark you talk about and our connection to consciousness and I want to read something that really left me just speechless that I absolutely love. You say, the zinc spark they connect consciousness zygote, at the time of fertilization is monumental event, quantum field theory, the moment that unifies general relativity and quantum mechanics, if we unify human biology, fertilization and religion, the moment that soul enters the vessel, the moment that light enters the body. So I read that and then I underlined it, and then I read it again. And I had a profound moment as I read that, because it’s it just resonates as truth. And I think so many of us know it. Did I? I’m sorry. It’s been a long year. Long, you’re sorry, no one’s read it back to me. And I haven’t. Yeah, it’s a lot. It’s so beautiful. It’s so poetic. It is the new it’s the new paradigm, which we’re going which I feel so many seers and mystics have known for such a long time, only you were bringing it in such a, you know, terms that we can really understand it. What is what is that moment of that fertilization of that? Really, you know, when the soul enters the body, what does that mean for you and as it me as it relates to our own healing, and the the next evolution of human consciousness,

Dr. Courtney Hunt 42:09
we all come from and go back to the same place, we come from a singularity, a place in the quantum field where there is no space, no time, it’s, it’s a oneness. And we are each a piece of that oneness. And we get to live in this body that then becomes adults, and has other people’s psychology imposed on us, we come out fresh with a clean slate. And because we can’t see the quantum, we can’t see the subatomic particles, we can’t see the connection, we can’t see the thoughts coming off of everybody’s head, we can’t see the cloud, just like you can’t see the cloud that you and I are talking on, all you’re seeing is your screen and your icons, it’s there, there’s a cloud of information that’s allowing the two of us to talk. It’s the same with humanity, there is a field of information, a quantum field of information, from which we get these downloads that I’m talking about symbolically. And if we could just see it, maybe we could all stop hurting each other, maybe we could stop hiding behind Instagram, hiding behind Facebook, hurting each other from here to there. And obviously, that’s just the first level of what we do to each other, you know, the physical things that we do to each other, the war things that we do to each other, if we could all just start to realize that we’re all connected in that field, and we just have 80 years, I’m hoping for 125 to be connected. To help as many people as we can. Maybe we could wake up and change things around here.

Jasna Burza 43:48
Yeah, we are. We are one and I think that is why if there’s that book awakens up to the power of the woman carrying the child and the power of the conception, and that we come from the light, and one day, we will all return. And that’s what I love what so when I saw you, I felt like I’ve never met you before. But there was this profound moment of love and sharing that I still feel. And I think that we all do when we clean ourselves, we’re able to see that. And that is why I think ultimately, yes, you teach the autophagy and healing yourself. But the ultimate goal, you know, and please correct me if I’m wrong is to get to the point where we can rise up and heal the world and live in that space where we can connect.

Dr. Courtney Hunt 44:37
Absolutely, absolutely. And I think people realize it when they have intuition about their children, or their husband or their mother. I think we all inherently know that yes, there’s some other form of communication right? You’re you’re walking through. It can be a negative to you’re walking through a parking lot and you’re just in you know in your guts Someone’s behind you and you know you need to run or you know, you need to turn around or you, we just, we have those things. And we so teach each other that they aren’t real. We teach our children that they aren’t real. But they are real. And if you have an instinct that you should call your daughter because you think something’s wrong, then pick up the phone and call your daughter because something is probably wrong. She’s, you know, your child spent 10 months inside of you growing an amniotic fluid inside of you. She every single subatomic particle of that baby’s being was inside of you, you can’t break that. That’s almost impossible to break. So if we just, it’s in the Bible, Matthew 1820 says, right, when two or more are gathered in my name, that’s powerful. That’s, that’s quantum mechanics, folks. So if we stopped telling people, it wasn’t real, and we taught people had to clean their brain so that they could use their intuition and further their understanding and study more most of my middle age. And I hate to call them middle aged because they function like they’re 20. But most of my, my patients and clients that I see in their 40s and 50s, they’re starting to take sewing lessons, they’re starting to learn other languages, they’re starting to study calculus, they’re starting to do things that they didn’t ever think that they could do, again, if we could give that to all of humanity and teach people how to do it. This would be a different planet.

Jasna Burza 46:27
It would, and you’re huge part of it. Huge part of it really quickly, something occurred to me that I didn’t plan to ask. But, you know, I had nine miscarriages, and they couldn’t figure out I was in optimal health, according to all their labs. But I know it was there was so much. I think you and I both know, there was so much more behind that. Why is it if I look around, so many of my girlfriend’s are struggling with infertility in all forms. And this is kind of your area of expertise. Do you have a quick answer for why do you think that’s happening?

Dr. Courtney Hunt 47:01
Yeah, epigenetically, we’re making our sperm and egg sicker and sicker. So we know the damage that we do with with heavy metals, toxins, pesticides, to our sperm, and our egg will last for three to five generations. So we’re in a constant consumption state, constantly storing all the poison from our environment that we’re taking in into ourselves that includes the sperm and the egg. So and then we’re malnourished. So most of us have some form of gut disease. It’s very rare that I see someone in my clinic that doesn’t have diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel. So if you’re not absorbing your zinc, how are you going to make a zinc spark? If you’re not absorbing your folate or your B 12? How are you going to turn over the DNA to make that baby grow? If you’re putting all those toxins into your cells, you’re going to get an inflammatory condition. It it all boils down to that one sperm and that one egg and how poisoned is it? And so this has been going on for generation after generation, we have the highest incidence of infertility, it truly incidents of infertility, not people being older, not personal social decisions to have less kids not postponing but just even infertility in our younger generation. Because of all of these things, and then when you realize that that zinc Spark is your connection to consciousness, and we’re walking around with an entire population with guts full of pesticide, and you can’t absorb your food, and you destroyed your gut bacteria, what kinds of things bark are we giving our children? Right? So I wrote the book, even Yogananda talks about the spark of light that happens from the astral realm, he knew he was able to see it, he talked about it, it’s one of the quotes that I use. So if people could just realize that they can clean themselves before they have a baby, that they can clean up their thyroid, they can clean up their Hashimotos, they can clean up the inflammation that can purge the egg and the sperm and make a better, faster, stronger baby, we would set ourselves up for a Better, Faster, Stronger next generation and not all these children who are so sick.

Jasna Burza 49:07
This is a message that I want everyone listening with, you know, who has experienced or is experiencing infertility to hear because, you know, I wish I had known that at the time for six years, it was up and down. And so many women spend years with treatments and expensive treatments, and they end up broke and unhealthy. So thank you for that. I think this is really going to probably change lives. So thank you.

Dr. Courtney Hunt 49:35
You have to clean yourself before you have a baby. You have to clean yourself before you have a baby. But also that’s a metaphor for me. Because we’re at the Eve also of the quantum evolution or revolution where quantum computers are coming online and the quantum internet is coming online and artificial intelligence is coming online and right now it’s at a baby level and it will have Have sentience, it will have consciousness, it’s, it’s, it’s very clear to me what’s coming. And we are training it in our image. And the image that we’ve given it for the past year as a complete shit show. So what are we allowing this to believe of us? What are we teaching it in terms of values and morals? And what is it going to see of us?

Jasna Burza 50:26
Well, I’m also really hoping that it’s recording you because you can offset the effect. So long the word that relates to another question of people also asked anxiety, I think with any kinds of illness or dis ease, there’s an incredible amount of anxiety and the amount of folks or anti anxiety meds and I believe that that it’s, it has connection, what were you saying? So, I, my intuition is telling me that when you connect to the light that brings the inner joy and a different level of consciousness that anxiety disappears, and healing becomes a predominant emotion. What are your thoughts?

Dr. Courtney Hunt 51:05
I see anxiety is brain inflammation. So when I do my genetic tests, I’m looking for the genes that turnover, serotonin, dopamine, glutamic acid, GABA, I’m looking at those genes. And I’m looking at your mitochondrial function. So if I can increase your energy production in your brain, and I can give you the nutrients that I think you’re deficient in, or that you can’t turn over well, to stabilize your neurotransmitters, while I’m cleaning your nerves. That’s your connection to Source. That’s your connection to light. That’s your connection to God, that is your connection. And once that starts to come back online, the anxiety goes away. You’re able to live in the moment, let me say it another way, there is no time. In the in the tapestry that we live in tie into quantum physics time does not exist. And the only reason that we perceive time is that we have these brains that make enough ATP so that we can sleep and store memory when we clean ourselves. If we didn’t have this receiver, there would be no time. So Einstein says it the laws of physics say in that field, there’s no time. We are here to perceive time. If you can just get yourself clean so that you can focus on this time. You know, Eckhart Tolle, they all say, whether you’re the spiritual person or the physics person, there is no time it doesn’t exist. All you’re doing is remembering memories, and anticipating the future. And from a quantum physics perspective, that’s true, too. So the anxiety goes away, when you get the receiver clean, it just goes away.

Jasna Burza 52:40
I love that you get good health, you get a nice tan, no sunburn, you get skinny and happy, I love it. Maybe not skinny, but said I just love it. It’s

Dr. Courtney Hunt 52:53
because they want the weight loss. And I say it’s not about weight loss, you’re gonna lose two pounds a week on average. But it’s not about weight loss.

Jasna Burza 53:03
It’s really about about connecting to life and living the life that we’re meant to live the way we came here. You know, you mentioned recently pulling the, you know, tests for people and realizing what are your genes telling me and all of that. So that’s part of the genetic protocol. It’s a company that you run in Arizona, and you see people in person in Arizona, but you also do online consults on online, I’ve had many friends who have called you and they’ve already had sessions with you and life changing situations. But tell us a little bit about the neutral genetic testing. How does that work? And if you’re taking new patients,

Dr. Courtney Hunt 53:42
yes, so we mail you a cheek swab. You swab your cheek, you mail it back to a lab. I know a lot of people have concerns about DNA, we just keep it for a few months and then dispose of it. If you’re worried about giving us your DNA. It’s a private lab, it’s not going to be sold. You can use a pseudonym if you want to. But we take your DNA, and I look at all of the steps that I just explained. So I look at how your inflammatory cytokines are wired to make you inflamed. I look at your genes for autophagy or cellular cleaning, I look at how you make the parts of your body that detoxify you. And I put together a plan if I’m going to be limiting your carbohydrates. I put together a plan of what supplements you can take to help you transition while you’re changing your diet to help you maintain your blood sugar to help you not get angry to help you not get mad. So I can target what foods you need to eat where your weaknesses are or what supplements you can take if we can’t get enough of the food or you don’t want to eat the food to take you through about a six to eight week transition until you hit that maximum autophagy. Once we get there, we can get rid of some of the stuff that you have that you’re taking for inflammation. So it’s kind of like you know if you’re really inflamed, and I can see that I’m going to put you on an anti implant Montreal Protocol until we you’ve lost all the weight, most of the inflammation is gone, then we take that away and we come back and we start filling your body with things that give you energy also based on your genetics, so I can see your how your mitochondria are coded, I can see how your neurotransmitters your brain chemicals are coded, I can I look at your methylation pathways, so I take you through like a three month transition, making sure that you’re getting the right nutrients, right, because what are we made up we’re made of molecules that come from our food. And below that were made of subatomic particles that make up the atoms that make up those molecules. And those subatomic particles are interacting with this field, this quantum field that I’m talking about. So when you get the hole and and the whole thing is getting instructions from the light and information from the other people, the electromagnetic field of the people around us, so everything is connected. When you understand how from that perspective, you can build someone a plan and say, okay, as long as you put a picture on your mirror of what you look like when you were 20 years old, and you felt good, or 25. Or if you haven’t felt good, since you were 12, when you were 12. And then build a picture in your brain of how you want to look again, and you get up and you look at it. And then you go through the paper that I gave you based on your genetics, and you eat this food to reconstruct your brain, you take this supplement to reconstruct your brain. And it doesn’t take long for most people to start feeling better when they when they’re just given a plan that says, here’s how you’re coded. Here’s what works, here’s what doesn’t work, fix the things that don’t work inside of you. And you’ll come around fast. For most people, it’s only about three or four weeks before they start feeling better.

Jasna Burza 56:33
Powerful. So are you taking new patients

Dr. Courtney Hunt 56:36
I am I am taking I am working right now date night, Saturdays. So I’m working around the clock to get people healthy, or I’m going to I’m starting to do webinars so I can do it more in bulk, or to cover more topics with people because I, my only time to teach for free is when I’m hiking. I don’t have any other time during the day. And I realized that when people can’t see me and they don’t know my lingo, because I use a lot of phrases that people aren’t familiar with. And then I have basically have my own language to discover to explain this stuff. You have to learn my language, I get that. So I will be doing webinars that are more like this more like face to face where people can ask questions. My mission is just to help as many people as possible.

Jasna Burza 57:16
I love that, folks, if you’re hearing this, if you are feeling off in any form in your life, physically or mentally, I’m telling you, you have got to at least listen to her lives. And like I mentioned the beginning of this, this conversation, watch everything changed, because little by little things. You know, even if you don’t follow, just just just stick around, I promise it will all make sense at some point. And so I want to so you’re taking patients and they can contact you on your website, and we are going to have links below above to decide wherever this is going to air. We’re really quickly also where can people access the book

Dr. Courtney Hunt 57:58
today? It’s free on my website, Courtney hunt, MD.

Jasna Burza 58:01
Okay, folks, so go ahead and sign up on the website for that book. Dr. Hunt, I have two more questions. To wrap this up. The second to last is what do you think is the ultimate goal of any individual human existence?

Dr. Courtney Hunt 58:18
Help each other?

Jasna Burza 58:19
Love that? And then what do you want your legacy to be?

Dr. Courtney Hunt 58:24
I think that we are about to undergo a major transformation in humanity and I want to be a powerful force and making sure that it goes the right way.

Jasna Burza 58:35
Wow. And you are you’re already I feel like even if you just stop right now you’ve already made such an inroad with so many people who are just religiously following you. Any parting words to anyone out there who is listening? And is really feeling we’re all feeling just not right? Something’s off? What What words do you have for them,

Dr. Courtney Hunt 59:01
you can get better. As long as you see it, you can get better you can heal from anything, you can reverse anything. You just have to see it. I just want to say one more thing. Thank you to my teacher.

Jasna Burza 59:13
Dr. Hunt, I want to thank you I have a million more questions to ask. But I know you’re extremely busy. And I want to respect that time. I felt like we covered so many things that are going to be so meaningful. Thank you for your soul. Thank you for your dedication. Thank you for your willingness I genuinely mean that and thank you for agreeing to do this and you’re extremely busy you don’t do this very often. And we’re just going to do it justice and spread the word because he’ll one he’ll everyone else.

Dr. Courtney Hunt 59:42
Thank you. This was fun.

Jasna Burza 59:46
About and again soon. That’s good. Bye. Well there you have it, folks, thank you so much for tuning in. It means the world. Please share with anyone that might find this useful and go ahead To all iTunes stations and please give us a five star rating so much love for you all please please please know that everything can be different you’re wordy you’re good enough unless uplevel together

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