Today I have a short tip for anyone who is building something whether it is a business or a movement. We need to talk about the concept of getting ahead of ourselves without thinking about how to reach the goals we have declared for ourselves. This is all about testing what works and what does not work, but remember these tests are not big just small tests to work towards the bigger building block needed.
Please watch and let me know if this tip helped you build onto your goal.
Join the crowd and be happy you did.
Julie Burton Interview: self care, entrepreneurship and ModernWell
I sat down with Julie Burton to talk about ModernWell and how it came to fruition and to talk about self care and fears and entrepreneurship and motherhood and everything in between.
Being thoughtful about our own lives
But I find it interesting that we are often so thoughtful about others and it comes very naturally but when it comes to our own lives it can be much more difficult to be thoughtful.
Dealing with hecklers
The interactions we would share the following days would be one of the most powerful learning moments that could ever come from this experience