Doing what you love is important in so many ways. I share my story and few tips on finding your “IT”.

The importance of doing what you love

by Jasna Burza | Uplevel Together

Hi, everyone, this is Jasna from And today, I am just so incredibly excited. And I want to talk to you about the power of having found it. Now, I had to really pause my work for a few years now, because I had TBT babies. And I really, really missed doing the work. And then I started, you know, getting back into the do routine. And I really wanted to bring some of my clients, former clients together and create a little gathering like I used to do before. So we had a very, very just small, gathering, maybe 20-25 people who could make it tonight, and it was so incredibly empowering. I mean, I was sitting at the table, watching these unbelievable individuals, men and women who have accomplished so much, first of all, they’re unbelievable human beings, people that, you know, they’re in my life that I respect and admire. And then they are just doing the most amazing thing. I mean, from life coaching, to opening fitness companies to starting art companies to, you know, doing massage and philosophy and dog walking businesses. And it was it was just so absolutely incredible, I realized, I think most people should realize by now the 99 99% of my clients end up starting a business or really doing their own venture, which is really cute. But it was absolutely affirming to me to be there tonight. Because sometimes, when we’re doing things and working, we can get lost in the business. And I’ve been doing this for quite some time. So I you know, it becomes this, okay, I’m just I’m doing it. And I forget how lucky I am to have found it and how incredibly powerful it is to do what you love. Because it tonight, I felt like it was the universe wanted, you know, expanded a little bit more, it was so powerful. I felt proud. And I felt happy. And I felt like wow, I’m making a difference in such an amazing way. So I had this really, really, really thing that I wanted to share was that first of all, no matter where you are in your life, don’t keep looking for the it, it doesn’t mean you need to quit your business or your job rather and start a business. Absolutely not. But you may be in the wrong career, you may be in a wrong calling, right. And you may be doing admin work when you really should be doing sales, because that’s where your strengths can be used that or you may be working, you know, in very analytical, statistical type of jobs where you really want to be on the creative side. So it’s okay to have made a choice. But it doesn’t mean that you have to, you know, stay there forever, you can change you can make change in your life and create a life that you can really be proud of. And it is such an incredible, incredible feeling. It’s not like every day is, you know, screaming from the top of the mountain, there’s work and we have our own humanity in our moment. But there is something so powerful about doing something you love, and being good at it and being affirmed and recognized for the work that you’re doing. I really find it incredibly powerful. So what can you do, and they can really give you this feeling a little bit on a small dose. So whatever it is you love doing, just do it immerse yourself in the environment. So what was so powerful about tonight is that I was completely reminded about why I do what I do. Not that I don’t know it but it was such an A powerful affirmation that just gave me so much motivation. That I feel like I’m going to invest even more in the work that I’m doing take it to the next level. Because, wow, yes, this is it. This is great. So if you, you know, have been itching to do any kind of writing, take a writing class, if you would like to maybe move into a sports arena or move into a creative arena, we’ll just go ahead and do it. It’s never too late. I mean, I went from a public policy, international affairs career to this nonprofit worlds to corporate world where I was in sales, and I’ve never done sales before. And I walked away from probably 10 years of, of career, and to be want to be a life coach. I mean, I still remember my parents say, is saying, you’re going to be what. But I don’t look at it as a loss, I look at it as something that I’ve gained, the things that I’m going to do for the rest of my life. So you’re never late. I believe that this ease in the body and unhappiness comes from not doing what we love and feeling so stressed out about not being used in a way that we’re supposed to be used our skills that were underused, they were really not contributing in the way they were meant to be contributing. So I just really want to encourage you to immerse yourself in one or two activities that bring you that state of bliss, flow and excitement, because it’s going to affirm you. And it’s just going to give you a little bit more energy to keep moving forward, because action creates emotion. And just like emotion creates action. So move into action. So you can really create a whole different emotion in the body. I hope this was useful. And don’t give up just keep keep doing one step at a time. Just imagine that next year, this time, things could be just very different. And if there’s anyone that you can think of that would find this useful, please share. I love it. I hope that many people will hear this and here’s in a way where and it’s really, really timely for them. So remember that you are exactly where you need to be. But you don’t have to stay there. Thank you so much and I will catch you next time. Bye

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