Mandy Tadych on how she started a TV show: how Twin cities live came to be
Yes you can, but you have to start by taking small action every day.
How do you become THE executive producer of a very successful lifestyle show? Well, today I have a guest who tells us exactly the path she took to create a job of her dreams.
Mandy Tadych is one of the most fascinating women I know and she happens to the Executive producer for Twin Cities Live. Sometimes, I look at her and I simply don’t know how she does it all. She is a friend from college and we recently reconnected and I couldn’t be happier.
You will L O V E Mandy. She is down to earth, honest, hard working and a go getter. She is creative, extremely talented and such a phenomenal people person.
We started by talking about getting started in the field…..selling yourself even though you don’t think you have the qualifications (on paper) for the job. She talks about how she convinced Hubbard Broadcasting she should run a brand new show.
Yup, she actually started the show from nothing and created one of the most watched shows in the area.
Mandy Tadych tells us how she overcame the doubt and started to believe in herself with a lot of people watching her every step.
What I love most about Mandy is that she is R E A L. She says it as it is and is not afraid to talk about her demons. At some point, she wondered if she should go get a job at Target and forget her dream of building a career in journalism. That was an interesting point……if one path doesn’t work, doesn’t mean you are not meant for it. Watch for that part – it is golden.
As a woman, how do you take credit for the work you do without being boastful? Mandy talks about her own journey to owning herself.
I hope you will come away from this interview with as much inspiration and strength as I did.
Mandy, I look forward to watching you grow and see what else you have stored for us…….I do know it will be great and I will be forever cheering for you. Thank you for being a teacher and an inspiration to us all.
At some point, Mandy wondered if she should go get a job at Target and forget her dream of building a career in journalism. That was an interesting point……if one path doesn’t work, doesn’t mean you are not meant for it. Watch for that part – it is golden.
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