Sobriety and the lessons from the dark side
Yes you can, but you have to start by taking small action every day.
Hello my beautiful people,
I feel so fortunate to be able to work with and spend time with the most amazing souls. People fail to realize how much they teach me with their stories, resilience and spirit.
I have always been a fan of learning through other people’s lessons and I hope that you can do the same. This is the reason I bring you these interviews.
On the same token, I can’t stress enough how much wisdom you all already possess. We live in a world of praising celebrities and those achieved fame, but I want to show you that we all have the wisdom we need to find the contentment our soul yearns for.
Today, I share a story of a woman whose life could have looked very differently right now. Michelle Lillestol is a mom, a solopreneur and just a joyful human being. She is glowing and moving mountains in her own life. She is sassy, funny, warm, huggable and lovable.
We sat down to talk about her sobriety journey. We discussed lessons from the dark side and what all of us can do to transform the dark nights of the soul into more light and peace in our lives.
When people go through hard times and are able to use their resourcefulness to come on the other side, I always listen. These are the people who have wisdom to share.
Please let me know if this video resonates with you. What is one thing you may be taking away from it?
If you know of anyone who needs to hear this, please share.
Yes you can, but you have to start by taking small action every day. Here’s a video I did that will compliment this topic!
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The danger behind fitting in
Someone recently set me on fire by saying that I should make sure my kids fit into the American society by going out my way to provide cultural experiences because their parents are immigrant and God forbid they stood out. I think this is how we create cages for our kids and ourselves and it’s a danger to society and I explain why.
80/20 formula
As I develop personally and work with others, I am tapping into something rather magical and during a very early morning meditation, it came to me as 80/20 formula and I wanted to share it with you.
This past week, I wanted to throw in the towel
I am the most optimistic, glass half full and “things are going to work out” person in the entire world. I just am, I was born this way. Then, this past week I have experienced some really tough conversations and some really negative people. At some point, I got so discouraged and just wanted to go away.