Here’s why you don’t like someone
Yes you can, but you have to start by taking small action every day.
Hello beautiful people,

Someone told me recently the real reason I don’t like or detest someone that really got me thinking about myself in a way I never thought about. Could this be the same reason you find yourself not liking someone?

Watch and find out for yourself!

Yes you can, but you have to start by taking small action every day. Here’s a recent video I did that will compliment this topic!

Here’s a hard pill to swallow. Someone once told me that if I really, really really detest someone disliked them so much did I see a part of myself in them? And I did not want to accept that because how can I be anywhere close to what they exhibit, but I think that there’s some truth in it, that maybe I’m afraid of becoming like that. Or maybe I’ve done something similar and you know, it reminds me of it. On the same token, if you’re very inspired by someone, you know, that you look up to someone, someone you really, really like and want to emulate. It’s the same thing. It’s part of yourself that you see in them. So maybe it’s something that you’re not allowing yourself to, to show. So a quick tip for all of you is like, if you really like someone, if you like the way they look or the way they talk, try to emulate them and invite more of that in. That’s it.

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