It ain’t slowing down baby so you gotta make it go slow

Yes you can, but you have to start by taking small action every day.

We have never lived in a more unpredictable world. Many of us are losing ground under our feet and it’s not going to slow down anytime soon. Not to be doom and gloom (you know my middle name is #pollyanna) but while change is always the constant- the amount of it and speed of it right now is making us all feel very anxious.

Last night, my husband and I talked to some friends how anything that takes more than 10 minutes will get automated in the near future and how that may leave room for us to do other fun things. Don’t be fooled. In case you haven’t noticed, we have the best productivity and time saving tools we have ever had and we have never been this busy, overwhelmed and anxious. It’s not about to slow down.

What’s the answer? You have to find your anchor. You have to resist the notion that you have to follow the herd. You have to stop making yourself miserable now so you can retire in Florida.

Be still. Connect with humans you care about. Invest in your health. Slow down. Say no more. Say it some more. Take a bath. Read a book. Take full vacation off. Quit your job and work at Starbucks if you are losing your mind and health. Slow down and be present. Now. It ain’t slowing down baby so you gotta make it go slow.

You do have the power after all, don’t be fooled by the notion that others are imposing something. Get up and reclaim your life.

Yes you can, but you have to start by taking small action every day. Here’s a recent video I did that will compliment these tips!

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The danger behind fitting in

Someone recently set me on fire by saying that I should make sure my kids fit into the American society by going out my way to provide cultural experiences because their parents are immigrant and God forbid they stood out. I think this is how we create cages for our kids and ourselves and it’s a danger to society and I explain why.

80/20 formula

80/20 formula

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This past week, I wanted to throw in the towel

This past week, I wanted to throw in the towel

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