How to improve any relationship

How to improve any relationship

Watch WCCO Sundays

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
We’ve all had them those relationships that really just aren’t working for us. So how do you know when it’s time to fix it or let it go? Our expert weighs in with some tips in this morning’s Sunday check in. Good morning, guys.

Jasna Burza
Good morning.

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
Now I know this show is based on positivity. But let’s be honest, some of us have negativity going on in relationships in our life, maybe it’s someone in our family, maybe it’s a co worker, a neighbor, an old friend we grew up with. So really want to talk to you about three ways that we can try and transform those tough relationships in our life. And the first one I know you said, is changing focus.

Jasna Burza
I think that it is so important to know this sometimes it’s healthy and important to first of all improve or or move on from negative people in our lives. So but when we really want to fix something and maintains relationships, number one, I think that very often is because of the miscommunication or an actual perceived hurt. So I think, how do we change the energy around that relationship? I love this process of taking responsibility for our own actions without blame, and then showing forgiveness writing a letter to the person that has, or, you know, writing about them in a very positive way. So what do I do love about them? What what has been the most wonderful in our relationship together? I think that in the end, it really makes us feel incredibly good. And on an energetic level, I think that that person is bound to perceive that on the other end and feel feel that energy from

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
from us. And this is very counterintuitive, but the concept you just brought up of actually doing something for them, it’s probably someone who’s heard us.

Jasna Burza
So that is very difficult. And it is counterintuitive, but he works every single time. And here’s why. If you have a tenuous relationship with with someone, it’s very easy to focus on the anger and resentment. But when you when you do something for them, you go out of your way to do something kind in breaks the cycle. And it makes us feel alive. Because when we have a negative relationship, we’re the ones doing it. And in the end, it makes us feel not very good. And we don’t want that. So when we do something kind and loving, especially for someone who has hurt us, we energetically changed our relationship. And with that person in mind, but also it makes us feel like I you know, I’m a good person, I’m taking a high road here and makes us feel really good. I really

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
liked that though, because I heard the quote this week that goes along that lines of if nothing changes, nothing changes. And like trying to change the conversation. And I also want to know about you say sometimes people can be mirrors. To us.

Jasna Burza
People are always a mirror for us, you’re a mirror to me as any of my husband is and especially people that we don’t get along with. So I think that there’s a reason people show up in our lives. There’s a reason why sometimes we have those tenuous relationships. So I think by focusing on the inner and processing our own state of mind, and this is without including the other party, and quantum physicists tell us because of something called entanglement, you and I are for example, forever connected in this in this quantum physics world. So that means that when I think about you in a healing way, and I work on myself, you are bound to feel that as well. So I think it’s that inner shift that in the end, we have to be okay with ourselves without the expecting anyone else to change. And that in fact, changes the entire relationship and the energy around it.

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
Okay, well, these are tough things, but we can do them, right. Yes, we can. Thank you. Thank you.



Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
is more accessible than ever. It’s something that takes work, but I believe it’s Oh, so worth it. Here’s a life coach Jana Borzoi. On the power of self development. Yasmin, good morning.

Jasna Burza
Good morning to those a bit.

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
Okay, something I’m pretty passionate about personal development. We see it everywhere right now. But why is it so important?

Jasna Burza
Personal development is the thing that makes us us. It helps us assess our life goals, and really helps us become the best version of ourselves. It helps us to be proactive, take charge of our actions. And it really shows that people who invest in personal development has success and satisfaction in life. And you know, I do believe Warren Buffett Buffett said it I do believe that the greatest investment that we can make is investment in ourselves. And that is personal development continually working on becoming the better version of ourselves.

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
And another one big part of it is consuming. There’s so many things out there, but books, podcasts, advice, therapy, all of that.

Jasna Burza
Absolutely. There, there really is, I think we have to determine what we need at the time. But we don’t have to spend a dime. And it’s so readily available, especially today, there is so many incredible trainings and podcasts and books. And I think that if you’re willing, that’s all you need is time.

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
And one thing that’s helped me with self awareness, as simple as it sounds, is even Instagram, following people like you, I mean, there’s a lot of people on there giving insightful advice. And like you said, it’s free.

Jasna Burza
It really is because of the social media has, there’s the double edge to it. It’s such a blessing, because we do have access to information. And I think that it does give us a moment of self awareness. Because when we get to know who we are what we want, and when we don’t want, we can design the life based on where we were, what what do we need, and I think that’s such a great, great gift. And I

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
think that’s what this is about right? Is is getting life direction and clarity at the end of the day that comes from personal development.

Jasna Burza
Absolutely. Because when we have clarity about where we’re going, what do we want to do for the the plan for life, decision making becomes a lot easier you say no to things that you know, are not part of that plan and the tasks, they really are so difficult for us. We they just don’t, they’re not as difficult because we know we have a why. And I think that there gives us an incredible focus and clarity, it gives us the motivation. And we become so much better about prioritization. And again, people who invest in themselves and they get to know themselves. There’s an incredible sense of confidence about showing up in the world, which directly relates to self esteem. And then success and productivity in the world that we’ve talked about so much of that on the show. Yeah,

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
I mean, in the end here, it’s worth it to do the work. Oh,

Unknown Speaker
all these My goodness, well, look at the world that we live in right now.

Jasna Burza
So let’s really personal development to the challenges in life. There will be tough times in life and when they when these things occur. When we have taken the time to develop, we will have greater confidence, resilience, personal and interpersonal skills, we will have better relationships and those really make up our life. So I’m such I’m such a big proponent of always working on ourselves, because it’s not just us that we’re happier. But I do believe that we make this world a better place.

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
I agree. Thank you so much, Jasmine.

Jasna Burza
Oh, thank you. It’s such a pleasure.

Susan-Elizabeth Littlefield
Well, he is now has a free weekly course on personal development and finding your purpose Yasmin You can find it on WC


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