Not where you think you should be by now in your life? Me too. This podcast is about this feeling that can send us all down a spiral of discouragement and depression.
Join the crowd and be happy you did.
Why being vulnerable is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and others
We are taught to present a version of ourselves that is flattering, but if we present a version of ourselves that is vulnerable that can be our best version
One simple trick to supercharging your spirituality and productivity
Hello everyone, Hope life is treating you well and hope that you are enjoying the calm that post summer season brings. This is a great opportunity to go within and ask yourself the questions you didn't want to ask before. It is also a great time for new...
How to turn misfortune into a blessing
I want to share with you some of my tips on how to turn misfortune into a blessing, an opportunity to grow, learn and turn into something good. No matter who you are, where you are and what you do - you will run into some kind of misfortune. It may affect you directly...