Start small and test things until you find what works
Yes you can, but you have to start by taking small action every day.
Hello beautiful people,

Today I have a short tip for anyone who is building something whether it is a business or a movement. We need to talk about the concept of getting ahead of ourselves without thinking about how to reach the goals we have declared for ourselves. This is all about testing what works and what does not work, but remember these tests are not big just small tests to work towards the bigger building block needed.

Please watch and let me know if this tip helped you build onto your goal.

Yes you can, but you have to start by taking small action every day. Here’s a recent video I did that will compliment these tips!
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Emotions and Health with Dr. Eva Selhub

Emotions and Health with Dr. Eva Selhub

If you struggle with any kind of trauma, dis-ease in the body or anxiety and panic, this podcast is for you. Here’s what we covered: How she came to bridge western and eastern medicine together when she got poked with a needle from an AIDS patient.