What if stress can be our friend?

Yes you can, but you have to start by taking small action every day.

Hello my friends,

Do you ever get upset with yourself about being stressed out? Or worry about it? Talk about adding to your plate. Well, research shows that just believing that stress is bad caused harm to your physical and mental state. So, how do I get rid of both, you ask?

By looking at it from a different perspective.

Stress can be our friend and we actually need some of it and today I show you how and give you super practical tips that will help when you have crazy days.

I share the research, the tips and some laughs with Elizabeth and Steve on my last visit to Twin Cities Live show. I wore red (thank you Paula for getting me out of my comfort zone) and I learned that Steve may have cheated on a test. Hmmmmm. This team is amazing and their segments are phenomenal.

Watch and let me know what you think.

I had a blast talking to Elizabeth and Steve and I hope you will enjoy the nuggets of wisdom you can implement today.

Would you like more of these tips?
Join the crowd and be happy you did.

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